Captain Scurvy Dog
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Everything posted by Captain Scurvy Dog
Sounds like what happened to me sis's little friend the dog didnt mean no harm just to bring its master a present is all. She dosnt blame him none o'corse. aye... i didn't blame Xena either... as soon as i heard Wench sqwauk, i yelled at Z to drop her & she did immediately but Wench was dead when she hit the ground... by Wenches eyes it might have been fright fer birds can be scared to death...but thar were a wee bit of blood ...so Z may have crushed her ribcage... i only blame meself fer lettin' them be in such close proxemity...
i be sure to do thee same one fine day! :) Have a great holiday, mate!
Ahoy Master Studley, might be thee reason not many has posted here is causin' many has already posted in Crimson Crow's "Pyrate's Persona". Sometimes if somtin' hadn't been post fer a while, thee new thread will take... but if'en it be thee same thread er so usually thee 1st one takes thee most replies... just fer yer info, so'in ye don'ts think we be ignorin' ye...Fare thee well!
Aye... i tries to get or give at least 3 hugs a day... some days i only has me Wolf Z to hug but when she hugs back i be loosen some blood! ...& then...eh...WHAT IN BLAZES! what be this melted mess in me pockets... aye...it looks like...*sniff - sniff* oh...it be chocolates! (wipes his brow) fer a minute thar i thought Z left me a present! Thank ye fer thee sweet kisses, Mary
*Looks into her empty tankard* *Sniff* None for me? Aye...be plenty of nog here fer everyone...& Merry be right... but i didn't know thar be such as un-spiked eggnog... me nog always be made wit dark & thick rum & a burnt cinnamon stick...
sure it be thee opposite reason i hasn't gone... fer i won't be goin' to a place like that with a male friend... i would feel kinda fruity ridin' on mr. toad!
Ahoy Miss Merry & Mary, a very Merry one to both of ye. Aye, thee holidays can be a lonely time even when ye be in a crowded room... But just remember...Ye is loved by many from all corners of this here lil' world! *Opens a barrel of eggnog & fills Merry & Mary's tankards* "I'll has a blue, blue, blue Christmas witout ye..."
Aye...Only been to Disneyland twice... So if'en ye needs a Pirate escort, gives me a bell... I always be up fer a fun time!
Yeah I hear you there, I just got a mouse Lol To keep me company But It really dose suck when all you want is someone to talk to and hang out with. Most People where I live have absolutly nothing in common with me So it really sucks and ALl my friends are couples except for me. SPecially sucks to go to disneyland with all of them and your the only one wihout that second person so you get stuck riding the rides by your self or in the back lol or trying to keep up with all of them. I not be a feared to talk er listen to ye, Twiggy...& next time ye venture to disneyland gives me a bell & i'll share yer rides with ye! :)
Ahoy Cheryl (that be me sister's name too) i had me 2 double yella head amazon parrots... they used to be able to fly & walk around on their perches inside me pub... till Xena me wolf grabbed 1...i don't think she meant to kill 'er... Wench me parrot looked like she had died more of fright..although thar were a wee bit of blood...& parrots only has but a wee bit a blood in 'em...anyways...since then me other parrot Dudley still enjoys his life but is caged fer safety as Xena still has her freedom to prowl behind thee pub. Dudley talks, laughs, whistles & sings quite a bit...but he only seems to say words, phrases & sounds that he wants to... & i think it be torture to just play a loop tape by his cage fer hours so i don't go that route. Dudley eats alot of different things but loves Xena's Bisquits & peanut butter cookies but me fingers & ears thee best... he weren't hand raised like Wench & he gets a temper from time to time. Great luck wit yer new found feathered friend!
3rd "Lost Disk" of POTC! Hmmmm, I might see meself in thee movie yet! Hahar!
Aha! I thoughts ye meant about low quality cause it be old film... But if they be stickin' 6 - 27 minute shows on 1 dvd it probably be even worse! I only put 3 - 27 min. + 3 min. trailer on each dvd.
Ahoy Joshua Red. How many dvd's in $5.00 set & How many episodes on each dvd mate?
