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William Brand

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Everything posted by William Brand

  1. In the interest of finding and meeting with fellow crew members around the globe, I offer this Muster thread. I will maintain it as a simple list of names and towns of those crewmates who have numbered themselves among us. Former members of the crew may also list themselves if they wish and I'll keep that list here as well. Just to start things off, I use the name William Brand at events, though the nickname Red Wake is attached to my Pub name. I live nowhere near the ocean in a high mountain valley in the city of Logan, Utah and I serve regularly as the Quartermaster of the Mercury Names shall be listed alphabetically by persona surname. Muster of the Mercury Persona (Pub Name) - Location in the World Animal (Animal) - Florida Master Alan (master alan) - St Louis, Missouri Lily Alexander (Haunting Lily) - Rochester, New York William Brand (William Red Wake) - Logan, Utah Hamish Callenish (Hamish) - Pennsylvania Hugh Callenish (Callenish Gunner) - Pennsylvania Margret Callenish (Salty) - Pennsylvania Bo'sun Carl (bo'sun carl) - St Louis, Missouri Zingara Carmella (Zingara Carmella) - Beaumont, TX Peter Chaaps (madPete) - Arizona Lady Constance (lady constance) - St. Louis, Missouri Adam Cripps (Slopmaker Cripps) - Fernandina Beach/St. Augustine, Florida Kastaway Kat Drake (Kath) - Arizona Elizabeth Farnsworth (kelli farnsworth) - Tampa, Florida Ben Fridley (Ben Fridley) - Columbus, Ohio Jennie Gist (Jennie Gist) - Columbus, Ohio Mark Gist (MarkG) - Columbus, Ohio Jonah Micagie Greene (Captain Midnight) - Sage Sutherland Greene () - Patrick Hand (Patrick Hand) - Avery, Calaveras (Skulls) county, California David Hatfield (Davey Dog Crusher) - Norfolk, VA Ivan Henry (Mooseworth) - Tampa, Florida Isabella (Isabella) - Beaumont, TX Capt. J (Capt.J) - St. Louis, Missouri Janet (Seafox) - St. Louis, Missouri Jim Keele (Dead Jim Keele) - Salem, Illinois Ole Larsson (j8ksdad) - Escondido, California Dorian Lasseter (Dorian Lasseter) - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Steve Mallett (Steve Mallett) - Florida Thomas McLaren (Thomas McLaren) - St Louis, Missouri Raphael Mission (Mission) - Monroe, Michigan Oderlesseye (Oderlesseye) - San Diego, California Edward O'Keeffe (Edward O'Keeffe) - Rochester, New York Onus one eye (Onus-one-eye) - St. Louis, Missouri Bloody Sam Rackham (Bloody Sam Rackham) - Cartersville, Georgia Calico Ann Rackham (Calico Ann Rackham) - Cartersville, Georgia Ransom (Ransom) - Southern Oregon Scott Salmons (Scott "SCOOTER" Salmons) - California, MO Sabrina Salmons - California, MO Jazmine Salmons - California, MO Brooklyn Salmons - California, MO Izzabell Salmons - California, MO Andrew Salmons - California, MO Daniel Siemens - (DSiemens) - Denver, Colorado Anne Coates-Sharpe (Anne Coates-Sharpe) - Jacksonville, Florida Kate Souris (Kate_souris) - Columbus, Ohio Mickey Souris (michaelsbagley) - Columbus, Ohio Capt J. Sparrow (Capt J. Sparrow) - Beaumont, TX J. Sparrow Jr. (J. Sparrow Jr.) - Beaumont, TX Rusty Spike (Rusty Spike) - St. Louis, Missouri Alexander Thatcher (alexander thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Andrew Thatcher (andrew thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Grace Thatcher (grace thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Miles Thatcher (miles thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Ryan Thatcher (ryan thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Silas Thatcher (silas thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri Zack Thatcher (zack thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri John "Tartan Jack" Wages (Tartan Jack) - South Carolina James Barrie McKay Warren (Captain Jim) - Myakka City, Florida Jonathan Washbourne (Iron Jon) - Ft Lauderdale, Florida Paula "La Paulista" Washbourne (Paula) - Ft Lauderdale, Florida Tudor MercWench Smith (MIranda) - Official Stowaway from somewhere in Ohio Former Crew of the Mercury Murin "Silkie" McDonough (Murin McDonough) - Collingswood, New Jersey And former, former Crew of the Mercury Otter Thatcher (Otter Thatcher) - St. Louis, Missouri
  2. 'Marks' is mentioned in the last paragraph, but I can add it at the top as well. To officially become a member, one has but to ask. With the growth of the Mercury over the last few years, more and more people have joined up and even begun mentioning their connection to the Mercury at festivals outside Pirates in Paradise, where the crew was first formed. Even though PIP is our primary event, crew members are encouraged to gather at as many events as time and money permit, so if you'd like to join yourself to the Mercury, you are more than welcome.
