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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Tragic loss... He was a great actor for doing period pieces... really fit the parts... Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam
  2. Greg, That is a great neckerchief!!!! All I ever find are solid or checked... Any prints I find are too small, like handkerchief size... If I found that, I'd hope they had two of them and hoped I could afford both. Awesome find!!!
  3. Wardroom of the Lucy Dorian rubbed is chin and thought about the men who seemed to have disappeared. A fearful thought crept into his head, which he tried to dismiss. Ajayi was found chained as a slave and when he was rescued by the Watch Dog, he was freed from the fate of such. But now there was a possibility that fate had come to pass. He shook his head abruptly, not giving the thought any weight. Three men of the Watch Dog, well armed, did not just disappear. They would either appear of their own will, or that of others from the two ships. A knock at the door caused both men to come out of whatever deep thoughts they were having. “Enter…” The door opened and now the first of the men requested to report for his shares stood in the doorway. Captain Lasseter turned to Mister Pew. “This won’t take long… help yerself to a drink lad.” Preston nodded and stepped across to the cabinet and made a selection as the crewman approached at the bidding of Dorian.
  4. Captain Lasseter sat and counted out shares as he waited for the first of the crew to report for their shares when a knock came. “Ah, th’ first man…” He cleared his throat, looked to where Miss Ashcombe had retired and sat a touch straighter in his chair. “Enter!” He looked up, expecting one of his sailors and instead in came Mister Pew. “Preston… What news?”
  5. The waist of the Lucy After making his considerations of the four men in front of him, Captain Lasseter gave the barest of nods. “I can make ye no promises at th’ moment…. See that ship yonder? That be th’ Watch Dog an’ Lucy be her consort. Cap’n William Brand commands that ship, an’ he’ll be th’ one to speak with. We’ve had a busy time these past days, so I don’t know when he’ll have time ta see you men about bein’ signed on… Wait here an’ I’ll write a pass for ye ta board th’ Frigate. One thing… you have any arms other than a working knife, leave ‘em ashore, would be best for ye.” He gave them a stern look and turned back to the Wardroom. Once inside he smiled to the young woman within and bade her to return to what she was doing. He found a blank piece of parchment and penned a note to William saying he had received the shares and would be dispensing them soon, and about the four men seeking work, saying they looked able by what he could tell. He wrote their names as he remembered them and that he would give them a ‘pass’ to board and wait for his audience. He also wrote that he would send Miss Ashcombe over after the second dog watch began. As a last bit he wrote about the reasoning of her being called “Miss Poole” so as to defer any happenstance with Miss McDonough. Dorian signed it, folded the parchment several times once the ink was dry and affixed it with wax. Withdrawing a separate piece, he then penned a ‘pass’ for the four men, again naming the four men to match what he would send to William. Again he folded and affixed this with a wax seal. The first latter was marked directly for Captain Brand of the Watch Dog, while the ‘pass’ was marked ‘The Watch Dog’. He took these out with him and to the waiting men. “Here is your pass, just for the four of you…” The men smiled yet remained a nervous lot and half thanked him in English, while the other half did so in French. All four gave a salute of a sort and Paul turned and ushered the other three away. Dorian turned to Nigel and held out the letter for Captain Brand, and the parchment with the list of men to receive shares. “I’ll need this delivered to Cap’n Brand right away… Pick some trusted lads to deliver it. And this, I’ll need ye ta send me these lads one at a time fer their shares, post a marine at my door… Yers are tucked away already.” He chuckled at Nigel who smiled and knuckled his brow. “Aye sah, more ta be tucked away fer me then.” Dorian nodded and returned to the wardroom where he again sat at his table, pulled some specie from the crate and began counting out shares, waiting for the first man to knock. Just after Seven Bells of the Afternoon Watch
  6. Aboard the Lucy As Dorian transcribed the information from Captain Brand’s letter into the Lucy’s ledger, a quiet came about the Wardroom. The two people within were sharing a space yet were in very different places. Dorian, dealing with the goings on of his ship and crew, Jenny dealing with remembrance of her past and what was to be her future. As the Captain had finished writing the shares to be given to those deserving, he had also penned those names on a separate piece of parchment. This he would give to Mister Brisbane, so he might easily send those men aft for their shares. The only part that bothered Dorian was that roughly half his crew would not receive these shares as they had no part in them. Not only that, but those men freshly aboard were penniless having just come from prison. He hoped nothing ill would come of this, half his men wealthy, the other half poor as dirt. He mused on this a moment while rereading the letter, and at this time also came to another decision. “Miss Ashcombe, Cap’n Brand requests and requires you to ‘ave an audience wi’ him aboard th’ Watch Dog… I’ll have ye go o’er with some men around th’ second Dog Watch.” He turned and looked at her, noting some apprehension on her face. All she did was nod an affirmative and held her chin up, the apprehension disappearing to be replaced with determination. Satisfied he turned back to his work, looked over the ledger and other notes he had. Getting up he went over to the crate with the shares and slid it over to the table. Dorian checked the contents, and satisfied al was well he picked up the parchment for Mister Brisbane and walked to the door. Upon opening the door to the deck he noted some men at work yet seeming distracted. He followed their gaze to a small group of men standing at the gangplank having words with just the man he was seeking. The Captain surmised the situation and ducked back into the Wardroom to gather his coat and hat and adjusted the pistol on his belt before heading over to where his man stood. “Mister Brisbane… Is everything alright here?”