I be distributin' thee full t.v. series (I'll have to check at me other studio later this week but believe thar be 24 episodes), thee Feature Movie & a Special Bonus, Long John Silver Christmas Special all on dvd. Ye can e-mail me if ye be interested in thee full set or individual dvd's. Each dvd of thee t.v. series has 3 - 27 min. episodes + Bonus Pirate Movie Trailer. Then also 2 dvd's are full length feature on each. Thee set comes out to $1.00 per DVD. I will have info on me website soon (within' thee next few weeks, quite busy at thee moment) PirateScurvyDog.com
If'en anyone be interested. I be distributin' thee full t.v. series (I'll have to check at me other studio later this week but believe thar be 24 episodes), thee feature movie & a Special Bonus, Long John Silver Christmas Special all on dvd. Ye can e-mail me if ye be interested in thee full set or individual dvd's. Each dvd of thee t.v. series has 3 - 27 min. episodes. Then also 2 dvd's are full length feature on each. Thee set comes out to $1.00 each DVD. As Joshua Red said, Thee quality not be so great but definately watchable, if'en ye be a pirate fan er espescial if'en ye be a Robert Newton fan. I will have info on me website soon (within' thee next few weeks, quite busy at thee moment) PirateScurvyDog er e-me & I'll give ye thee Skinny. Fare Thee Well, Mates. "In Pirates We Trust, All Others Pay Gold!" Captain Scurvy F. Dog
Aye! didn't see that this one applied to me afore! I mights be a bit sexist in a "Benny Hill" type a way...but whar did the "racist" label come from, I don'ts has a clue! & ta say that I says "women has no say in my little world" from just thee e- I sent! I doesn't know whar that came from either... Might be thee pain meds. :) Hope ye feel better Capt. Gary
I don't know Royalarse or Shawn Porter. But me pleasure ta makes yer acquantances. I Thank ye fer yer support, Captain Scurvy F. Dog
Quote from Royaliste:"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot, but...the digital footage you repeatedly 'refused' from me when you asked for 'quality',(for free!) but 'wouldn't be as good as the DVD from Redd'... as you claimed.... 'twas good enuff for 'the Mouse'.......and it was all the same footage, just a different edit....... Might be ye never recieved these e's, Royaliste. (By thee By...No Worries here Captain Flint, just tryin' ta clear thee air) ----- Original Message ----- From: Captain Scurvy Dog To: the Pyrate Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 10:34 PM Subject: ahoy.. Captain Gary, how goes it mate? i knows ye be busy as ye said & i doesn't wants to be a splinter in yer backside...but was wonderin' if'en by chance ye mights be able to gets that dvd out to me soon? i'm really tryin' to wrap this show up this month fer alots a me mateys has been askin' abouts it...& just fixin' up some audio & hopin' i mights be ables to be usin' some of yer Royaliste footage to ice up thee cake & finish 'er... Thank ye fer yer help, Captain. call me at ANY time Thanks again, Captain Scurvy Dog ----- Original Message ----- From: the Pyrate To: Captain Scurvy Dog Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 7:50 AM Subject: Re: ahoy.. Ahoy, mate!..Just been busy as hell around here on maintainance...The DVD copies haven't arrived, I can send you a cd file of the same footage, just no special features..you have to load to your hard drive , then view...Fair Winds, Gary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ahoy Captain Gary, me time is gettin' a little tight on finishin' me movie...so maybe as ye said, i could be checkin' out thee cd footage... at least that way if'en it be lookin' like what i needs but not high enough quality, i could hold out a bit longer fer thee dvd. let's me know if'en ye needs a few dubloons fer shippin' & handlin' hahar... i thank ye kindly fer yer time Captain & i awaits yer response. call me at ANY time Thanks again, Captain Scurvy Dog -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- aye Captain Gary, i found me way to yer website & it say about supportin' thee "Royaliste" ...though i not be a man of great plunder by any means but whilest i has a few extra dubloons i be happy to part wit some to keep thee great gurl afloat as well as showin' me arrrpreciation of yer lettin' me use her photos & perhaps some video footage. so gives me yer formal name & land address & i'll send ye what dubloons i can live witout this month. ----- Original Message ----- From: the Pyrate To: Captain Scurvy Dog Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2004 7:38 AM Subject: Re: Land Ho! Here's the skinney, mate..I don't know what's up with 'Redd Oktober's homelife, but he's still not sent me the five copies or to Claire. At the haulout last week, my only copy broke in two!...I'll try one more email to him. Have a good day, I'm still replankin' and fastening. Gary ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thank ye fer thee update Captain Gary...if'en ye like i can bug Red about it & let him know that time be of thee escence but i won'ts breathe a word of it unless ye approves... & regarding me last e-... it still stands that i be willin' to throw a few dubloons yer way to helps wit careenin' thee old gurl. let's me know, I Thanks Ye, Captain. LAST POST 10-03... Ahoy Captain Gary, Aye appreciates yer efforts but could waits no longer & hads to use another ship's footage. But do thank ye fer considerin' & tryin' to help betweenst yer busy schedule. Might be next movie we can use ye & yer ship, I'll surely keep ye posted. Fare thee well, Captain. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I has never recieved an e-mail from ye with yer land address or full name.
