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Everything posted by McBarnacle

  1. Captain Cutlass did send me a link for an astrolabe but I think it was a genuine one and quite expensive. Hold on I'll just go check................ ...............Hmmm, now I can't find the e-mail. Must have deleted it by mistake. Then I find this one on E-Bay:- http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie...em=320035479450 Not being an expert I have no idea if it's in any way suitable. What do you reckon?
  2. Captain Cutlass did send me a link for an astrolabe but I think it was a genuine one and quite expensive. Hold on I'll just go check................ ...............Hmmm, now I can't find the e-mail. Must have deleted it by mistake.
  3. Avast and welcome matey. Scrounger be right correct in that yer need to be at t' bar buyin us all a round. Mine be a bourbon matey and thankee.
  4. Ahoy there matey, Be makin' sure ye make yer way to the bar and be gettin' me a tankard of grog so that I may bid ye welcome properly.
  5. Congratulations. A right regular Captain Morgan.
  6. Cheers for that, the prices are pretty good on there. :angry:
  7. Hi all, I'm looking for period navigation equipment but cannot afford antiques so am looking for a place that does decent but sensibly priced replicas, preferably in the UK. If anyone knows of websites/companies/traders that do any such stuff I'd be pretyy well grateful.
  8. Very nice but way out of my price range unfortunately. :angry:
  9. We do indeed, we do indeed. :)
  10. Any news on a release date for the UK?
  11. Except I forgot to complete the order. :angry: Then I found out it had dropped another £6 to £8.45 the next time I checked in. Result! I used the money saved to order Star Wars: The Phantom Menace at the same time.
  12. Well seeing as I only be havin' the one bandana - the rest of me pluner bein' spent on grog an' all - I would have to be sayin' that it's me favourite one. :angry:
  13. We should be easy enough to find. There's a fair few of us on this board - perhaps we warrant our own sub-forum now? - these days:- Scrounger Skavenger Macstink Filch Bob the Cabin Boy McBarnacle plus we have our own website - with forum - that can be found at:- The Sheppey Pirates website So we should be easy enough to get hold of now. :)
  14. Aye, We've come back to claim our colony back. :angry:
  15. I have to hold my hands up and say that I still haven't seen the film yet. :angry:
  16. I be hoping so matey. T'was true we be havin' a whale of a time on our last voyage to Stockton. :)
  17. Ye gads, that means I was 9 when it came out. Being blown away by such a visionary science fiction film was mine when I saw the first film in the cinema. Such a step up in quality from what you'd been getting most of the time until then. Been hooked on Star Wars ever since. I do have to confess, though, that my favourite science fiction film ever was Bladerunner.
  18. Ed I wouldn't even now how to Photoshop a picture. Personally I reckon it was operator problems!
  19. No, you are correct in that the Royal Navy put in an appearance. They did get soundly beaten by the pirates though!
  20. Hi all, Added another 16 photos to the gallery. The gallery can still be found at:- http://www.sheppeypirates.org/SeaSheppey2006.htm and I hope to add some more photos in the coming week or so. :)
  21. Hi all, Well we've got round to adding the gallery for this raid to our website. The gallery can be found at:- http://www.sheppeypirates.org/Swansea2006.htm Hope you like them! :)
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