  3. Once approved by the Company I shall pen the entire document by hand and make copies available to the Whole Company. The document will contain all the wonderful, creative spellings and ligature of the day.
  4. Captain Jim is quite right. Having reviewed many articles again I do find that any Man who meddled with a boy or woman without consent was to 'suffer present Death'. I will add it accordingly. Also, the phrase 'what punishment the Captain or Majority of the Company shall see fit' as been changed. In review of many articles I find that they seldom use 'or' in this phrase, but rather 'and', so it should read... ...what punishment the Captain AND the Majortiy of the Company shall see fit. Much more democratic. Marooning was common for mutinous behavior, so I shall leave that one as it is, but for stealing it is mentioned that the man was either marooned or shot in at least two different documents, so I shall add that. If he was to be shot he was bound at the mainmast and then shot by an executioner of his choice. For striking another, one was often flogged under the term 'Moses' Law', so I'll add that. It is also mentioned that those who were careless with fire got the same. I did add a line under quarrels settled ashore, for it is mentioned that a man acting treacherously during a duel ashore was to be set against a tree and shot by one of his choosing as in the case of stealing. Anyway, here is the latest revision. It is simplified in many places and amended with punishments. Articles of the Whole Company of the Mercury These are Articles of Agreement made, concluded, writ herein and agreed upon between all Members of the Whole Company of the Mercury, and any Ship taken or joined to the Whole Company hereafter, and of the Crew belonging to the same, having severally and jointly subscribed their Names and affixed their Marks and Signatures to those Presents as followeth. I - That all of the said Company and Crew shall obey the Commander of the Mercury and any other Commanders of the Whole Company in all respects, as if each ship were his own, except when he shall defer to the Wishes and Wants of the Majority by vote of the Whole Company, or be turned out of his Place by Acclamation of the same. II - That all Plunder taken by whatever means of the Whole Company shall be divided by Shares amongst the same, unless some or all shall be used by Decree of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company, or vote of the Whole Company, to some other Purpose, and providing that only those worthy Ships who served in the Engagement and those Crew that served aboard said Ships shall have a Reward of Shares; that the Captain shall receive eight shares, the Quartermaster of the Whole Company and Masters shall receive seven Shares; the Doctor, Boatswain, Gunner, Coxswain, Master-at-Arms, Carpenter and Blacksmith, six Shares; the other Officers, five Shares; the Able Seamen, four Shares; and those lesser Seamen, two Shares; every Person aboard any worthy Ships of the Whole Company to be called fairly in turn, by List, on board of Prizes for the replacement of Articles and Arms; and that the Doctors of the Whole Company shall have all Medicines and Instruments belonging to any Doctor that shall be taken and called fairly in turn, by List, to choose from them. III - Whomsoever of the said Company shall first spy a Sail and the same prove to be a Prize sufficient to make them a Voyage, They shall Therefore have the best Pistol or Small Arm aboard of her; and that Whoever enters first on boarding a Prize in an Engagement, and strikes her Colours, shall receive Two Shares for Bravery. IV - That if anyone belonging to the Company, be killed in an Engagement, or die on board, their Share or Shares, of all Prizes taken in thier Life-Time, shall be paid to their Executors, if so appointed by Will; but if no Will be made, or no Executors found or proved by Oath, then their Part of what was got shall belong to the general Interest of the Whole. That if any shall have the Misfortune to lose a Joint in time of Engagement, to the Apparent hindrance of getting their future Livelyhood, before any Dividend shall be made, They shall have the Sum of Four hundred pieces of Eight; if a limb Eight hundred; and for lesser hurts, proportionately, and remain aboard as long as They shall think fit, But if there be not so much taken at that Time, the Vessels and the Company shall keep out till they have enough for that Purpose; Provided no extraordinary Accident should happen. V - That all aboard shall keep their Piece, Pistols, Cutlass