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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. Maeve removed herself from the room with the same discomfort it had caused her to enter it. If it was possible for her to look more careworn than before, then she was just that. Anyone watching her now would have forsaken their bed or any open spot of deck for her use, for she leaned upon the wall a little. She sighed. The conversation within had been a long one, but only as revealing as any guesswork could have been, for Preston was at once witty, present and attentive, while exhibiting signs of fever, dispassion and a removed kind of carefree observation all at the same time. He was certainly no less stubborn for being ill, wounded or mad as a March hare. For he had persisted in a kind of manic confusion, all the while protesting his good health. "He's mad as mad may be..." she said aloud to no one but herself, for even the guards did not hear her. Then she smoothed her clothing, out of habit more than anything else, and went to report vague summations about unclear findings. She sighed more than once as she went.
  2. "Mother of Pearl..." he said with wondering awe.
  3. Any pics of that said Tavern? Would like to see it. BTW - thanks again for everything at PIP - you rock! Only really old pictures and you're welcome. I'll try to get some more current shots of the place.
  4. Oh if they want a fight, we'll give them a fight. We like shootin'.
  5. William Brand carries several credentials in the form of Letters of Marque. He has one from the Spanish and another from the French. They are at once credentials, and at the same time, very damning documents. You might look into these and some occupational licenses. There are numerous examples of offical tavern licenses, writs of permission for millers, vendors and small business, and documents for the distribution of goods. Example: License to sell drinks out of doors - 1707 "To the Honoured Court of the Quarter Sessions for the County of Bristol Whereas Richard Hail junr of Swanzey desires of the Selectmen that he may Retail Strong drink our of doors we judging him to be a man of good Converstaion and well Quallified for such an undertaking knowing there is no more Licenced to sell drink our of doors in this town judg it Convenient and therefore we give our approbation if the Honoured Court think fit to gran him his request" Signed by Joseph MASON and William Anthony Selectman. Swanzey/Swansey MA dated 1707
  6. Fortunately for us (and I don't mind tooting our collaborative horn in saying this) we represent a good collection of well mannered folk, with good kit, a wide range of period knowledge, and the means to adapt to just about any festival conditions. Having met most of you in person and having talked to the rest of you in some electronic capacity, I think we'll be well received. As for people who think of themselves as 'outside the crew', put that idea aside. I for one will gladly welcome any good sailor from another crew. In fact, I've already taken the liberty of inviting a few. I'm going to begin listing out collective camp gear in the first post just as soon as I get the chance.
  7. I'm guessing that you want us to portray river pirates.
  8. Excellent news on all fronts, and I don't mind a small site fee. We are most definitely coming to this, so we'll be planning accordingly. My thanks in advance to those fielding calls. If you want me to speak to anyone at the fort at anytime, feel free to send them my email or any other contact information that you have. Meanwhile, the flag continues. Costuming continues. Nautical tools of the Mercury continue. We'll have a very well rounded camp in June.
  9. Thank you, both, for feeding us information from a local perspective. CaptJ has also agreed to feed us as much information as possible, so it's nice to have crew in the event's back yard. Tracy and I will probably drive out the event, so we'll need to plan a stopover in Denver along the way.
  10. How would you like to be listed on the roll?
  11. Well, in addition to the good information about bad weather, you could bring the cedar poles you've volunteered so many times before. That would make the shipping or packing of poles a great deal easier on many of us, and I would appreciate it greatly. Speaking of wood...do we get to make campfires at the event or are we restricted to braziers? Can you provide wood for burning?
  12. The Fort De Chartres Rendezvous at Prairie du Rocher, Illinois will be held in early June. The close proximity to Captain Bo, Captain J and the Thatcher family make this a worthwhile and practical event for the Mercury. In this thread I hope to discuss the where, how and when of it all, but I'd like to begin with camp kit. For example, Tracy and I own an 8' x 7' x 9' wedge tent. I have a handful of plates, bowls, cups and a small mix of cooking gear. I own blankets, seabags, nautical instruments, and soon, a seachest. We also have a huge flag in the works. I'd like to get an idea of what we have together by means of shelter, kit, furnishings and cooking gear. It also wouldn't hurt to know how many people can carpool to this event and with whom.
