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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter
Dorian put his hand to his chin and scratched it thoughtfully. “Weeellll… I’d say we might get… Twenny, mebee twennyfive shillin’s per, dependin’ on how serviceable they be… Mayhaps twice that per musket… An’ it depends on ‘ow goode th’ tradesmen are at hagglin’ price…” He became quiet again staring at the overhead, running the numbers and other variables through his head. “Thirteen, mebee fourteen Sols per shillin’…sooo… “
http://www.shipstore.com/SS/HTML/AFI/AFI60148.html Thru-hull Plugs All boats should carry tapered wooden softwood plugs in a variety of sizes to fit the boat�s thru-hulls. Each thru-hull should have an appropriately sized plug attached to the handle or mounted adjacent to the thru-hull. Lotsa places still make 'em and use 'em... I did a google search for 'Hull Plugs' and got alot of hits...
Crow/ Palm Crow Lucy Mourning/Morning Star
Have to make a change... I found out Eliza isn't old enough to use... It's a form of Elizabeth that didn't come into use until the 1800s.... So, my list is now; Crow/Palm Crow Lucy Mourning/Morning Star
Crow/Palm Crow Lucy Eliza
“Aye… Trinidad….” Dorian repeated in a low voice. He was already calculating what all would be needed for provisions for not one, but two ships for the journey southward. As long as they got a reasonable price for the Maastricht and even enough trade for other items, they could not only afford full provisions for both ships and more to be stashed on La Blanquilla. “Aye Cap’n… Mayhaps I’s predisposed ta th’ Heron at this time… She is a fine vessel, fer all ye pointed out n’ more… not much needed ta make ‘er shine right nicely… I second yer proposal…” He raised his goblet to William then drained the small amount of liquid that was there befoe setting it down again.
Lucy Crow Swordfish Mourning or Morning Star Eliza
Once the corvettes’ longboat had visited all three ships, they made the long pull back to their mother ship and soon were back on deck. “Mister Brisbane, Mister Tucker… Prepare ta make sail inta port Royal! Mister Johnson, prepare th’ guns fer th’ salute! Young Godfrey, I’ll ‘ave ye dip th’ colours after th’ guns ‘r fired…” The men took to the orders given with a quick step, not so much because they were given, but because once in port they would be heading ashore with a full coin pouch to fritter away however they wished on whatever they wished. The men murmured as they worked, this time not about the stirrings on the Watch Dog, but of what lie ahead in the port town of Fort Royal. Even captain Lasseter had his mind on what was to be once the anchor was dropped. Although his mind was on more than carnal or material things that the crew were about. He had facts and figures on what was needed on the Watch Dog, what they might get for the sale of the Maastricht and the Heron, if both were to be sold in this port. There was the thought of keeping the Heron, and if they did, they would need to bring on more crew to make up for what was lacking on both, even with the newly added men from the Dutch and English prizes. He was also thankful they didn’t run into other possible prizes on their way as they would only have been able to fight a very short battle as their supply of shot was extremely low. But that was their supply of round shot, they had a similar supply of case and other type aboard as well. His mind went over other supplies that needed replenished, such as lines, cables, sails, sailcloth, foodstores… He was almost taken unawares when the fort opened fire with its salute, and when they cannonfire ceased he ordered the return of the salute, the dipping of the colours, and he even doffed his hat as well. “Ready th’ best bower!” “Ready the best bower, aye!” Soon they came to an open area of calm water near where their were other ships of war. The signal was made, anchors dropped into the depths and sails lowered, the Heron came to rest. Dorian turned and watched as the Watch Dog did a similar feat in good order, then the Maastricht not as well, but due to her jury rigged foremast it was not so graceful. Once all three ships seemed calmed of activity, he had the jollywatt lowered and a crew picked to take him across to the Watch Dog to receive what orders Captain William Brand had need to be carried out. Seven Bells of the Afternoon Watch At port, Fort Royal, Martinique
Other names to toss around... Swordfish Sailfish Bluefin Albacore Morning Star Southern Star Morning Son
Right, so Adamant is right out.....
We want a sloop that's a sickening sight? as for the song, if we us the same 'melody' the chorus could easily be modified. God damn them all I was told we'd cruise the Main for Spanish gold We'd fired our guns, showed no fears... Line 3 Line 4 Best I can do at the moment... Oh, and the opening lyric. O, the years was 1722...
I 'spect ya ne'er heard o' th' Kate's "Bottomless pint"?