and such Arms in their charge clean and fit for Service. Any of the said Company that shall not keep their Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect their Business in regards to Arms of the Armories or those Great Guns of the Ship or Ships, They shall be cut off from their Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain of that Ship and Majority of the Company shall think fit. VI - That if any of the Whole Company shall in time of Service be so Drunk & Incapable in time of Engagement that they do not fight and withstand the Enemy, then They shall be Cut off or punished according as the Captain and Majority of the Company shall think fit. VII - If any of the crew shall be found Guilty of Cowardice in the time of Engagements, or incite others to fear or retreat, then They shall lose their portion as aforesaid, and suffer what punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company shall think fit. And whoever of the Company begin an Attack, either by firing a Gun, or using any Instrument of War, before Orders be given, by the proper Officers, They shall be punished accordingly. VIII - Any of the crew that shall be found Guilty of striking one another on board or of taking up any unlawful Weapon on Board the Privateers, or any Prize, by us taken, so as to strike or abuse one Another, in any regard, shall receive Moses' Law on the bare Back. Any quarrel that shall not be resolved between Parties aboard, shall be ended Ashore at Sword and Pistol by direction of the Quartermaster of the Whole Company. If any Man be treacherous Ashore, he shall be set against a Tree and shot by one of his choosing. IX - That Whomsoever of the Company shall speak secretly with Prisoners, or speak any thing tending to the separating or breaking of the Whole Company, or breed a Mutiny, or cause Disturbance equal to the same, or if any of the said Company shall endeavor to desert or quit the Company or offer to run away to meet with another Marrooner that they shall sign his Articles without the Consent of Our Whole Company, declare Secrets and Designs of Our Whole Company to another, or keep any Secret from the Company to the detriment of the Whole, that person shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm and shot. X - The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at Night: if any of the Crew, after that Hour shall remain inclined for drinking, They shall do so on the open Deck, and whoever shall snap Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a Cap to the Pipe, or smoke Tobacco abaft the Foremast while on the Weather Decks, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall receive Moses' Law on the bare Back. XI - That whoever shall steal or cause to be forever lost any Thing in the Company or steal away privately any Goods or Plunder of a Prize taken by the same, or be found Guilty of Gaming at Cards or Dice for Money, or Defrauding another to the Value of a Shilling for any Longer than four and twenty Hours, and shall not fully and truly deliver the same Amount unto the offended Party or the Master for the time being, They shall therefore Lose their whole Share and Dividend as aforesaid and be marooned or shot at the Main. XII - That whoever shall be found seducing any Boy or Woman not of the said Company aboard ship, and carry he or she disguised aboard Ship; or shall anyone at any time meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death. XIII - That none of the Crew shall go on Shore till the Ships are off the Ground, and in readiness to put to Sea, unless a Ship or Ships be abandoned by Acclamation of the Whole company or by all for Thrift or some other Purpose. It is further Covenanted, Granted, Concluded, and Agreed upon that the Whole Company or each Person severally will form those Articles, Excepting the Hardness of the Seas and the Danger of the Enemies of the Company, In Witness whereof all the said Parties to those Articles have set their Hands, Marks & Signatures. Witnessed, Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company and us, the Whole Company. Discuss...
  5. Admittedly, it is specific, but I've found many that are that very way. Letters of marque are much worse. Those things get viciously wordy. Should I thin it a little? Cut the fat?
  6. Over 50 views and two replies. I hope that's a good sign and not a bad one. As I said, I'm open to changes if changes are wanted.
  7. I don't mind correcting a few of the better ones, but not all. Of course, if you want to work out trades or payment, I won't say no. Just send me the highlights for now.
