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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. It might seem too early to start projects for next year, but as detailed as some projects are, and considering the cost of good materials, I believe we should start now. With this in mind, I propose a "kick-my-butt-and-make-me-get-back-to-work" thread. This is the thread where we explain the projects that we want to do for PIP 2009 and we tell them to everyone else so that they can nag us at reasonable intervals to finish them. Reasonable. Intervals. These are just a few of the items I'm going to do for PIP. 1 - Traverse boards. I'm going to finish the Watch Dog traverse boards and add another one for the Mercury. 2 - I'm going to make imprinted bales and bags as set dressing for the camp. 3 - I'm going to finish a second complete outfit for my kit.
  2. I'm probably too late to help you sleep, but when you wake the day's special is particularly nice.
  3. Cute. Abject evil. Cute. Abject evil... ...and the Universe imploded.
  4. Again...the trophies wandered. Something to do with drinking. I never saw them again.
  5. I won the most rum for a non-drinker last year. The crew drank my trophy.
  6. Let me explain. We have the Chocolatefest in January. Lots of it. We have waaaaay too much chocolate. Then when February rolls around we have chocolate...AGAIN.
  7. You need to go to Baconfe...oh wait. Meat. We do a Chocolatefest in January.
  8. I confess...it was too broad a statement. Let's discuss the period from 1690 to 1720, just to narrow the scope a bit. This should easily cover enough muskets for my interest, though I'll except any recommended replicas going back to 1670.
  9. The ship so nice you toast her twice!
  10. Well, my fine ladies and lads, we've grown enough over the past few years to merit our own crew forum on the Pub! Raise a glass and let's have a toast for the Brig Sloop Mercury! May she know fortune forever!
  11. I understand if this subject is moved to Twill, but this forum also seemed appropriate. In the interest of serving myself and others on multiple fronts, perhaps we could use a good timeline of muskets with images and historical references for each. I've seen my share of them on various vendor sites, but I also know that the replicas available and the times they represent are sometimes debated. For example, I've seen and heard different years place on the Brown Bess. I'm looking into the purchase of my first musket ever, so the topic is especially important to me. I want to see it all, from Russian to French firearms and back again.
  12. I've collected Spectrum over the years for the great variety and styles.
  13. Thank you kindly for handling all of the photos and film this year. Robert and I will be there next year to assist.
  14. Is this evidence of 'the fire' mentioned in previous posts or was this a separate matter?
  15. I abused my feet so badly last year that I limped for well over two weeks after it was over. There were times at PIP that I couldn't walk at all, so I'm an insert advocate.
  16. Aye. An early and late happy birthday to everyone of the December Club. I'm days away now and all I really want is enough drywall to finish the new office. I hate having the house torn up with half finished projects.
  17. I want pictures of people in their shirts!
  18. With the crew of the Mercury growing year to year, I think we would be well served to have a crew subforum here among the crews. Please add us when you can.
  19. August 5, 1704 - At Le Coq William paid the proprietor and his kin handsomely for their care of Wellings, adding enough into the sum to buy rum against the pain he was certain Wellings would feel as they went. He also bought from them another blanket, which they tried to gift to him, but he wouldn't hear of it. Wellings was carried out, table and all, so that he might not be bent or jostled too much. with him came a parcel made up of his clothes, already laundered. Then came the difficult task of tenderly laying the man within the confines of the carriage. As this was done, William paid the hosts many compliments and thanks. Then he boarded the carriage with Wellings, Lasseter, and Desmarais. Added to this came Monsieur Coulombel, the French marine in the charge of Desmarais and Durand who took a seat next to the driver of the carriage. Off they went, and Wellings' features tensed at once. It took him a few minutes to get used to the motion of the road and wheels working against each other. "Good people." Wellings remarked, when they were but a quarter mile down the road. "Aye." Dorian agreed. "We'll know a drink there some day." William promised, hoping it wouldn't be a toast to the departed.
  20. August 5, 1704 - Customs House of Aglionby The sound caused Eric Franklin to turn and walk to the window. It was easy to see the cutter under full sail moving swiftly off before the wind. "The Lucy is away." he said aloud to no one in particular. The others paused for only a moment before returning to the task of setting the place right for Wellings. In truth, they had already finished the preparations twice, but Maeve had changed her mind a third time, anxious to have the room best prepared for what might be a gruesome task or two. Also, they had nothing else to fill the time, for none of them knew how long they would have to wait before the arrival of the man, so they filled the silence with pacing and long looks out the window. When it was obvious after a time that all was prepared as well as it could be, Pascal, Eric and Alan took to waiting outside under the eaves of the customs house, speaking on every subject imaginable. They even bought a few niceties that passed with different vendors to liven their scant rations ashore. They ate, talked, waited and watched the sun move revolve painfully slow in an almost flawless sky.
  21. You aren't going to wear it are you? Tonight's special is lovely vegetarian pasta, just for Mission.
  22. I love watching the numbers grow. I especially like watching the repeat numbers. I remember being bombarded with questions from people who were planning on attending in 2007. Pirates who seem hesitant before, are seldom so after they've attended.
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