  7. Dorian closed the door and walked back to the table with the letter from William. He sat and laid the parchment there in front of himself, and in a way Miss Ashcombe. He drummed his fingers on the tabletop a couple times, then decided on what he wanted to do. “Miss Ashcombe, I should read this in private. I’ll… I’ll just excuse myself…” He picked up the letter and walked to the stern windows where he opened the folds flat and read the contents. He read it slowly several times and had just folded it back the way it was when yet again there was a knock. He expected this actually, and briskly walked to the door again. He opened the door and let those men who carried the small crate heavy with specie in where he directed them to set it off to the side. He dismissed the men and Miss Smith one last time. He closed the door and set the latch, walked back to the table and again sat. “Miss Ashcombe, be at your leisure, I have work ta do… I cannot offer you much more than th’ cot of last night for comfort. Th’ evenin’ meal is a couple hours away as well. I’ll just need some time to write an’ count out coin. Then there will be a flow of men come ta collect their shares. At that time, ye may take to yer cot b’hind th’ canvas shade… if ye wish.” He left it at that and opened the newest ledger on the table, opened the drawer and withdrew an inkpot and brass nibbed pen. Six Bells of the Afternoon Watch
  8. The Captain of the Lucy eyed the parchment Miss Smith held and as she spoke of the shares for the crew he slowly smiled. “Very good Miss Smith… Have th’ officer on deck lend ye some hands… Thankee fer th’ delivery, my men will be quite happy with their shares… “ He took the letter from her and she gave him a quick salute before heading back across the deck.
  9. As Miss Ashcombe spoke, the Captains’ countenance changed after she talked of the slave trade and her uncle being one who dealt with such. It brought back memories of his time aboard a blackbirdier in his youth. It also brought up a surge of anger, an anger he felt for those in the trade of human flesh, so many thought nothing of it. His father told him of the English making slaves of his kin, which still happened to this day. He seemed to not be paying attention to her as she spoke, but when Jenny mentioned Miss McDonough he focused on her again fully. Dorian nodded as she finished. “Don’t ye worry about Miss McDonough… I’ll be sure ta straighten that out. I’ll speak more wi’ Cap’n Brand and I’m sure we’ll see you to another port… I s’pose we’ll try ta call ya Miss Poole til we’re outta this port?” Jenny seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and was about to say something when there was a knock on the wardroom door. She tensed at the knock and looked slightly pale. “A moment…” Dorian stood and walked to the door and lifted the latch, opening it a crack. There stood Miss Smith from the Watch Dog. “Miss Smith… Wot’s brought ye ta my door?”
  10. Stale beer would be too good... skunked beer would be better... heh
  11. Hmmm.... Aye, they will pay dearly...
  12. Well... will we have this person's ID? SO they might be dealt with in a democratic way...
  13. Dorian took in the information given him, nodding several times as she spoke and even noted the slight discolouration which he wasn’t sure about, so had not asked before. He observed her nervousness and knew she would be, given the situation. He was mildly surprised at her turn of asking him a question. He regarded her a minute before deciding to answer her. “Monsieur Durand… He was sent, unhappily, to try and find issue with whatever he might… He may have ties with the military here, but isn’t a military man these days. He was sent to find things out with the backings of the authorities. I don’t think he found something here, but I can’t be sure… I’ll have to speak with Cap’n Brand to know what further events happened.” He sat quietly, waiting to see what effect his words might have on her. Waiting to see if she would continue after he answered her.