  8. Like this? Before... After... Before... After...
  9. Articles of Agreement can be found at all levels of government and in all walks of life from the period in various forms. There are numerous examples of such articles between proprietors and land owners who shared land rights and adjoining properties. There are also articles of agreement between merchant seaman, trade companies and the Royal Navy. Pirates are no different in this regard and Ship's Articles among pirates are often just as simple or as complex as can be found anywhere else at the time. As we have never discussed Articles for the Mercury, I've taken the liberty of drawing them up, to be approved or changed by members of the Whole Company. Now, when creating the articles for the Watch Dog Project I borrowed on as many period examples as I could find, using the best wording from each and in some places even combining articles of a like nature. Rather than just use the same articles here, I have rewritten some of them, altered the numbering of them to create an order or grouping of similar articles and even added a few phrases I recently discovered from the articles of Edward Low. Most Pirate articles of agreement contain versions of the same rules and punishments, but Edward Low has a few more, such as "No married man be forced to join their company" and "Prisoners were not to be killed in cold blood". As I have not found these elsewhere, I left them out. I'm willing to put them back in again if anyone wishes. Also, Edward Low's Articles state that "Ships of England were not to be taken (unless fate decreed otherwise, and they captured one in innocence)" and a note that "No boats were to be sent between ships after 8PM until morning light". These are also unique to his articles and I left them out as well. I did however add the crime of 'Speaking secretly with Prisoners' to the article touching on Mutiny and Desertion. I also expanded Low's mention of 'hiding Plunder' to the Article that covers gambling and theft. I've also added mention that the position of Captain may be altered by a vote of the Whole Company, as mentioned in some articles. Some articles not mentioned in those below include... -No word to be written by any Man unless it be nailed Publickly to the Mast. -Good Quarters to be Granted when called for. I'll be damned if I give up a good spot. -Every Man to have equal Right to the Provisions or Liquors at any time and use them at Pleasure, unless Scarcity makes a Restriction necessary for the good of All (which runs somewhat contrary to article VI). -All important decisions to be put to a vote. This seems a little superfluous as every article discusses decisions of the Whole Company throughout. -The musicians to have rest on the Sabbath Day, only by night, but the other six days and nights, not without special favour. Why should band geeks get special treatment? -He who has not sworn shall not vote. This seems too obvious to be included. I've also added the amendment that the Mercury and the Whole Company may at a later time travel with additional ships, so the articles are written in the event of a growing armada. It should also be noted that these Articles don't change the day to day aspects of attending any event under the Mercury flag. We don't really use any pecking order or rules while attending events. It just gives us one more little tidbit of information to draw upon when acting our various parts or participating as a group. As I've said, I can alter, add or take away anything by acclamation, so dig in and let me know what you think. Final revision Articles of the Whole Company of the Mercury These are Articles of Agreement made, concluded, writ herein and agreed upon between all Members of the Whole Company of the Mercury, and any Ship taken or joined to the Whole Company hereafter, and of the Crew belonging to the same, having severally and jointly subscribed their Names and affixed their Marks and Signatures to those Presents as followeth. I - That all of the said Company and Crew shall obey the Commander of the Mercury and any other Commanders of the Whole Company in all respects, as if each ship were his own, except when he shall defer to the Wishes and Wants of the Majority by vote of the Whole Company, or be turned out of his Place by Acclamation of the same. II - That all Plunder taken by whatever means of the Whole Company shall be divided by Shares amongst the same, unless some or all shall be used by Decree of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company, or vote of the Whole Company, to some other Purpose, and providing that only those worthy Ships who served in the Engagement and those Crew that served aboard said Ships shall have a Reward of Shares; that the Captain shall receive eight shares, the Quartermaster of the Whole Company and Masters shall receive seven Shares; the Doctor, Boatswain, Gunner, Coxswain, Master-at-Arms, Carpenter and Blacksmith, six Shares; the other Officers, five Shares; the Able Seamen, four Shares; and those lesser Seamen, two Shares; every Person aboard any worthy Ships of the Whole Company to be called fairly in turn, by List, on board of Prizes for the replacement of Articles and Arms; and that the Doctors of the Whole Company shall have all Medicines and Instruments belonging to any Doctor that shall be taken and called fairly in turn, by List, to choose from them. III - Whomsoever of the said Company shall first spy a Sail and the same prove to be a Prize sufficient to make them a Voyage, They shall Therefore have the best Pistol or