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Everything posted by McBarnacle
You may have seen this one before but it always gives me a chuckle:- http://www.metacafe.com/watch/49875/aussie_haka/
LOL Nice one.
Hi Mateys, We've had confirmation of the boat we use to make the scurvy-ridden landlubbers we seize walk the plank off of being available. We've also had confirmation that the event now has it's £5m public liability insurance in place (the reason why the event was cancelled last year). So all sails appear set for the event to make it's spsctacular return. More info to follow as soon as we have it.
Hi all, Tell me what you reckon on this little pic then:-
The best thing is, I haven't put up all the images of Fort Amherst that I have. It's a Napoleonic fort that covers over 30 acres and has quite a sizeable portion of that - around 8 acres I believe - available for re-enactment. The rest of it, which is unrestored, they're hoping to have fully restored one day. It's also just across a road to the River Medway and is just down the road from Chatham Dockyard which was one of the major Royal Navy dockyards for several hundred years until it's closure around 25 years ago. We're hoping to do a full-blooded re-enactment event there next year. If so, then I'll post up details here.
Hi all, Just to let you all know that I've added another 24 pics of this raid to our website. The gallery can be found at:- http://www.sheppeypirates.org/FortAmherst2006.htm
We've had a little more info from the event organisers regarding this event. The theme is based round "working the docks" and aims to foster research into the Royal Navy Dockyard in Sheerness, Kent, UK and the people that worked there. We've been given quite a wide timeframe to work with - 1666-1960 - and that will allow us to focus in the reenactment section on the time around the Golden Age of Pyracy. I'll update the site with more details regularly of the event.
Well great fun was had by all at the event this weekend, despite the weather on the Monday - we got to discover that our awning really was like a sail with the way it caught the wind! - though the kids were a bloodthirsty lot. They didn't need any prompting on our part to demand that we execute the thief at the end of the pirate chase that was held throughout the event!! We've got around 100 pics from the event that will be added regularly to our website over the next few days. I've even begun adding some to this site's gallery. Website URL for the pics can be found in my signature.
By Mozilla do you mean Firefox? I don't know how the Mac versions work but I do know that Firefox - and I assume Mozilla which, I believe, it superceded - as well as Netscape and Opera on Windows all ask if you want to make them the default browser whenever you open them. Doesn't it do that when you open them up?
Nice one! Similar to the ones I've seen where people put up pics on the net like porn.jpg and it's a Chess pawn. Or pussy.jpg and it's a cat.
I've just added myself to this as well. First pirate in Kent to be added.
The first photos from this little caper are now online. They can be found at:- Fort Amherst Pirate Fun Weekend Galleria And here's a sample image for yer entertainment:-
Aye, Aye Capn' Daft, I've already passed on yer invite to our Quartemaster, macStink when I spoke to him last this afternoon. I'll be passing it on to Captain Cutlass the next time I be speaking to him. Master Gunner McBarnacle
Paul, While you'd probably want to leave the Fort Amherst Pirates as a seperate group for now, they pretty much only do events that the Sheppey Pirates do. In fact, a number of them are actually now part of the Sheppey Pirates.
Hi all, Just a small update to let you all know that the Sheppey Pirates will still be doing all the fun stuff that we've develpoed a name for - for example, the World Walking the Plank Championships are back this year after an enforced 1-year absence due to difficulties in insuring the event last year - despite some of the crew getting more into the re-enactment scene. We have a website for all these fun activities and charity work - and the website is the parent website for the whole Sheppey Pirates group. The site is undergoing a slight redevelopment at the moment but will be back up and running soon. Once redesigned it will have a "splash" page with the option to enter the re-enactment website or the main website. The website can be found at:- Sheppey Pirates Main Website
Hi all, Just to let you all know that some of the Sheppey Pirates - about 10-15 at the moment but with numbers increasing all the time - are getting a little more seriously into pirate re-enactment. Because of this, we've set up a website for our re-enactment activities only and it can be found at:- The Sheppey Pirates Re-enactment Website We'll still be doing the fun stuff that we've become known but we've decided to set up this website for those of you that may be interested in our re-encatment activities only and to promote our re-enctament activities. We'll still have a website for our fun stuff The Sheppey Pirates Parent Website and you'll be able to get to the re-enctament website from this website as well.
