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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Shipwreck, Added you as a friend... Lily, same... Iron John, same... Syren, always the helpful hand!!!
  2. Aye, Too bad we don't have a Pyracy Pub gang.... but no matter... We can all help each other out just like we do on the pub here!
  3. Aye... I did read the help and newbie stuff... Got some funs stuff ta play with already!
  4. Aye! Thankee kindly! caught me by surprize it did!
  5. ID # 98996 It's been kinda fun... Shipwreck, what's yer name/ID? I already had someone else want me to join their pyrate gang...
  6. Dorian had looked up from his papers when he caught Miss Ashcombe coming around the side of the hung canvas. She stood a moment in awkward silence then bid him a good evening. Dorian smiled at her and wished her a good evening, hoping she might be able to find sleep again. She hesitated before heading back around the canvas, and he heard her sit on the cot and not move for a time. It then came to him what she might have asked but did not. He slid out his chair none too quietly and stretched. “Miss Ashcombe? I apologize but I must check on the mornin’ plans. I’ll be on deck a short while. I’ll lock th’ door so as ye won’t be disturbed. I hope not ta wake ye upon my return.” He waited a moment and heard her respond with a very quiet ‘Thank you Captain’, and he headed to the door, gently making his way out. Pulling the key from a pocket he secured the door and walked forward along the deck at a slow pace. Dorian walked along the guns, polished so nicely that they shone even in the darkness. He rounded the bow, greeting some of the crew still there and paced down the other side. At one point he stopped and looked at one of the guns, imagining how it would look in the following days. He broke from his imaginings and continued aft to the Holy Ground and nodded to Mister Tucker. “Looks ta be a quiet evenin’… followed by a busy morn. I’m off ta bed now, see you a bit later.” “Aye Cap’n, have no worries while ye sleep. All’s well an’ th’ coffee’s much better now that… well… now that we got Charlie an’ Tjaak in the galley.” Captain Lasseter stifled a laugh and shook his head at the Bo’sun, and bid him a final goodnight. Arriving at the door to the Ward Room, he again fished out the key and did his best to unlock it quietly. He lifted up on the door as he opened it and it did not squeak this time. He entered and did the same to close the door, setting the latch carefully. The Candle was out on the other side of the canvas and he smiled. He quietly walked to the chair farthest from the cot and sat, pulled off his shoes, garters and stockings. These he lay on top of his sea chest. Standing he took off his coat and padded over to place it on a hook. Padding over, he unstowed his hammock and set it to rights, he retrieved his pistol from the table and carefully settled into the canvas. Fixing the small pillow just right he breathed out a long sigh and closed his eyes.
  7. Ahhhhhhhh...... A cigar, snifter full o' brandy... Black Nate, ya says ya got stories ta tell? Well old man, go on... I'll throw another long on th' fire... bit of a chill as o' late...
  8. Aboard the Heron Dorian was about to enter the Wardroom and his quarters as he normally would, but at the last minute remembered he had left the young woman, Miss Ashcombe, within. He paused a moment and gently knocked. No answer came, so he decided to carefully proceed. The door creaked slightly as it opened under slow pressure from his hand. The cabin was dimly lit by only the small oil lamp on his table, next to it was a plate of untouched fare. At first he wondered if she had taken her leave to elsewhere on the ship, but if that had been the case Mister Tucker surely would have informed him. As his eyes looked about the room, he saw the cot unoccupied, as well as the chairs in the space. Then he saw her on the stern bench, her head cradled on one arm as if she fell asleep looking out onto the bay. He smiled and chuckled quietly, turned and shut the door behind him, then began to make himself comfortable be removing his hat, sword, and pistol from his belt, the latter he laid on the table beside the lamp. Dorian thought it imprudent to remove his coat just yet, though this woman had seen him in just his shirtsleeves earlier, but that was a different situation. He did however lighten the coat by removing the small pistols from the pockets, along with the pouch of coins, though lighter, it still bore some weight. All of these he placed on the table as well. He watched the sleeping form for a moment longer before deciding what he might do with her. Coming to a decision, the Captain crossed the space to the stern bench. “Miss Ashcombe? Miss?” He spoke in low tones so as not to startle her. Her head came up slowly at first, then she pushed herself upright, almost bumping into the Captain as he had bent close to her to wake her. Dorian quickly righted himself as she turned to him, eyes wide. Smiling, he guessed she needed a moment to realize where she was. “Yer a’right Miss Ashcombe, remember, yer on th Heron, safe from yer uncle I believe.” She blinked slowly and let out a sigh of relief. She went to smooth out skirts that weren’t there, as she was still dressed as a sailor. She recovered quickly and looked up to the Captain and briefly smiled. “Forgive me, Captain, I must have dozed off at some point in time. Have you just arrived from shore?” “Aye… Just returned… I… The hour is late, I would think you might wish ta be abed properly. I apologize but there isn’t much for privacy onboard. Mayhaps I c’n have some canvas strung up. Aye, I’ll have that done.” Again he smiled at her and bowed his head before turning to the door and passing the word for the Bo’sun. Mister Tucker was there quickly and Dorian spoke to him through a partially opened door. He would have two crewmen pull canvas from below for the job asked. Dorian shut the door again and crossed to the sideboard and selected a bottle and gestured to the Lass if she would like something. She shook her head and he nodded, selected a vessel and poured a short drink. He walked to his table and turned up the lamp, brightening the room. “Gonna need more light fer the canvas ta be strung up.” Dorian took a drink from his glass and set it on the table, opened the drawer and withdrew a rolled taper. Stringing some out, he lit it off the oil lamp and proceeded to light the two hanging candles in the cabin, improving the brightness further. He blew out the taper and coiled it back around itself and crossed back to the table replacing it within. A knock on the door had him headed that way and he let in the two men with a canvas bundle. In short order there was a curtain of canvas dividing off a section of the wardroom around her cot. With the knuckling of forelocks those crew departed and peace returned to the space. “You may retire at yer leisure, Miss Ashcombe. I have some papers ta look over and will soon retire as well… T’morrow’s a special day.”