Small Arm aboard of her; and that Whoever enters first on boarding a Prize in an Engagement, and strikes her Colours, shall receive Two Shares for Bravery. IV - That if anyone belonging to the Company, be killed in an Engagement, or die on board, their Share or Shares, of all Prizes taken in thier Life-Time, shall be paid to their Executors, if so appointed by Will; but if no Will be made, or no Executors found or proved by Oath, then their Part of what was got shall belong to the general Interest of the Whole. That if any shall have the Misfortune to lose a Joint in time of Engagement, to the Apparent hindrance of getting their future Livelyhood, before any Dividend shall be made, They shall have the Sum of Four hundred pieces of Eight; if a limb Eight hundred; and for lesser hurts, proportionately, and remain aboard as long as They shall think fit, But if there be not so much taken at that Time, the Vessels and the Company shall keep out till they have enough for that Purpose; Provided no extraordinary Accident should happen. V - That all aboard shall keep their Piece, Pistols, Cutlass and such Arms in their charge clean and fit for Service. Any of the said Company that shall not keep their Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect their Business in regards to Arms of the Armories or those Great Guns of the Ship or Ships, They shall be cut off from their Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain of that Ship and Majority of the Company shall think fit. VI - That if any of the Whole Company shall in time of Service be so Drunk & Incapable in time of Engagement that they do not fight and withstand the Enemy, then They shall be Cut off or punished according as the Captain and Majority of the Company shall think fit. VII - If any of the crew shall be found Guilty of Cowardice in the time of Engagements, or incite others to fear or retreat, then They shall lose their portion as aforesaid, and suffer what punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company shall think fit. And whoever of the Company begin an Attack, either by firing a Gun, or using any Instrument of War, before Orders be given, by the proper Officers, They shall be punished accordingly. VIII - Any of the crew that shall be found Guilty of striking one another on board or of taking up any unlawful Weapon on Board the Privateers, or any Prize, by us taken, so as to strike or abuse one Another, in any regard, shall receive Moses' Law on the bare Back. Any quarrel that shall not be resolved between Parties aboard, shall be ended Ashore at Sword and Pistol by direction of the Quartermaster of the Whole Company. If any Man be treacherous Ashore, he shall be set against a Tree and shot by one of his choosing. IX - That Whomsoever of the Company shall speak secretly with Prisoners, or speak any thing tending to the separating or breaking of the Whole Company, or breed a Mutiny, or cause Disturbance equal to the same, or if any of the said Company shall endeavor to desert or quit the Company or offer to run away to meet with another Marrooner that they shall sign his Articles without the Consent of Our Whole Company, declare Secrets and Designs of Our Whole Company to another, or keep any Secret from the Company to the detriment of the Whole, that person shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm and shot. X - The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at Night: if any of the Crew, after that Hour shall remain inclined for drinking, They shall do so on the open Deck, and whoever shall snap Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a Cap to the Pipe, or smoke Tobacco abaft the Foremast while on the Weather Decks, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall receive Moses' Law on the bare Back. XI - That whoever shall steal or cause to be forever lost any Thing in the Company or steal away privately any Goods or Plunder of a Prize taken by the same, or be found Guilty of Gaming at Cards or Dice for Money, or Defrauding another to the Value of a Shilling for any Longer than four and twenty Hours, and shall not fully and truly deliver the same Amount unto the offended Party or the Master for the time being, They shall therefore Lose their whole Share and Dividend as aforesaid and be marooned or shot at the Main. XII - That whoever shall be found seducing any Boy or Woman not of the said Company aboard ship, and carry he or she disguised aboard Ship; or shall anyone at any time meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer present Death. XIII - That none of the Crew shall go on Shore till the Ships are off the Ground, and in readiness to put to Sea, unless a Ship or Ships be abandoned by Acclamation of the Whole company or by all for Thrift or some other Purpose. It is further Covenanted, Granted, Concluded, and Agreed upon that the Whole Company or each Person severally will form those Articles, Excepting the Hardness of the Seas and the Danger of the Enemies of the Company, In Witness whereof all the said Parties to those Articles have set their Hands, Marks & Signatures. Witnessed, Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company and us, the Whole Company. Early draft of the Articles of the Whole Company of the Mercury These are Articles of Agreement made, concluded, writ herein and agreed upon between all Members of the Whole Company of the Mercury and of the Crew belonging to the same, or to those Crews of any Ship taken or joined to the Whole Company hereafter, having severally and jointly subscribed their Names and affixed