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Everything posted by Cire

  1. And here I thought owning a watch was owning your own personal time machine... Very interesting info that.
  2. That would be the English and the French. :)
  3. I'm not an American! I'm a kike, a yid, a heebie, a hook-nose, I'm kosher mum, I'm a Red Sea pedestrian, and proud of it! Oh wait, that's Monty Python's Brian. I'm British, and I may or may not be proud of it.
  4. I'm sorry, and I know you probably didn't mean it this way, but this sounds to me like you are saying reenactment is the only hobby that is expensive. By what you appear to be saying, collectors of rare items should be paid to collect things, otherwise as you say "Why spend ungodly amounts of money for something that brings emotional fun for me for the moment but can be extremely costly in the long run? " My point being that there are many expensive hobbies, and if you apply the same logic to all, it would get ridiculous. And if you include the time and effort into the expense to refute my example, my dad is a morris dancer. He has spent a fair bit on kit, and also on travel to various festivals and dance outs. If the sides her are with do paid gigs, the money goes in the bag and he gets nothing out of it except the enjoyment of what he is doing, the fact that he has entertained the public, and maybe earned a few derisive comments from those who think morris dancing to be a joke. And those who dislike the morris have been known to endanger dancers lives. And what is wrong with doing things for the satisfaction alone? I currently am unemployed and spend some time volunteering. Whenever I see something being done, I want to help. I do none of this for money, and the idea of doing these things for money is alien to me. This is probably why I don't have a job, because I can't get my head around the concept of doing work for money. This does eat away at my finances, and I admit at some point I have to get over my issues about getting paid to do things an get employment, but the things I enjoy I think would become tiresome if I did them for anything other than my personal enjoyment and satisfaction. Back on the subject at hand, I don't reenact at present, although I do wear clothes that the public have considered piratey on a regular bases. Usually just modern clothes that I threw on that morning, such as a tshirt and trousers with a black waistcoat and bandana. If I was really aiming to look like a pirate, I'd make the clothes. I am definitely part of the historical accuracy camp. Nothing against those who aren't, but as part of the public as I am currently, I believe in being given an authentic experience, or as close as can be given. You may think the public don't notice them, but the little things can bury themselves into the subconcious and add to the feel of the thing. Of course, if I'm looking for mindless fun and entertainment, or a gimmick that complements but is not the focus of an act, then the not so historical is definitely better.
  5. You mean aesthetics? Yeah, can be a pain to spell.
  6. I'm awaiting the naked mud wrestling to determine who is correct...
  7. Speaking as a member of the public, as much as the fantasy is fun to see, I like authenticity, and don't think there is enough of it. I don't see why fun cannot be had while being authentic, and if people always pander to what the public expects, how are the public going to learn any better? I'm sure the "re" in reenactment stands for something....
  8. Can I still take you up on that offer of making it up to me for missing me off the list last year Ed?
  9. Was this before, whilst, or after working there? I suppose if you weren't working there at the time, it might just count.
  10. I'd certainly be interested, though I'm not sure about my funds. I've never been keen on buying footwear that I can't try on first, even more so if they are above £20 (which is probably why all my footwear is decidedly modern). I don't want to buy them and then find that they cut in or damage my heel if worn for long periods. If I can be assured comfort, I might just be willing to shell out for em.
  11. Is this version of the Bay of Biscay-o period, or is it just the tune that is? So if I got really well informed on a subject, would I get shadow stalkers too?
  12. Foxe, as fond as I am of you, I think you are a wally. Why did you not say sable before? But if you are going to check back through your notes, at least it'll be keeping you out of mischief.
  13. Foxe, another thought on references to black flags... probably not very likely, but it did occur to me. Considering the usuage of the word blac:, you can have black moods, it could be a black day when disaster strikes, black can mean evil... is it possible that a black flag wasn't black in colour at all?
  14. Your missus likes Bloom? Foxe, I feel sorry for you.
  15. But Foxe! The pirate-Templar link is real! It is as true as the pirate-ninja conflict, and we all know that is no lie.
  16. I know all about your views on the Cobhams Foxe. Doesn't stop me looking around to help you prove it. :)
  17. Being in Poole, I have never seen a shred of information regarding Cobham. Considering the amount of stuff there is on smuggling in the area, one would think he would get a mention, if not for his piracy, his smuggling. I am going to the Local History Museum on thursday, and while I am there I shall see if they have any information, though I doubt it.
  18. Hmmm... I'll have to think on that one.....
  19. I've met Foxe. SWPF 2004.
  20. It struck me as nonsense the moment I clapped eyes on it. I can't believe so many websites claim it as true without at least trying to test the integrity....
  21. I should have known you were going Foxe... alas, I had no means of getting there, a pity because it would have been nice running into you again.
  22. The International Fleet Review was on the 28th of June, that is probably where the confusion lies. Trafalgar weekend is going to be the 21st- 23rd of October, when it should be.
  23. Or maybe he just wanted a particularly lovely harem..... :) *will behave now*
  24. I joked to a friend that I should get a tattoo on my wrist where my watch normally goes, to mask the pale skin which doesn't tan. He said I should get an outline of my watch that says "watch goes here". Sounds fun, although not something one would seriously consider....
  25. Actually, Charles Wheatson invented the concertina around 1829 and it was marketed from 1836 as an instrument, before which it was considered a curiousity. At this time melodeons were being developed in Germany.... but yes, the point is that they weren't around during the golden age.
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