  9. The bottle was passed around one last time and it was done. Soon the victuals and tea were consumed and all that was left was crumbs and sediment dregs. Dorian had told the others of the exquisite work Mister Wenge and Roberts had done on the figurehead destined to grace the bow of his ship. “She is a thing of beauty and will do handsomely on the bow. If I am to have everythin’ prepared for the morn, I should be going. I have a ship t’ be brought t’ th’ wharf an’ all the crews t’ be informed of a special event… “ His eyes danced with gleeful mischief as he looked around at everyone. He bid his farewell to the Carpenter and newly appointed QuarterMaster. Thanked Miss Kildare for the grand hospitality and made his way out into the night. He stopped at several of the tavern where he knew his men frequented and passed the word of the event to take place in the morning. This message would be passed around to any others met. This accomplished, Dorian found his way to the wharf and the Heron’s Jollywatt. He was still accompanied by Kevin Norman. First they headed to the Watch Dog and hailed the deck. Dorian boarded and informed those on the holy ground of the morning event. That accomplished he departed for the Heron. In short order they were boarding his ship at the late hour. He spoke with the Bo’sun about having the Heron warped into the wharf at first light. And had Mister Norman sent to the crews berth. This being understood, he headed to his quarters.
  10. Aye, I'll sit an' enjoy a pipe by th' fire... an' a brandy would be grande as well... Tho, brandy's better wi' a cigar...
  11. AH, wonderful... I've over indulged... an excellent night...
  12. And I'll take a fine ale for one o' his coins... Thankee...
  13. Tyme to put the turkey out of his misery... (you choose which one) Happy Turkey day to all o' you Pyrate Lads n' Lasses!
  14. Bad day? No... Good day... (Anyone know why friday the 13th is considered bad luck? I do.... )
  15. Been watching Boondock Saints eh? And what if I were? I'm not gonna sweat me arse off carrying around yer rope... must weigh 30 pounds!
  16. VERITAS - which is Latin for "Truth." AEQUITAS - which is Latin for "Justice/Equality."
  17. Take yer pick...
  18. The Surgery of Miss O’Treasaigh A merry time was being had among those in the room, those crewmen of the Watch Dog and Heron. Many things had happened this day, much had been accomplished both aboard the ships and ashore. Captain Lasseter hinted at the special event to be had in the morning, more than the Heron getting a fine figurehead, but what exactly he would not let slip, they would have to wait. The only other person who knew was William, and he would not talk. Time marched on and soon Dorian would return to his ship if all were to be in order for the morning’s proceedings. Several times he thought to make an exit as the conversation paused, but each time a comment brought it back in strength. As it was, he would be content to warp the ship to the wharf in the predawn light, however there was still some preparation to be done before then. He made a mental note to himself that he would allow himself no more than another hour before obliging himself to be pardoned and return to his duties. It felt good to be in this company, the laughter, the camaraderie. What lay over the horizon was unknown to them all. He would take whatever came his way.
  19. Hmmm.... we need many different types of cheese.....
  20. Hmmm... wax on yer shoes, while on th' deck o' th' ship... sounds dangerous... heh...
  21. Aye, some baguettes, sharp cheddar... Maybe some kind of meat... Wine to go with it would be good as well... A goode time on th' beach says I...
  22. Ouch! that was quick! heheheh... "Nail him!" Those darn Hanson Brothers...
  23. Cyrano de Bergerac Wonderful film indeed... Here's mine.... Person #1 Id rather have em playin with their toys than playin with themselves Person #2 They're too dumb to play with themselves. Boy, every piece of garbage that comes into the league you gotta buy it
  24. The Mercury is a twelve gun ship... six ports per side... plus swivels... A fine ship if I do say so myself, heh... I can't speak for Captain Brand, but as for left over prints, If he has any left after PIP, yes... otherwise, hard to say, but I'll not answer for him... even tho I kinda did....
  25. Shoppin' for what? A beer shirt? http://www.cafepress.com/ellepee/572821
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