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Red Maria

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Everything posted by Red Maria

  1. Lookin' forward to meetin' you too Capt' !
  2. Actually it was Treasure Island in spaaaace! It was pretty good actually. Didn't do well at the box office though.
  3. I have a belaying pin from the Black Pearl.
  4. Wondering if the Disney Store is carrying Muppet Treasure Island yet :)
  5. <sings> When you 're a professional pirate you're always in the best of company!!!
  6. Hon If your first name was Hector wouldn't you prerfer to be called Barbossa? I know he's a hero in the Illiad but it'd still a geeky name!
  7. Happy Birthday Gary!!!! Many Happy returns!!
  8. The book is Engraving by Hogarth 101 Prints Sean Shesgreen ed. Dover Press, 1973 ISBN 0486224791 It's illustrations to the poem Hudibras by Samuel Butler. Looking at it again it's English Civil War period but the clothes etc. could be a bit later. The other one I was thinking of was A Harlots Progress by Hogarth. I found this book at the Library's duplicate sale today A Rake and his Times by John Harold Wilson (who wrote a book on Nell Gywn titled Nell Gywn, Royal Mistress) Fredick Mulller Ltd. 1954 about Goerge Villiers the second Duke of Buckingham. Maybe get it on an ILL or www.Bookfinder.com.
  9. Very good. Covers many aspects of women aborad ships either as wives, prostitutes or in disguise. Anything published by the Naval Institute Press will be a good, well researched book.
  10. I sorry I forgot to include you JR! My apolgies! Yes she's a fine historian in her own right. :)
  11. Hogarth did do a piece that was late 17th century that would fit into your criteria. Again the name eludes me so I'll have to check at home tonight. I recently picked up 3 books of Hogarth material at my library's duplicate sale. One looks like 18th c. binding. A thought now. Nell Gwyn might be a good person to look into.
  12. William Hogarth a Rakes Progress and another one I've forgotten that deals with a courtesean. I'll have to look it up when I get home tonight. Also the book that Dangerous Beauty was based on An Honest Courtesan. Look at almost anything by Henry Fielding. Daniel DeFoe, Tobias Smoellett, & Lawrence Strene.
  13. Well I know Robert C. "Roy" Ritchie here at work (he's head of the Research Divison) . I also know Ken Kinkor. Roy know Cordingly and Reidecker. So a at leat 1 degree of separation from them. I also know David Moore who's the archeologust for the Queen Anne's Revenge. So maybe I can get you in touch with Roy, Ken, or David.
  14. Zorg have you seen this?
  15. Oh this is sweater weather compared to where your heading! *opens a keg of Bass ale* Maybe some of this will cool you down Capt. :)
  16. Happy Berthday BB! A toast to the Capt.!
  17. Want to try then Sealegs? Girls are you game?
  18. It's an old slumber party game I played when I was a kid. One girl lies down on her back with arms crossed over her chest. two girls on each side and one at here head and feet place two fingers (middle and index) underneath her. everyone closes their eyes and a girls begins to chant "girl's name body is getting lighter. It's lighter than a <blank >(anything that's a little lighter than the girl lying down). and next girl repeats it and so on till you get the wear the girl who is prone weighs nothing. Then starts a chant that the prone girl can be lifted up. That goes around and the group begins to lift the prone girl. Worked eveytime and with pretty hefty girls! sometime a couple of feet off the ground. Oh yea we did try and do it without the chanting and could budge even a lightweight like me. :) That game and ouji boards were standard slumber party games. Ouji boards got pretty scary sometimes. I rmember one time starnge creaking sounds and cold air. Spooky!
  19. Hey! How about 2 fingered levitation! Me first! (Lies down on back arms crossed over chest.)
  20. Happy Natal Day Bess! The card is in the mail.
  21. BUCCANEER BIRTHDAY SONG (Sung to the tune of “The Volga boatmen”) Chorus: Happy Birthday Arrrrgh! Happy Birthday Arrrrgh! Death, destruction, and despair Children crying everywhere Chorus May the candles on your cake Burn like galleons in your wake Chorus One thing in life you must learn First you pillage then you burn! Chorus Hear the women wail and weep Kill them all but spare the sheep! Chorus Now that you’re the age you are Your demise cannot be far Chorus Happy Berthday Royaliste! :)
  22. I remember Louie saying that the Black Pearl was sold to some resort owner on the island the film was shot on. He wamted to make it into a tourist attraction (apprantly he had more foresight than Disney). Shortly after purchase he found out it didn't come with the barge that the ship needed to move about. To rent the barge was $3,000.00 a day! Well the man decided to scartp the Black Pearl and this is were Louie fortuitously showed up. Mounds of block, tackle, belaying pins etc. strewn all over the place. Louie asked what they were going to do with all the stuff and the reply was throw it all out. So clever Louie asked if he may have some of it and the reply was yes. So Louie pack his sea chest full of stuff. He then asked how much for all the stuff and the reply was no charge! Yes mateys gratis! Now that's booty! Louie kindly gave members of PRP pieces of his booty. I have a belaying pin that was sort of given to me by Louie. But that's another story I think he mentioned selling somethings on e-bay but I don't know if he ever did. So now Disney is going to have to go to the expense of building another Black Pearl.
  23. Congrats Redd! All the best on getting the movie made! :)
  24. Yeah it's a good one. Interesting though how Kidd goes from being young, stocky, swarthy, clean shaven, and bald and on baord ship (the Lady Washington) to older, bearded, thin , pale, and with a long grey hair in jail. Those English prisons were hell! The magic of show biz it is! :)
  25. The horror! The horror!
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