their Signatures to those Presents as followeth. I - That all of the said Company and Crew shall obey the Commander of the Mercury and any other Commanders of the Whole Company in all respects, as if each ship were his own, except when he shall defer to the Wishes and Wants of the Majority by vote of the Whole Company, or be turned out of his Place by Acclamation of the same. II - That all Plunder taken by whatever means of the Whole Company shall be divided by Shares amongst the same, unless some or all shall be used by Decree of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company, or vote of the Whole Company, to some other Purpose, and providing that only those worthy Ships who served in the Engagement and those Crew that served aboard said Ships shall have a Reward of Shares; that the Captain shall receive eight shares, the Quartermaster of the Whole Company and Masters shall receive seven Shares; the Doctor, Boatswain, Gunner, Coxswain, Master-at-Arms, Carpenter and Blacksmith, six Shares; the other Officers, five Shares; the Able Seamen, four Shares; and those lesser Seamen, two Shares; every Person aboard any worthy Ships of the Whole Company to be called fairly in turn, by List, on board of Prizes for the replacement of Articles and Arms; and that the Doctor or Doctors of the Whole Company shall have all Medicines and Instruments belonging to any Doctor that shall be taken and called fairly in turn, by List, to choose from said Instruments for their use. III - Whomsoever of the said Company shall first spy a Sail and the same prove to be a Prize sufficient to make them a Voyage, They shall Therefore have the best Pistol or Small Arm aboard of her; and that Whoever enters first on boarding a Prize in an Engagement, and strikes her Colours, shall receive Two Shares for Bravery. Whomsoever shall first spy a sail of any other ship of the same engagement and the same prove also to be a Prize sufficient to make them a Voyage, They shall be called thereafter in turn to do likewise; and that Whomsoever shall strike the Colours of the same shall also receive Two Shares for Bravery. IV - That if anyone belonging to the said Company, be killed in an Engagement, or die on board, their Share or Shares, of all Prizes taken in thier Life-Time, shall be paid to their Executors, if so appointed by Will; but if no Will be made, or no Executors found or proved by Oath, then their Part of what was got as aforesaid shall belong to the general Interest of the Whole. That if any shall have the Misfortune to lose a Joint in time of Engagement, to the Apparent hindrance of getting their future Livelyhood, before any Dividend shall be made, They shall have the Sum of Four hundred pieces of Eight; if a limb Eight hundred; and for lesser hurts, proportionately, and remain aboard as long as They shall think fit, But if there be not so much taken at that Time, the Vessels and the Company shall keep out till they have enough for that Purpose; Provided no extraordinary Accident should happen. V - That all aboard shall keep their Piece, Pistols, Cutlass and such Arms in their charge clean and fit for Service. Any of the said Company that shall not keep their Arms clean, fit for an Engagement, or neglect their Business in regards to Arms of the Armories or those Great Guns of the Ship or Ships, They shall be cut off from their Share, and suffer such other Punishment as the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. VI - That if any of the said Company shall in time of Service be so Drunk & Incapable in time of Engagement that they do not fight and withstand the Enemy, or cause those within their charge to be so Incapable, then They shall be Cut off or punished according as the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. VII - If any of the crew shall be found Guilty of Cowardice in the time of Engagements, or incite others to Cowardice, fear or retreat, then They shall lose their portion as aforesaid, and suffer what punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. And whoever of the Company begin an Attack, either by firing a Gun, or using any Instrument of War, before Orders be given, by the proper Officers, They shall be punished accordingly. VIII - Any of the crew that shall be found Guilty of striking one another on board or shall be found Guilty of taking up any unlawful Weapon on Board the Privateers, or any Prize, by us taken, so as to strike or abuse one Another, in any regard, shall suffer what Punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. Any quarrel that shall not be resolved between Parties aboard, shall be ended Ashore at Sword and Pistol by direction of the Quartermaster of the Whole Company. IX - That Whoever of the Company shall speak secretly with Prisoners, or speak any thing tending to the separating or breaking of the Whole Company, or breed a Mutiny, or cause Disturbance equal to the same, or if any of the said Company shall endeavor to desert or quit the Company or offer to run away to meet with another Marrooner that they shall sign his Articles without the Consent of Our Whole Company, declare Secrets and Designs of Our Whole Company to another, or keep any Secret from the Company to the detriment of the Whole, that person shall be marooned with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm and shot. X - The lights and candles to be put out at eight o'clock at Night: if any of the crew, after that Hour shall remain inclined for drinking, they shall do so on the open Deck, and whoever shall snap Arms, or smoke Tobacco in the