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Everything posted by Cap'nPern

  1. Outstanding planning. One update to be made is the bushes shown around the edges have been removed. Sorry for the late notice. I will try to get measurements for you on Saturday.
  2. Hey Dutch have you counted our barrels lately?
  3. Cheeky I just saw your wishes. Did we get to toast one? I think not. So we will have to make up for that. You are adorable! Thanks for saving the day as the narrator this past weekend. Yer Humble Servant... Cap'n Pern
  4. Well there are a few in between but the next big one that all of us can make with these folks will be Beaufort, NC. August 8,9, 10... be there or you will miss a swinging good time. Oh Oh Make me dance the Hempen Jig!!!! Please Please Pleeeeaaaase!!
  5. It did take one back a bit, the crowd was bloody loud and then started insulting us as we passed. I rather enjoyed it as it gave one the chance to better imagine what folks went through during the beginnings of our war of Independence. Who ever got them pumped up on your side, did a brilliant job of it... I have some ideas of how to "grow" that scenario for next year, incorporating both the Harbor... oh wait, best not give it away... will pm you privately when I get back from Port Washington... hmmm I rather like be told I "smell like a French dog!" Ok so someone want to let me in on this taxation skit seeing as it wasn't on the schedule. IT sounds like it was pretty good.
  6. Aye but the buck/shilling stops with you, does it not? Aye sir the Shilling does stop with me! BTW why should I want Pirate Hunters to find me and me crew? So the next time our paths cross Captain Sterling, I assure you I will provide something for which you can blame me! ;-)
  7. Now wait just a bloody minute! Wot did I have to do with lost pirate hunters? I refuse to take the blame on that one. I think...
  8. No effect on the Festival all the damage is south of the James River. Contacts over there say it's a mess and require massive cleanup but no fatalities.
  9. I look forward to your call Capt. Sterling. Captain Spike of the Bone Island Buccaneers called me today.
  10. I can add a little bit more to keep you chomping at the bit. We are looking for Militia to man the waterfront docks to protect the ships from the pirates that will be invading. Also a Dock Master. PM me with ideas. An additional skit on Friday afternoon on the docks before the Grand Pirates Ball. The Mill Point Park Stage will become the Bunch of Grapes Tavern for the weekend. Complete with Bar serving Goslings Black Seal and Ale. The period Dinner Saturday night will take place at the Bunch of Grapes Tavern. There will be a colonial gaming table and tables to sit and eat inside the tavern. The encampment will be larger. Plans for the encampment are underway. Small boat battle up the river near the stage. I will add more as the plans become more solid. Your Humble Servant.
  11. Captain Sterling and Cheeky Actress, There is a possibility that there will be a fire pit sufficient to feed an army. Are you prepared to feed 100 pyrates? Not firming anything up but seeing if the exuberance for the fire pit can be taken advantage of... Dutchman tells me you are going to provide some video of your past attacks on unsuspecting victims. Any progress on that Captain? Cap'n Pern
  12. Thanks for kind words regarding our event Black Fox, Black John, and Silkie. It is always a pleasure to see you at the festival and look forward to seeing you this year. The festival this year is going to grow some more some new things are in the planning. I will share them as soon as they are firmed up. Your Humble Servant Cap'n Pern
  13. Welcome to the news forum for Blackbeards Crew the Pressgang Master Dutchman will be handling the communications via this forum.
  14. Thank you Booty!
  15. It looks like the Blackbeards Crew News Forum is Back online!
  16. Thanks to everyone that attended. That's what makes it all worth while. I have added the photos that I took to the below link: http://picasaweb.google.com/crewofblackbea...ardFestival2007
  17. It was a darned tough festival twas. While I was off pillaging Hampton ta make room fer the hordes of pyrates coming in, one pyrate by the name of Black Fox snuck onto me vessel the Freedom Row and claimed it fer 'is own. Now after an entire weekend of cavorting and drinking rum ta catch 'im off guard I couldna roust him. But the howling winds of the impending storm finally chased 'im away so I could retake me own vessel. Those damn pyrates. But otherwise it was an absolutely fantastic event. It was great seeing everyone. And Black Fox next time lets make sure your schedule has enough time so ye can at least sail yer new found vessel!!!! Great meeting you in person Black Fox. I hope everyone made it home safe.
  18. The Pepsi Americas Sail event was an absolutely Grand and Glorious event!!!!! I would like to personally thank the Beaufort Pirate Wench and crew for the warm reception provided to the Cap'n and S'Steele upon our arrival in Beaufort. I would like to thank Duncan McGuyver and Nan and Dog from the Jury Rig Crew for all their hard work during the week of extreme heat and humidity Ben Cherry and DG for being themselves Captain Horation Sinbad and Lt. Terri Brown for making the event happen; Pirates of the Dark Rose for a great display at the encampment The Devil Men of Cape Fear for being themselves it's always a pleasure to work with Bill Halls Crew. The staff at the Beaufort Historic Association for maintaining such a great venue for a pirate encampment. And if I have forgotten anyone it's because I'm so stressed about gettting some work and doing back to back POTC openings and a Piracy 101 presentation at the Nauticus Museum in Norfolk without getting to recover from the Beaufort trip. So you can flog me the next time you see me:-) Your Humble Servant Cap'n Pern
  19. Great photos Crimson and it was a pleasure to put a face to a name Thanks for coming down and I'm glad everyone had a good time. I think the festival gets better every year!!!
  20. ::Cap'n Pern accepts and returns the kiss from the Southern Chesapeak Bay:: I drank several fer ya lass... But it's not the same without the purple lobster... I still don't have a tattoo but I was the poster pirate this year. If you like I can give you an autographed copy:-)
  21. I fear I owe several pyrates me humblest apologies. As the festival was arriving I was involved in far too many projects in preparation for the festival and neglected to visit the pyracy pub so I did not get your messages. I was able to get a traverse board and a cross staff made for navigation demonstrations. A rope ladder for seamanship demonstrations. And got a new hatch and a paint job done on my boat so The Cap'n & S'Steele had a place to stay. Anyways, Callenish Gunner I apologize for not getting back to you but I checked and did not have any PM's from you. I am glad ye made it and hope yer trip was successful. It was a Grand and Glorious festival even with the foul weather on Saturday. It cleared up in time to have a roust about in the encampment for good rounds of chanties and comraderie. It was great meeting all the new people that were there this year and look forward to seeing everyone down in Beaufort.
  22. Captain Jim-sib, What might a mate 'ave to do to get himself one o those there bottles? As one of the gunners on the Meka II and having fought valiantly against the Schooner Wolf in Ft Myers at the Lee Island Pirate Festival I think it would make a grand and glorious addition to me trophy wall. On second thought, I'd like to get two of them. Cap'n Pern
  23. OK folks the time is upon us!! The 2006 Hampton Blackbeard Festival I almost here. Blackbeards Crew will have their first CD completed. We have ships lined up More details will be posted here as the become available.
  24. Ahoy there Willie the Rum Runner, I have heard a bit about our project the Emerald Cutlass. It's not going to be called the Emerald Cutlass any more. I am not at liberty to provide additional info but it should be completed sometime around the festival, hopefully before. I had to go to a reshoot of one scene last week. There are a couple of reshoots happening still. By March it should go to sound production. I'll keep you posted as more info becomes available. Cap'n Pern
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