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Everything posted by McBarnacle
Aye then young master filch, The biddin' be started. Yer'd better be puttin' yer own bid in like and real quick afore the info be made common knowledge.
Except I then find the game on Amazon UK for £14.90! I did order it though. Didn't go for the Collector's Edition. That was £78!!
Many moons ago - luckily before I joined the crew - our group did a CD to promote one of our events. I might well put it up on the net so you can all have a listen. If you're really lucky I won't!
I'd like to but I never got round to buying it when it came out. Now I can't seem to find it on sale over here in the UK.
You're not far wrong there Kass. It's cheaper for me to buy from Jas Townsend, Center Stage Costumes or any of the other US suppliers out there than it is to buy from UK ones at the moment - and that includes shipping!
Now that is a neat action figure! While we're not ordinarily into name dropping, one of the members of this 'ere little forum actually appeared in "Shaun of the Dead". We'll let you try and guess which one - shouldn't take long as there's only a few members of the forum after all.
This is our crew's big boomstick in operation:- and this is one of our crew going through his musket drill with one of our captain's muskets:- and this is our quartemaster and our purser going through drill again with the captain's musket and pistol:-
You weren't swapping posts with another of our crew, Scrounger, were you? He's got more Adam and the Ants albums than you can shake a stick at. Not that that's a bad thing of course. The 2 of us dived in my car one day and piled on down to the coast with nothing but Adam and the Ants or U2 albums blaring out of the stereo. Good day that was I can tell you.
Consider "The History of Punk - Volume 1" added to the list of CD's that will be in the land yacht's stereo then. There's some good stuff on it other than The Dead Kennedys. Buzzcocks Sham 69 The Damned Penetration The Lurkers The Jam (before they went "Mod") The Adverts The Skids God, I almost feel 19 again! In fact, I've just put the CD in the 'ole stereo ahead of The Sex Pistols and The Clash.
Ahoy Mistress Kass, We'll have something else to chat about at Legoland other than pyracy then, won't we? :) Shall I put my CD in the old land yacht stereo that has "Holiday in Cambodia" on then amongst it's many other punk tracks?
Aye. I was cleaning out the garage and found my RECORDS. Exploited, Sex Pistols, DK's, Dead Milkmen, Sham 69, Crass, The Clash.....Talk about a flashback. Now you're talking Captain P.E.W. I've got quite a bit of the same sort of stuff. Takin' a gander at my CD collection, there's a few Clash albums, a couple of Sex Pistols ones - Pretty Vacant has to be one of my alltime favourite songs. I've also got stuff by the Damned, Buzzcocks, Sham 69, The Stranglers, Siouxsee and the Banshees, Stiff Little Fingers, Adam and the Ants (before they went pirate but then that was no bad thing! ), Southern Death Cult and a few others. In fact, I might spin Never Mind The....... and then Clash's first album once my current disc has stopped spinning now you've given me all these flashbacks.
At least it wasn't Too Drunk To........ well you get the drift! Seeing mention of the Dead Kennedys takes me back. Haven't listened to any of their stuff since I left college 20 years ago.
Aye Cap'n Foxe we all be dyin' ter know who filch was a' cosyin' up ter las' weekend. Especially his ma' who's jus' navigated herself to these 'ere waters today.
Fer me it be currently Depeche Mode's Construction Time Again.
Now don't be askin us how it came to called such - it nay doubt involved far too much grog - but our crew's vessel be bein' named the "Salty Sea Pig".
If ye think that not be bein' pyraty enough, then how about this one:- Usin' an image I be findin' on me hard drive.
Here's mine:- It's of the Golden Pavilion in Kyoto which I visited in 2002 when I was in Japan for the World Cup that year.
Toasted cheese and pickle sandwich with Branston pickle. :) One of me personal faves like.
Oh, woe be me! The local barber surgeon - or quack as I like ter be callin' 'em - sez I not ter be drinkin' nay more. The medifications that they be puttin' me on prevents it. What am I ter be doin'?!
We're currently experiencing the delights on one of the satellite channels over here in the UK of the original series' digitally re-mastered versions. In fact, on satellite they're currently showing TOS, TNG, Voyager AND Enterprise - but not DS9 for some reason.
The last time I worked - I haven't in over a year due to medical grounds although I've still got a job to go back to by all acounts - I was a quality controller working for a fruit importers over here in the UK. Did mean I never got scurvy-ridden despite any foul rumours to the contrary!
Unfortunately not. We be contracted fer a little caper the same weekend so we're goin' to have to miss TORM - again.
Ahoy there mistress Kass. Ye not be the Kass that be the acquaintance of a certain Cap'n Ed Foxe are you? If so, then we all be lookin' forward ta greetin' yer when yer ship be makin' port in the UK.
Jus' one more thing Shipmate Scrounger, I decided to be purloinin' yer avatar fer me own use too. I hope ye not be mindin' me doin' this 'cos it'a tough if yer do!
Ahoy there shipmate. Seein' as yer gettin' the grog in, me poisin's bourbon - a glass or 3 of Jack Daniels it'll be fer me once the barber surgeon sez I kin' start boozin' agin'.