  13. My therapist says that I shouldn't, but... Once upon a time there was a boy who knew only happiness and sunshine. This boy loved marshmallows and chocolate and was naive enough to think that hot chocolate with marshmallows could never be made into a tool of pure evil. ...no. I'm not strong enough.
  14. The Mercury crew would be glad of the added company. If you have no objection I'll number you among our own.
  15. T-bone steak. Medium. Mashed potatoes smothered in hickory smoked bacon. And for cake... ...rice crispy treats. You won't find my inner child dead or missing.
  16. Welcome aboard, Mister Noland. Do enjoy your stay.
  17. My many thanks to those who truly did their best to help one and all feel welcome. It's often hard to run around and meet and talk with everyone at PIP on a good year, but with so many new people in attendance, I was hard pressed to meet you all. I heard many great things about so many of you that I hardly had time to speak with, so my compliments to you all. Also, a big thanks to those who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Especially to everyone who helped clean up in the aftermath of PIP. A hearty yo-ho and good fortune.
  18. Yep. They look like sneakers, but trust me...those shoes wanna fly.
  19. My Rocket Dogs! Yes...I want those back when you get a chance. Just dump them in the sea chest for now.
  20. Thank you, all. It's been a very interesting year all around, and no, it isn't old age. It's scheduling (damn scheduling). And if you spent any time at PIP this year, you know the havoc that scheduling can cause. I was supposed to go to dinner with my parents on Friday, but we had to change it, due to scheduling conflicts. Such is life. Still, it's been a very good birthday. I've actually been celebrating my birthday since PIP and earlier, as much of my kit there was a birthday present from Tracy. I'm also wearing my present to myself...a Mercury hoodie. Tracy has been buying me all sorts of early Firefly collectibles and must-haves, including prints, dinosaurs and not a few obscure replicas. I'm spoiled. Nine hours and forty minutes into my birthday, and still no bacon.
  21. It's all me this time, I'm afraid. Trying to do too many things at the same time. Apart from a few shirts waiting to travel with monmouth caps, the last of the shirts and sweatshirts ship today. Watch your mailboxes.
  22. Le Nonne in Logan. Best Italian ever, though I once had a smashing good pasta in Little Italy in New York. Sushi at Tanpopo, now closed. Sadly, the owner passed away from cancer. The perfect dinner at Cafe Sole in Key West. 18 hour smoked beef brisket at Armadillo Willie's anywhere they serve it.
  23. The many double takes that greeted me as I clapped hands with friends I had not seen in years. Eating good food, well prepared in good company. That perfect fatigue that comes from a long day of honest work among fellow pirates. Standing under the stars on the beach following my last gate watch of the event. It was about 4 in the morning, quiet as an empty church, and clear enough to lose whole constellations. Sitting in the dark in the middle of the Mercury camp that same night listening to the quiet snores of two dozen of my fellow crewmates, too glad of the sound not to just sit and soak up the feeling of the sleeping camp. The report of the French six pounders across the field. Standing about with a half dozen burly men talking cheerfully about sewing of all things. Sitting at table with the Mercury crew during the last dinner. Talking to my children on the phone while surrounded by song and conversation at the Archangel's fire. Storming the field of battle. Thai food! Strolling about the camps in a monsoon. Sneaking candid shots of friends having a good time. The auction. Any more explanation would make me out to be a monster. Meeting new people I've known for years. Rubbing elbows with Captains and countrymen and knowing that we'd all do it again in the future. Also...William Brand's middle name is Tyndale, and I think Sterling and Tyn would make a great name for a book.
  24. Here's a group for people still looking for pirates in Colorado. http://www.piratesofillrepute.org/forum/
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