Not long after the first bell of the afternoon watch was struck, an officer of the French corvette shouted across the expanse of water. As expected he ordered them to heave to and prepare to have a boat sent over. As a point of fact, the longboat was already in the water, waiting to be occupied. Captain Lasseter gave the orders to drop canvas and put the Heron’s nose into the wind, bringing the cutter to a stop. He watched as the longboat filled with sailors, then two officers in silver trimmed coats and hats. The boat was rowed across the cables length of water, during that time the off duty crewmen assembled as a side board, the Boatswain and Coxswain stood at either side of the opening in the rail with their calls at the ready. All others stood in line with the them, making a corridor of bodies across the deck. Dorian and Maurice stood in the waist just forward of the quarterdeck, both with their hands folded behind their backs. As soon as the top of the head of the first officer came even with the deck, Brisbane and Tucker let loose with the shrill calls. They did a good job of keeping it going until both officers made the deck, which came none too soon for Tucker, who gasped in a deep breath. Captain Lasseter doffed his hat and bowed, the two Frenchmen did the same. “Bonjour Monsieur’s… Welcome aboard th’ Heron… I am Captain Lasseter, recent Quartermaster of the Privateer, Watch Dog…” He gestured to the frigate coming towards them from seaward. The two officers looked slightly perplexed, so Dorian nodded to Mister Roche, who did a fine job translating his English into French. The officers relaxed a touch, then the one began a long speech, which ended in several questions. Maurice repeated the greetings and introductions in English, more bowing was done. The questions were asked and answered to their satisfaction. Instructions were given for entering the port and saluting the fort. With good timing Miss Moore appeared with an almost matched set of four goblets and a bottle of wine which was offered and accepted. A toast was made to their most Catholic Majesties of France which was heartily drunk to by the Frenchmen. Soon they were off, and would escort the ‘fleet’ into port once all three ships had been visited by the Navy officers. Soon the longboat was pulling for the Watch Dog. As they reached the mid point Dorian spoke. “I do believe we passed muster… A job well done one an’ all…” Two Bells of the Afternoon Watch ~Starboard Watch on Duty~
Animals Antelope Crow Dolphin Fox Hare Nightingale Peregrine ---- Phoenix ---- Rattler Swallow Weazle ---- People's names Caroline Charles Mary Diane Duchess of Argyle Eleanor ---- Eliza Flora Jane Lucy ---- Marie Joseph Mary Matilda Minerva Prudent Mary Reuben Shannon ---- Other Adamant Adventure Centurion Dart Dispatch Fortune Herald Lively Marmaduke Nymph ---- Pandora's Box Prosperous Satisfaction Saucy 16 Snapdragon ---- Southernmost ---- Star Thinks I To Myself ---- Waterhound Welcome ---- denotes my top ten... for now...
Of the list I posted.... I narrowed it down some... not to ten yet... Adamant Adventure Caroline Charles Mary Dart Diane Duchess of Argyle Eleanor Eliza Flora Fox Hare Jane Lucy Marie Joseph Mary Matilda Minerva Nymph Rattler Saucy 16 Shannon Snapdragon Swallow Thinks I To Myself ---- This one amuses me Weazle Mostly feminine names... And a Sloop... a Bermuda Sloop...
Another list... # Adamant # Adventure # Annapolis Rover # Asia # Belcour # Britania # Broke # Buckram # Caledonian # Cantabre # Caroline # Cesar # Charles Mary # Charles Mary Wentworth # Comet # Commerce # Crown # Dart # Delight # Diane # Dispatch # Dolphin # Dove # Dreadnought # Duchess of Argyle # Duke of Kent # Eagle # Earl of Dublin # Earl of London # Earl of Macclesfield # Edward # Eleanor # Eliza # Enterprise # Falmouth # Flora # Fly l # Flying Fish # Foster Barham # Foudroyant # Fox # Frances Mary # General Bowyer # General Smyth # George # Governor Carleton # Haldane # Halifax Rover # Hare # Hartford # sloop L'Heureux # Herald # Intrepid # Jack # Jane # Jason # John # Lawrence # Lively # Liverpool Packet # Lord Cornwallis # Lord Nelson # Lord Spencer # Loyalty # Lucy # Lunenburg # Marie Joseph # Mary # Matilda # Mayflower # Minerva # Miriam and Ann # Monckton # Montague # Musketo # Nelson # Nymph # Penobscot # Phoenix # Providence # Providence # Rasheigh # Rattler # Retaliation # Retrieve Windsor # la Revanche # Revenge # Rolla Liverpool # Rover # Royal Edward # Royal Fusiliers # Saucy 16 # Saucy Jack # Shannon # Sherbrooke # Signe # Sir Andrew Hammond # Sir Geo. Collier # Sir John Sherbrooke # Sir William Parker # Sisters # St. Charles # St. Joseph # Snapdragon # Star # Success # Swallow # Telegraph # Thinks I To Myself ---- This one amuses me # la Tourterelle # Triton # Union # la Victoire # la Vigilente # Wasp # Weazle # Wolverine # York # Young Phoenix
As the corvette drew closer, Dorian again passed over it with his spyglass. All her gun ports were closed, yet a large bit of activity took place on her gun deck. As seven bells of the watch were struck, he called for all hands on deck. In very short order he had the waist full of his crew. “As you can see, we are bein’ approached by an emissary ship from th’ port… Yer all ta be on best behavior as they’ll be sendin’ a lad o’er ta find what we’re all about. Mister Roche, I’ll need you by my side for translatory purposes, my french is not th’ best… Th’ rest o’ ye on duty go about yer duties… Those off duty, well, yer ta form up as a welcomin’ party, understand?” There was a less than hearty ‘aye’ from the crowd, to which Dorian squinted at them. A second, ‘aye’ came forth with more gusto. The captain smiled. “Excellent then… you ‘ave yer orders…” He watched the men disperse, some to their duties, others to idle time. His eyes fell on Miss Moore, standing stock still look up at him. “Aye Miss Moore? What is it?” “Sir… would you like er, refreshments fer th’ party to come aboard?” Dorian smiled at her, as a point of fact, he almost laughed. “That would be a grande thing… if there be a bottle o’ French wine, that’ll do perfectly..” “Aye-aye Sir!” She was beaming as she made her way foreward to the hatch to the hold and disappeared below. Dorian smiled some more, then again peered through his glass at the corvette looming closer. Just before Eight Bells of the Forenoon Watch
Spongebob ain't a seamonster.... but this guy might be....
