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Everything posted by Cire

  1. I got that fer me 18th birthday. The same night I spilled my rum... I think it was an omen That said, it be a good film... I just wish he had his top on more and quit smiling
  2. Sure Bess, just go on believing that. We knows the truth.... :)
  3. Too much probably. s/he can't punctuate proper.
  4. It be interesting that you can't find anything online, I found lots of sites with the lyrics, and a few with mp3s...
  5. Me thinks someone should get them to do Barbossa ones.
  6. Fer the Brit quiz I got 100% British. I protest! It should be English, because there weren't any questions about Scotland or Wales. Oh, and I am also extremely random. I am beginning to think that random mention of bananas isn't really random.. cos i do it, and that person does too.
  7. I be a traditional pirate too.... think they rigged it? *is suspicious*
  8. Now, being the honest(hah) person that I be, I only took it once, and answered to the best of my ability... not that the best of my ability was very good, as most of em they didn't have a response fit fer me good self.... well, now that I has rambled... like any self respecting pirate I got Barbossa.
  9. Mr Scabbs, I will agree with you that Burt Lancaster needed to stop grinning so much. I also think that his best bit of acting was just after the scientist capsized the boat, however in all, I think the Crimson Pirate is a rather fun film. Both me mum and grandad say, its corny, but still enjoyable.
  10. Cool songs.
  11. Okay, these be a little rubbish, because I'm not really awake yet, but hey throw 'im in the sea and train a broadside on him Send him to the bilges and make him pump solo Throw him in the hot tub without Merry's say so Maroon him on a feminist island Maroon him on a feminist island Maroon him on a feminist island Earl-eye in the mornin' Way-hay and up she rises Poor old fellow don't like suprises Learn that fool to share his vices Earl-eye in the mornin'
  12. I still want to know what the secret is. Tell meeeeeeeeee!
  13. Your dinghy can do that?
  14. I am quite convinced that it is possible for a lad to have an entirely female body, but be otherwise male. I also believe that tentacles are fine things... unless they have a tendancy to travel to areas best left unchartered by their ilk. Dream Wench, ye be a fine lass, and have piqued me curiousity. I'll be havin te spend some quality time with ye, I be thinkin...
  15. I have never really had a major case of sea sickness. If the feeling is anything as bad as the sickness feelings I can get with migraines... well, last one I got I started singing sea shanties, and just focusing on the rhythm helped set me ta rights... took me mind right off it... Don't know if sea sickness be feeling the same though.
  16. Master & Commander (ditto what Captain MacNamara said) Crimson Pirate and PotC at a tie.... to those who liked Hook- I thought it was alright, but not one of the better films with Robin Williams in. I suppose I should watch it again if it comes on tv again just to make sure though, it was ages ago that I saw it.
  17. Well, Jack thought that Hollom had a Jonah look about him before he let him come aboard as midshipmen. It be interesting.. but i think there were considered two Jonahs aboard. One was Hollom, the other was Higgins, the surgeon's mate. the gunner did away with him too, cos he "used an instrument" on his wife, because she had been pregnant with Hollom's child. Of course, being as it was in those days, she took ill from it. After killing the couple and Higgins, he hung himself.
  18. Okies, if anyone doesn't want spoilers into the Far Side of the World (the book) stop reading now. Well you see... Hollom was having an affair with the gunner's wife, who was aboard ship. The Suprise stops off at a small island to careen the ship and the like, and just as they are about to leave, they find that the gunner, his wife, and Hollom are not aboard. So they call out fer em, and only the gunner returns. Claims Hollom and his wife have decided to stay on the island together... but he came back bloody. It is only inferred, but he had killed em both on the island.
  19. A pirate I be Who writes meter and verse I try not to rhyme Cos I'm different. So there But on the rhyming front: My dinghy is covered in booty It is really a sight to behold But to get in and out It quite wears me out I think I am getting too old!
  20. Hmm... lets see.. the word pirate (or rather pirates) crops up in it twice.... but the Acheron is a privateer... however, since it be more about the Suprise and her crew, its not really a pirate movie, is it? However, since you brought it up... its a bloody good movie based on a bloody good series of books. O' course, the blood thirsty part of me prefers Hollom's demise in the books.....
  21. Gold is gold Charity, he just wanted it so he could spend it. Ain't that right Barbossa?
  22. His berthday? Is that the day he makes berth?
  23. Rhymes lass? I think that some of me better poems have been non rhyming ones... though I must admit, I do tend to fall into rhyme a lot in me poetry....
  24. I be thinking it good to have somewhere organised to put poems. I be the sort who don't like posting em separately unless it be a place specifically for em, else I'd be posting a few o' me own.
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