Hold, without a cap to the Pipe, or smoke Tobacco abaft the Foremast while on the Weather Decks, or carry a Candle lighted without a Lanthorn, shall suffer what Punishment the Captain or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. XI - That whoever shall steal or cause to be forever lost any Thing in the Company or steal away privately any Goods or Plunder of a Prize taken by the same, or be found Guilty of Gaming at Cards or Dice for Money, or Defrauding another to the Value of a Shilling for any Longer than four and twenty Hours, and shall not fully and truly deliver the same Amount unto the offended Party or the Master for the time being, They shall therefore Lose their whole Share and Dividend as aforesaid and shall suffer what Punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. XII - That whoever shall be found seducing any Boy or Woman not of the said Company aboard ship, and carry he or she disguised aboard Ship; or shall anyone at any time meet with a prudent Woman, that Man that offers to meddle with her, without her Consent, shall suffer what Punishment the Captain of that Ship or Majority of the Company of said Ship shall think fit. XIII - That none of the Crew shall go on Shore till the Ships are off the Ground, and in readiness to put to Sea, unless a Ship or Ships be abandoned by Acclamation of the Whole company or by all for Thrift or some other Purpose. It is further Covenanted, Granted, Concluded, and Agreed upon that the Whole Company or each Person severally will form those Articles, Excepting the Hardness of the Seas and the Danger of the Enemies of the Whole Company, In Witness whereof all the said Parties to those Articles have set their Hands, Marks & Signatures. Witnessed, Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of the Captain, Quartermaster of the Whole Company and us, the Whole Company. Discuss...
  10. You can't talk about a new sailor's jacket and not post a picture. Infidel.
  11. This site is wonderful for documenting various cast objects of the period and later. http://www.artifacts.org/
  12. This is listed as a late 17th century, early 18th century belt buckle. It is described as a copper alloy buckle with moulded decoration, a small fragment of leather survives attached to the central bar. No size is mentioned, but this is from a dig called the Chester Amphitheatre Project.
  13. I love having objects made by people I know. Very nice.
  14. To achieve well made period clothes, I've found it easiest to focus on one piece of the overall kit at a time. For example, you might begin with the two most basic articles of clothing. Shirts and slops. These are often the simplest pieces of the kit, but also the foundation of the outfit. There are numerous places in Twill and the Sewing room with discussions on these two items, as well as no shortage of vendors making handmade versions of both. Of course, you'll have to cock your own hat from a hat blank to truly initiate yourself into the trade.
  15. Aye. Measure as often as possible. Approximate scales on museum pieces would be very helpful. I've often found that online auction houses will list the size of antiques for perspective buyers.
  16. With Gibbet Jones offering to make period buckles from examples in art and exhibits, I'm putting out a request for buckles in art. Please post images of fancy, unique and even common buckles for shoes, belts, bags and baldrics of the period. The greater the detail in art and etchings the better. Any individual living near a museum is strongly encouraged to sneak a camera in and take some shots.
  17. No, I understood your post and you're right to make the observation. I'm just tabling the concern before it becomes rooted in anyone's mind. It never hurts to critique and observe the whole for the betterment of the individual.
  18. Sadly, this is an often heard theme as we draw close to PIP. Just remember the PIP motto... "Next year..."
  19. For anyone else with this concern, please remember. It is always important to maintain a healthy sense of optimism, perspective and willingness to participate. I spoke with a fellow years back who complained about an event he and I both attended. His complaint was this, no one had made him feel welcome. I asked him if he had introduced himself to anyone. His reply was a simple 'No'. I asked him if he actively participated in any of the activities. Again, he hadn't. I asked him if he had expended any effort in being a part of the event at all. Also a resonding negative. Then I asked him if he observed everyone else having a good time and interacting with one another. He had in fact observed them all actively getting to know one another. He had caused himself to be removed, while laying the blame at the doors of others. The careful organization of fires or any other part of the festival by acting upon the familar is not elitism. It's structure. Just that. The firepits are placed somewhat geographically by camp position in conjunction with large familiar groups to create an ease of location and shared use. It also places the care and control of fire under the supervision of groups large enough to govern them solely for the purpose of maintaining fuel and safety.
  20. Wow. That picture makes you look seven feet tall. Did people take a step back when you went trick-or-treating?
  21. Once more with feeling... WANT.
  22. We need to start a thread in Captain Twill devoted to finding you nothing but period buckle images in the hundreds and thousands. To the internet!
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