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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. The docks were crowded at that hour and at first they could not find enough horses to bear them all Northward. When all of their French was exhausted, Jack produced the only other language at his disposal. Coin. Gold, like French, was a language unto itself and it excited more assistance than they had found since landing. They were pressed upon by several men eager to rent or sell animals of varying quality. Jean's patience was tested and he sorted out the greedy from the fair at once. He sent one man away with his dignity bruised by strong words, for the man had attempted to sell a horse not fit for meat and Jean said the same of the seller. Jack had not yet counted out all the money and Jean and their guide were already on the move, hooves flying.
  2. I'm craving fish and chips in the worst or best way, but I want to eat them in a London hotel while watching Doctor Who reruns. It's a very specific craving that requires a trans-atlantic flight and a good tv.
  3. You mentioned my name and Men Hater's Club in the same sentence. Drat. I knew the women hated the menu...
  4. Chrispy is one of the few people on Earth that can really sell that hat.
  5. That's very odd...my ears are burning.
  6. I ran a 10 hour firefly game on Saturday. Lot's of lead. Lot's of Alliance. One RDC failure on a three story building... ...not much left to pick up.
  7. Doctor Steel has a Pirate Division! ARR! Any other Toy soldiers, Nurses or You Scouts on the Pub? http://www.toysoldiersunite.com/index.php?...did=123&s=1
  8. Hate is a strong word, but speaking of words, I had my share with a few pirates that were abusing Fort Zachary Taylor in 2005. They got horribly drunk and were damaging fort property and risked getting their necks broken in the process. Needless to say I got very vocal about it, because their neglect of the place jeopardized our return to the fort year to year. I hate people who ruin a good thing for everyone else.
  9. Stynky: “I plead my belly; I am quick with child!” I vote that we hang him and save the public the cost of a trial.
  10. My wife bought me a hand knitted monmouth cap from Gentleman of Fortune. I've wanted one for a long time now, so it was as much as I needed to make me happy this holiday season. I've worn it more than any other hat that I can remember owning in recent years.
  11. I received mine just yesterday and forgot to mention it. I've been busy. If there is still interest in us doing a compilation disc with art, the rest of you can send a disc this way. Great stuff.
  12. "Never speculate in the face of messengers, Mister Roberts." he said, trying to follow the conversation between Church and Babineaux. He shook his head several times at the man's stubborn insistence to speak with William above all others. "Will you go with men of the 'Dog to seek out Captain Brand?" he asked, suddenly interrupting Henry as he translated. Henry relayed the question, but while the man hesitated, Jim added. "The Captain is gone to fetch back a wounded man of our crew." Henry and the man went back and forth a minute before Henry turned again. "He'll go in the direction of the Captain if guided." "Good. Fine." Jim turned to Jack. "Fancy a trip ashore, Mister Roberts? The 'Dog is at rest, so I can spare you and one other."
  13. No, no, no. You misunderstand my question. What navy do you think this is...? It's the Mercury. We don't follow the example of others. We are an entity unto ourselves.
  14. August 5, 1704 - The Watch Dog Eight bells of the Afternoon Watch. First Dog watch begins "Oh, le chien de garde!" the messenger called when within shouting distance of the Watch Dog. "Je suis venu de, Monsieur Durand!" The watches were just changing out as the Frenchman approached, but Henry Church was called forward by the Bosun's Mate just the same. Jack brought the man to the rail to translate for him. Henry, who had been cautious to use French while in prison, was glad to make use of the language for his benefactors. "Uh...Oh, Monsieur… ?" he began. "Babineaux. J'ai un message pour capitaine Brand!" "He is not he...pardonnez...il n'est...uh...pas ici, Monsieur." Jim Warren had made his way forward by this time and the three men discussed the approaching boat. Jim went to the rail and gestured for the man to come alongside. Here, they held conference, with the man who would not give up any pertinent information. Jim twice assured him that he could speak for and receive information for the Captain, especially on matters touching the ship and crew. Babineaux considered on the matter. Starboard Watches on Duty
  15. You have to attend at least nine or ten times before it makes sense.
  16. He...? That's Mary diamond. Tsk. Tsk.
  17. That would be grand. Now that's recruiting.
  18. Mister Red Wake. I wonder of people called Edward Teach "Mister Blackbeard". By the way, I approve of the surgical practice on monkeys. Animal testing before anyone comes near me with a saw.
  19. What navy do you think this is...?
  20. Scarf or no scarf, he'll take the share mandated by the Ship's Articles and like it, just like everyone else.
  21. The Baboon was right...? You were much drunker than I remember.
  22. Nicole Andryko is her real name, but she's known in the intelligence community as Natasha Akilina Solomentsev. There are more than a few people who would gladly see her behind bars at Khabarovsk. She was instrumental in getting some thirty-eight peo...oh wait. This isn't a secure website.
  23. August 5, 1704 Eight bells of the Afternoon Watch approached, with Dorian and William still bound for St. Pierre by carriage. The ride had not improved over time and everyone aboard was weary of the poor road. Back in St. Pierre, another messenger from Durand had arrived at the docks. Unaware that William Brand was ashore, he called for a boat to take him to the Watch Dog, there to give further news of L'Ours investigations. With the rowers paid, the messenger settled into his place at the bow and wiped a tired brow. He had ridden hard to St. Pierre per instruction and was anxious to do good by Durand, a man noted for his generosity when pleased.
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