I were quite worried when I didn'ts hear any replies from ye! Glad yer aboard, Miss Merry! Hope this gave ye a laugh fer yer weekend.
BLASTED! Thar goes me Honeymoon Plans!
sorry ta hear abouts yer surgery mate ...hopes ye gets better... as far as thee "footage fer FREE" i had told ye ye could send it & ye said yer copy broke, ...& i repeatedly e-mailed ye fer yer address fer me ta send some dubloons towards yer ships upkeep. as far as yer mate Desert Pyrate, i guess these things don't mean anything anymore... oh well. apparently, i be not used ta chat rooms...fer all this mess would never of happened in a REAL Pub eye ta eye. Sorry fer yer bad feelin's Capt, Desert & ye too Bess. Have a great life. & maybe we'll meet some fine day in that REAL Pub & has a drink & laugh over it... we'll see fer i get's around a bit in thee REAL world. so it is written so let it be done.
no worries...I already knew ye were going ta do something like that from thee beginning! I know yer kind.
ye should change yer name ta Dessert Pyrate... cause i'd eat ye up & spit ye out, boy!
Ahoy me Lovelys & Buckos, Although I knows who be casting Pirates of the Caribbean 2 & 3... TRUE Not altogether right, he knows who would be doing the EXTRAS casting. I can'ts tell ye! & even if'en ye finds out on yer own, don't be botherin' them wit phone, e-mail or snail mail submissions...Er they wills blacklist ye from the movies! TRUE Well that's true anyhow.... as you can guess they are overwhelmed. Y et... All hope is not lost! Fer they wills be havin' a "Cattle Call" (that be, an open casting call, they be figurin' out a place ta haves it... So if'en ye knows a place rounds about a 25 mile radius of Hollywood, Calif. that could easily accomadate a few thousand people wit parking available that they can use... Sends me an e-mail if'en ye will). :) IF ANY 1 CALLED THE LINE BEFORE THEY CHANGED IT TODAY THEY WOULD KNOW THAT'S ALSO TRUE BUT BESS HERE WANTS TO BE THE BIG-WIG... FINE No, don't send it to him they are doing fine on their own. This is NOT an open CASTING CALL. There are NO speaking parts or specialty acts being cast here. If the edicts comes down, they will have in the future a call for EXTRAS. EXTRAS. Not casting. & to All me Good Mateys here ats thee Pub, Thee first words I gets on thee "Cattle Call", I promise I be postin' here fer ye! TRUE IF YOU LISTENED TO THE LINE THAT'S WHAT IT SAID & THAT'S WHAT IT STILL SAYS ON THE NEW LINE. BUT BESS HERE WANTS TO PLAY BIG SHOT SO SEND HER YER PHOTOS SO SHE CAN FEEL IMPORTANT. THAT'S FINE AS WELL. :) I WAS NOT POSTIN" THIS ORIGINAL MESSAGE FOR ANY FAME & GLORY. JUST THOUGHT IT WAS COOL & WAS PASSING IT ON. I'M NOT A BIG-WIG, NOR DO I TRY TO GIVE THAT IMPRESSION AS ANYONE WHO HAS EVER WORKED FOR ME WILL TELL YOU No need to float your anchors boy and girls... I spoke with the Lady who runs the company (darl'n lass that she is) and she has given me a number a month in advance that will give ALL the information that will be needed when the time comes. Let me know if your interested. And the best part... send me your resume's and head shots as she will be expecting a packet from me for more through scrutiny. In other words, you have an in for a better chance. So, all this over nothing. Words need to be picked over with care.... A casting call is for CASTING, not extra work and when I called production there is indeed NO casting calls needed. I THOUGHT SHE CAST BITS & EXTRAS. I GUESS I MAY HAVE BEEN WRONG. WELL EXCUUUUUUUUUSE ME MISS PERFECT. THANKS SO MUCH FOR SETTING EVERY ONE STRAIGHT SO NOBODY GOT HURT. :) No one ever used the term *extras* Step right up ladies and gents! Be the first in line to send your goods. THANKS I"LL SEND THEM RIGHT AWAY Oh wait. I'd be lying right? Cause I spoke with her??.... NAW!!!!
Rum Runner, I could have done that from the beginning, mate! I didn't want a bunch a calls goin' there...Well what's done is done... Miss Bess, I think ye has way too much time on yer hands lass... Oh well, Have fun at thee wake... Ye be seein' someone off ta hopefully a better life than this headache... & I means that sincerely. & to All a Good Night!