Red Maria
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Everything posted by Red Maria
Thanks Foxe. There's a facsimile copy(1651) in reference here and a1651, 1653, 1716 in rare books. I think it's easier to photocopy the facsimile The music notation is a bit hard to read. Barely resembles modern notation. I've started to take fiddle lessons (to play in a band) and I want some insturmental tunes for myself or the band if need be.
I'm looking for fiddle tunes pirates may have played for work or pleasure. If notation can be provided all the better. Thanks :)
Please note that the pewter in question was produced between 1689 to 1730. Pewter marks don't give the date of manufacture. Check this site: http://www.members.aol.com/pewtrsocty/marks.htm It still have beem made during the time of the QAR. Unlike the Lewis & Clark site ther hasn't beeen anything that hasn't been dated after 1718. Yes of course the pewter could have made after 1718 but considering it is the only peice that mighthave been and might also have been made before 1718 and everything else found hat the site as been consistantly of an earlier date which would you go for? Yes still not 100% but well with the timeframe. Also please give me a wreak that would be constistant with the finds abaord this vessel.
Just a reminder that the “Last Pirate Talk” is this Thursday 7:30 at the Huntington Library. It is free and will be held at Friend’s Hall which is to your left as you enter the entrance Loggia. Hope to see you there
Except the fact it's packing alot of gunpower and nothing found so far has been dated beyond 1718. While not a 100% it's very compelling evidence.
Capt. Morgan & Others Here's a text site with the story: http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory...TC-RSSFeeds0312 And a video site: http://abcnews.go.com/US/videopanel/videoP...Panel?id=144999 Sorry you misssed it.
Foxe, I noticed our old friend David More (from Pirates e-list) was briefly interviewd on it.
Orlando & Keira were Goood Morning America in a segment titled Guess Who's Coming to Breakfast. Keira was in cbain boy garb and Orlando in his usual POTC garb both live from Dominica discusssing POTC II & III. There was mwntion of Kiera d(Elizabeth0 oing a fight with 2 swords and Olando (Will) havig something to do with a giant squid.
This bit was on Godd Morning Maerica this morning: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=761304 For the girls Orlanndo! For the guys Kierain cabin boy garb!
My old roommate has told me that the soap booth has a pirate line of products. Hmmm Ode d'Plunder perhaps? I'll find out tomorrow! :)
My old roommate just informed me that traffic getting to the Faire site (after exiting the freeway) has been horrendous. As much as an hour and a half from freeway to parking lot. She advises to get to the Faire no later than 9:30 am. Just a warning!
Not this year. Closing day is this Sunday. Sad indeed.
Not at Southern. Cornoa yes and it's this weekend. There will be no Memorial Day weekend at Southern this year as the park people didn't allow it. Last day of Faire is this Sunday this year. I'm going to try and make it out Saturday since I have a band rehearsal on Sunday. Is anyone going on Saturday?
Well the Library finally got in A pirate of exquisite mind : explorer, naturalist, and buccaneer : the life of William Dampier / Diana & Michael Preston.ana & Michael Preston. A fine book indeed. If any of you women are looking for great names there are some listed in it as names of ladies of easy virtue. Among them are: No-conscience Nan, Salt-Beef Peg & Buttocks-de-Clink Jenny. All described as "Hot Amazons". Gotta love it!
Arrgh A sand sculpture Billy Bones would appreciate. http://www.boingboing.net/2005/05/09/sands...ure_photos.html
If you're coming out to LA rmember to contact me about getting passes and a private tour from me for the Huntington! :)
If you wanted to check out the collection here's the online catalog: http://catalog.huntington.org/ Try a subject search pirates. The advatage I have is I can check out rare materials at my desk. Right now I'm reading. The grand pyrate: or, The life and death of Capt. George Cusack the great sea-robber. With an accompt of all his notorious robberies both at sea and land. Together with his tryal, condemnation, and execution. Taken by an impartial hand. Licensed Novemb. 19. 1675. Roger L'Estrange and An exact narrative of the tryals of the pyrates. And all the proceedings at the late goal-delivery of the Admiralty, held in the Old-Bayly, on Thursday and Saturday, the 7th. and 9th. of Jan. 1674/75. where eight persons were condemned to die: (viz.) Capt. George Cusacke, alias, Dixon, alias, Smith. Gerrard Coundon. VVilliam Collingwood. Gerrard Stack. Henry Lovewell. Simon Harker. and Miles Fitz-Gerrard. For taking and robing two ships, viz. the Robert, neer the Fly: & the Ann, on the Dogger-sands. And John King, for taking and robbing a ship called the Palm-Tree; neer Harwich. As likewise the fineing of an Ostend captain 400l. and two of his officers 50l. a piece, for not strikeing sail to the Woolwich, one of his Majesties frigates. And many other circumstances there, very remarkable: the like court having not been held for many years before [London :|bs.n.],|cPrinted in the year: 1675 Apparently Cusack was a famous pirate in the mid-17th c. but he's not gerally well known now.
Lad if I had a place to put you up I would. :)
Thanks for touting my workplace Habor Master! :)
This is at the Huntington Library in San Marino, CA. That's where I work: Lecture: “The Last Pirate Talk” June 2(Thursday) 7:30 p.m. Robert C. Ritchie, W.M. Keck Foundation Director of Research, will talk about the nature of 17th-century buccaneering and the myths that have been created about it. Free. Friends’ Hall.
Compass :a story of exploration and innovation / by Alan Gurney. New York :W. W. Norton, 2004 ISBN 0393050734
You better not, or they will do the same thing to you that they did to the Arawaks........ But whats for desert ? Exactly. Ask an Arawak about the Caribs. And yes there are still some around (speaking as someone whose some of my ancesters came to Puerto Rico around 1512 with royal land grants). The Caribs were'nt passive by all means!
Human is long pig. Long pig not kosher. :)
I hate to say this but rain was forcasted for both Saturday and Sunday. Right now there are intermiant drops of rain. I hope the Faire won't be called on account of rain.