I'll add a bit here.... Speedwell is too often used... I've seen it used in fiction too many times.... Look through this site, there are many references and ship's names; http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/search/LsbgEvents.html I'll dig around for more...
As the small fleet came ever closer to the port, Captain Lasseter found himself in the bow of the Heron, glass to his eye, scanning the fortifications and all the goings on in the bay. They had been sighted, probably at the break of dawn by the Fort’s lookouts, and no doubt they had spyglasses of greater clarity than what could be used aboard any ship. As the day wore on, more activity could be seen in the fort and the wharf of a military nature. Dorian had belayed his standing allowance of Mister Flint to drill the marines, lest they present an appearance of hostility, even though they flew the French colours. He looked back at the flags waving in the breeze, the stark white of France above the blue, red, and white of England. He smiled to himself at the display it made, the One flag over the other, showing that this ship had once been of the English navy and now was not, a prize captured in battle. Turning back to the activities in the bay, he saw a ship spread its canvas and begin to make way out of the harbor. It was a small two masted ship, most likely a corvette. She would surely head straight for them, and in due time so would any other armed vessels if it was proved they were enemies. A realization struck Dorian that he would most likely be the first officer to be addressed by the corvette in the next hour or so. It was time to dress the part he played. Time to dress as a captain was expected to. He collapsed his glass and headed aft. “Mister Brisbane, I’ll be below for a short time… Please ‘ave Mister Smyth n’ O’Hara keep a sharp eye on th’ happenings of th’ ship headed out to us, an’ all else at the fort an’ wharf….” “Aye Captain…” With a single nod, Dorian headed below and to the wardroom. He disarmed himself and removed his waistcoat as well as his slops. He removed the one set of breeches he had, brushed them down and pulled them on. He took his coat from the hanger it was on and shook it out, hoping the wrinkles would not be too apparent. He hung it on the back of the chair and sat, picked up his last pair of clean stockings and worked them onto his feet. Once on he located his shoes, looked them over and put them on. He put his waistcoat on again and armed himself with his Mortuary sword and pistol, and finally put his coat on. He took his hat in hand and made his way topside, ready to greet whomever would be sent from the corvette. Five bells of the Forenoon Watch ~Larboard Watch on Duty~
Aboard the Cutter, Heron Sand passed through the sandglass, it was turned through several watches again and again. Through the past day Dorian had turned his spyglass to the other ships in the small fleet, observing them for signs of disturbance. The crew of the Watch Dog seemed a bit more animated, which he chalked up to the recent happenings, the man Tawny finding himself aboard when he should have been on the Maastricht. He imagined some of the men wanting to act upon certain articles of the ship. He could think of several… article five, eight, and eleven. Each article had some bearing on what he knew had happened. Being a stowaway, he hid in the ship, had to survive by stealing food and whatnot, causing great disturbance as he had been caught, and who knew what else. The men on the Heron were animated as well, mainly with curiosity as to what had happened and what would happen to Tawny. Those who knew him spun tales about the man. Occasionally the Captain caught a handful of words, none of which painted a pretty picture of Tawny. Even during meals the men spent their time wondering aloud on the subject and nothing else. Dorian had retired to the wardroom through the mid day watches to check the charts, mark their position and do all the things necessary, then continued to give Mister Brisbane spells through his watches, taking the helm himself, or giving others a chance at the tiller. It had progressed this way through the watches of the 26th and into the 27th of July. Dorian slept from the beginning of the second dogwatch til four bells of the first watch, then from five bells of the mid to four bells of the morning watch. The morning would reveal the island of Martinique off their starboard bow and he wanted to be on deck when the lookout sighted it. When he awoke, he ordered a pitcher of hot water from the galley. When Miss Moore delivered it he was