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Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Cap'nPern

  1. I be birthed in Jacksonville, Fl. then somehow made me way to the beautiful gulfcoast of Florida otherwise known as the Emerald Coast. Now I hides me ship " Freedom Row" in the southern Chesapeake bay in a rebellious marina alongside the only tugantine in existance. Now I can'ts be tellin ye xaclty where that be otherwise I wouldn't be much o a pirate now would I
  2. My two bits worth, I own two Queen Anne's from Pedersoli and find them to be perfect for early 1700's accuracy. One of them does not fire all the time but that be due to the salt air and the only flint I could find at the time. I bought them already built but would like to build a kit which makes the pistol have a much more authentic appearance.
  3. Cap'n Pern 'ere, I am the Press Gang Master for Blackbeard's Crew in Hampton. On Thursday evening last we held our after Festival Meeting. It was noted that all the other crews that came to the festival did a great job and we want to thank all of you for coming and enjoying yourselves. We look forward to seeing all of you plus more next year!!! Meanwhile Mr Steele and I are currently raiding the 2004 Jacksonville OpSail. Please let me know if you have any events going on that Blackbeard's Crew might be a welcome addition to. Cap'n Pern Press Gang Master Blackbeard's Crew Hampton Virginia
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