Unfortunately the event is not now going ahead. Due to the fatality on one of the Dutch boats (ABN AMRO 2 I believe) the mood when the crews arrived in Portsmouth was too somber and it was felt that having a fun event would send out mixed messages. Therefore the show has been cancelled. Our thoughts are with the crew member who lost is life's family.
This event is set round the legend of Dr. Syn who was a vicar in Dymchurch but was also the infamous pirate Captain Clegg. There is normally a Smuggler's Landing on Dymchurch Beach, events throughout the High Street in Dymchurch, a parade and, finally, events held on a green by the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway.
Cheers for that. That's useful to know. Not that we've got that long now until we do the event. 4 more days and then we've got to put a show on for 500 middle school kids.
Hi all, Yet another event to let you all know about. After the success of last year's Sea Sheppey event to mark the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar, the event is to return this year. It will take place on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th September in Bluetown, Sheerness on the Isle of Sheppey, Kent, UK. The theme this year is "Working The Docks" and aims to celebrate the the naval heritage of Sheerness Docks which was a Royal Navy Dockyard from the time of Henry VIII until just after the 2nd World War. There will be several events taking place throughout the weekend including street entertainment, live music, parades, a street market and stalls and a living history encampment with several battles being staged throughout the weekend. There's no specific website for the event but the Sheppey Pirates - http://www.sheppeypirates.org - will be organising the living history camp and battles and we've invited all our brother pirate crews from the UK to take part in the event.
Hi all, After an enforced sabbatical last year due to an inability to insure the event, the World Walking the Plank Championships is back for it's 10 year annivesary. The event is being held on the 13th August at Queenborough Creek on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent, England, UK. Details of the event will be posted on http://www.captaincutlass.com - this site is currently being rebuilt so bare with us - and http://www.sheppeypirates.org. It's a real fun event where a bunch of absolute lunatics get all dressed up and then get thrown off a plank into Queenborough Creek by the Sheppey Pirates. Come along if you can but get there early as it's normally 20 deep on the Quayside when the fun and games start. There will be other stuff going on throughout the day as all the local pubs normally put on events including live music and hog roasts so it should be a cracking day out.
Hi all, We have another little event to tell you all about and that you can keep an eye out for. The Sheppey Pirates - http://www.sheppeypirates.org - have been comissioned for a little caper to welcome Disney's entry into the Volvo Round the World Yacht Race, The Pirates of The Caribbean, into Portsmouth harbour, England. We're working alongside one of our brother UK pirate crews The Sea Wolfes - http://www.therealwolfpack.zoomshare.com - for this raid. We've been asked to fire our cannon to welcome the ship into the harbour, entertain 500 kids all morning and then put on a 20 minute show for the kids, the Mayor of Portsmouth and, hopefully, some actors from the forthcoming film Pirates of the Caribbean 2. The event isn't open for members of the public to just turn up to unfortunately as far as we know but it is being filmed for the Disney Channel and is being shown in the UK for definite and, possibly, the US so you may want to keep an eye out for it.
Hi all, Just to let you know that there's a pirate fun weekend being held at Fort Amherst in Chatham, Kent, England next weekend on Staurday 27th, Sunday 28th and Monday 29th May. The event is mainly aimed at those in the age groups that would be employed as midshipmen and powder monkeys but all are welcome if you're in the area.
What ho me hearties, I'm looking for replica period (late 17th-early 18th century) coins for the band of cut throats that I belong to. The cheapest I can find are about £1 a coin. Does anyone know if I can get them cheaper than that? We only want something a little more realistic to gamble with when we play some cards or knucklebones and don't want to have to go out a-plundering and a-pillaging to raise the dubloons to afford it!! Cheers