stripped to his slops, causing her to blush and hastily retreat from the wardroom. The captain took his time washing and dressing his wounds along with the rest of his body. He dressed in his usual attire of shirt, slops, waistcoat, but wore his rope sandals instead of stockings and shoes, saving his last clean pair of stockings for when they made port. He armed himself with his sea service pistol and light cutlass this day, no need to remain heavily armed as now they were in relatively guarded waters. He came on deck at six bells of the morning watch, the grey dawn giving form of his surroundings. Mister Tucker noticed him first and wished him a good morning, to which Dorian replied in kind. Young Kalfkin was on the tiller, fighting slightly as the breeze freshened with the coming of the day. Taking his spot on the lee side of the Holy Ground, Dorian inhaled the clean air and almost sighed as he breathed out. This would indeed be a fine day… 27 July, 1704 Off the coast of Martinique Six Bells of the Morning Watch ~Starboard Watch on Duty~
The Heron resumed her previous course, as ordered by Captain Lasseter. As Nigel worked the helm, shouts were heard from the Watch Dog and all aboard the Cutter directed their attention back to the Frigate. Shouts of “Aye!” and “Meg!” were heard on the wind. Dorian had his glass to his eye and recognized Captain Brand in the waist. He was looking about at the crew on deck, then gestured to Mister PEW before turning aft and heading below. “Ah hmm… sounds as if Tawny might ‘ave made new friends… Not to worry, Cap’n’ll make ‘im feel at ‘ome…” He grinned a wicked smile at Nigel, who smiled back then twitched his injured eye, the smile fading quickly. “Nigel… yer eye still bothered? Right, yer relieved, head b’low an rest yer eye… I have th’ helm…” Nigel made to protest, but the look Dorian gave him told him that resistance would be futile. “Aye Captain…” He head foreward and below, shielding his eyes from the sun.
A fine thing that, fencing in the round... I am an Elizabethan trained fencer... Sadly, as much as I would enjoy a fine duel with ye, I am on the east coast and don't forsee me traveling to your realm... I consider myself a goode swordsman, fifteen years ago I would have boasted better... It is a pity there aren't many about to practice on.. er, with... as a side note, I have played in the SCA, the rules are there for a reason, but I prefer the way we duel in F&I reenactment, we will call out or show a minor hit, but any solid hit ends the fight... almost a 'first blood' type of duel...
Captain Lasseter had the deck of the Watch Dog under scrutiny of his spyglass as the Heron closed the distance. Mister O’Hara up in the rigging was doing the same. Both watched as a man bound in line was carried onto the main deck, he managed to loosen some of his bindings and kick some of the men and received a sound thrashing for it. Mister O’Hara nearly fell out of the rigging as he caught a good look at the man. “Tawny! It’s Tawny, tha’ bloody bastard!” Many of the men on deck looked at each other and back up at the lookout, hoping more information would follow. “Oh they beat ‘im good…serves ‘im right it does!” Dorian caught sight of the man identified as Tawny as he doubled over and retched on the deck. He heard some of the men talking of the man and interjected a question. “Who is this Tawny? I don’t recognize th’ name… Don’t remember ‘im signin’ on…” Robert Jameson spoke up. “Aye Capin, Tawny didn’t sign on, th’ rat bastard…” Dorian nodded. Jameson continued. “He were on th’ Heron fer a time, but he’s a damned troublemaker, an’ a slacker… used ta sleep on duty in th’ bread room, I caught ‘im once an’ he twisted it ‘round, got me in trouble wi’ the capin, had me on report. When ‘e was found out later, along wi’ other things ‘e did, capin ‘ad ‘im sent o’er ta th’ Maastricht…” “Ah hmmm… very interestin’… He didn’t sign on on th’ ‘Dog… ‘ow in blazes did he get aboard? Lest he escaped from th’ Maastricht… Can th’ bugger swim?” Captain Lasseter directed the question to Mister Jameson. “Aye, I do believe ‘e can a little… not a good swimmer, but I s’pose ‘e might a been able ta swim a cables length…” “Aye… O’Hara! Does th’ situation look ta be well in hand?” “Aye! He’s under cover o’ pistol n’ musket! He ain’t so dumb as ta try n’ fight now!” “Very well… Nigel, resume previous course… A’right men! As you were! We’ll find out wot happen’d when we reach port…”
Hmmm.... I was thinking Shipboard Victuals when I began the thread, but am very happy with the general foodstuffs/cheese knowledge imparted thus far...