  14. Wardroom of the Lucy Mister Pew gave Miss Ashcombe a once-over and nodded to her kindly then turned his attention back to the Captain. “Aye Sah… b’sides coin, I were thinkin’ mebee some kinda gift-like things from town…” Dorian slowly nodded and began thinking on the idea of what would be a worthwhile gift for the ladies. “Well… Fresh victuals fer th’ larder is always good… surely some other things would be good as well… Would be a good walk about th’ town t’ find wot yer like…” Mister Pew nodded. “Aye, a walk about town, I think I’d like it.” A smile crept across the Captain’s face and he took in a deep breath. He led up a hand and quickly crossed the room to his seachest, pulled out a leather pouch and tossed it to the QuarterMaster. “Take this an’ a man as yer escort, armed well enough ta fend off th’ ruffians, tha’s an order… We’ll be getting’ th’ last shares from th’ Watch Dog soon, but that’ll have ta do fer now… If ye fancy somat for the ship, says so, so’s I c’n cover it from th’ Lucy’s coffers. Don’t do anythin’ I wouldn’t… eh, go ‘ave a good time Preston.” There was a glint in Pew’s eyes as he hefted the pouch, his grin widened. He touched his brow and bowed his head to Miss Ashcombe. “Aye Cap’n, Miss Ashcombe… ‘ave a fine evenin’…” Dorian watched as Pew pulled the door shut behind him. He stood a bit longer and waited for anyone else. A moment passed and nothing. Dorian crossed to his chair and slowly sat. Again his eyes focused on the woman before him. “Now, Miss Ashcombe… Have you answers for me?”
  15. Dorian chuckled lightly. “Ah… Well…. Cap’n Brand paid for yer care… quite handsomely… But… you c’n always show yer gratitude further…” Dorian gave Preston an odd look as the man gave a glance to Miss Ashcombe. The Captain spoke in a slightly lower than normal tone, while Preston nearly whispered. Dorian realized why finally. “Mister Pew… Miss Ashcombe may be joining our company as we leave this port of call… You may speak freely here…”
  16. Interesting combo, Pew....
  17. Dorian looked at Preston a moment. “I would think you could… What ya might offer… extra rum ration I’ll agree to…” He put a hand to his chin. “If yer thinkin’ somat more… I do believe Cap’n Brand finished up sellin’ off our prizes… should have more coin headed ‘round…”
  18. Hectic day... Cold.... bitter cold... So, I'm trying to relax with a Hot Cocoa... laced with amaretto... Lots of it...
  19. Dorian stood, as did Miss Ashcombe, and he motioned Mister Pew in. “Come in Mister Pew… This is Miss… Ashcombe, newly arrived to us on th’ Lucy… Miss Ashcombe, Mister Preston Wittingford, or Mister Pew, the new Quartermaster of th’ Lucy…” Greetings were exchanged between the two with bows and curtseys, then the Captain turned back to the QuarterMaster. “What might I do fer ye, Mister Pew?”
  20. Captain Lasseter waited for Miss Ashcombe to answer his questions. She sat and collected her thoughts, but before she could speak there was a solid knock on the door. Dorian’s brow furrowed. “A moment Miss Ashecombe… Who knocks!?” “QuarterMaster Pew, Cap’n!” Dorian sat back in his chair and straightened up. “Enter Mister Pew!”
  21. Hmmm!!! I figured you'd be driving the crewe ta drink! Then again... I had a crewe several years back that damn near put me over th' edge...
  22. Aye Lass... I will oblige ye... Ya want me ta use this loofa? Or this one?
  23. AYE LASS!!! HAPPY aught eight !!!!
  24. Oh yea... I got a T&T.... Tanguray & Tonic that is... Th' rum ain't open yet.... yet... Slainte!!! Happy New Year!!!
  25. Oooohhhh... I see... takin' a break on the spirits, eh? Well... don't take too long of a break... Under an hour now!!!
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