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Dorian Lasseter

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Everything posted by Dorian Lasseter

  1. Water wi' Ice??? Yer gettin' drunk on that?
  2. Aye Cap'n Sterlin'... There be a goodly staff 'round here... Wot's 'iss? Syren turnin' blue? Ye put somethin' in 'er water did ya? Or did ya let th' fire heatin' the water go out? Thought ya was tendin' ta th' Lasses, Cap'n...
  3. So, had some hair o' th' dog this morn, eh?
  4. Aye, Cap'n Sterling... You started early, this past weekend wi'out us... Happy New Year!!!
  5. Wardroom of the Lucy As Dorian pondered, there was a knock on the door to the Wardroom. Without turning from the view out through the stern windows, he simply stated ‘Enter’. The latch clicked and the door creaked open. Light footsteps were heard coming down the three steps and stopped. Only then did the Captain turn around to see Miss Ashcombe standing there. “Miss Ashcombe… Please have a seat.” She hesitated a moment and first paled slightly, only to have the colour return to her cheeks and redden further. She stepped to the nearest chair and slowly sat, gathering the pant legs of her slops as if they were a skirt. Dorian noted this, realizing she was not used to slops or any kind of breeches. He walked slowly towards the sideboard absentmindedly to get a drink for the company as was the etiquette. Just as he was reaching for a bottle he realized he couldn’t drink something more just after that meal and assumed she would be the same. Shaking his head briefly he turned back to Miss Ashcombe and regarded her a moment. He needed questions answered, but didn’t know if she would be able to answer them. With a gentle sigh he crossed to his chair and sat, removed his hat and laid it on the table. “Miss Ashcombe… even though Miss McDonough said as much why ye were called Poole earlier, I’d like ta hear it from you… Yer uncle… This man of wealth… Does he have connections to the man in th’ boat, the fool who fired upon us? Does he have connections with Monsieur Durand? Connections that hold sway with the powers that be on this island?” He asked these questions in a kind tone, not like an inquisitor forcing a confession from one on the rack. Yet his tone held a confidence and power that he would get answers. As he finished he leaned his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers, waiting. Four bells of the Afternoon Watch
  6. Hmmmm... I... sorry, no raw fish fer me... as much as I like steak bloody rare... just can't do th' raw fish... Th' jasmine tea sounds good tho...
  7. Dorian thought for a moment longer before relinquishing the service to the two women. “I see… very well… carry on…” He stepped out of the way and held the door open for them to exit. He watched them go forward and below to the galley before shutting the door. Walking to the table he picked up his small beer and drank the remainder. He collected the other vessels and put them on the cabinet/sideboard. A couple paces later he stood looking out the stern windows and listened to the men finishing up the job astern, while seeing their legs dangle in front of the windows. His curiosity returned as to what took place in the Watch Dog’s ward room.
  8. That groan would be an 'Aye' good cap'n? I'll talk softly then...
  9. Hmmm... Cheesey BubbleTush Or... Goober MonkeyChunks Both grand indeed... My son has two middle names... makes it interesting as he'd be... Sloopy Feather Burger Chunks Hehehehehe...
  10. Hmmm... I think some mint tea might be in order fer Cap'n Sterling... Tipple th' bottle one too many time last eve?
  11. Wardroom of the Lucy The Captain ate in relative silence, only making approving interjections as Miss McDonough spoke of Marine uniforms and kit. All was well in hand on that account. The meal ended, not a morsel remained on the main platter, however during the meal some begging had occurred from the Pooka, who was rewarded with two generous pieces of the fish. Dorian piled the dirty plates onto the platter and returned the cover to its place over top. He rose to take the tray out, but both women stood quickly, each offering to take it forward, back to the galley. Dorian thought for a moment and smiled. “Miss McDonough, You should be returned to th’ Watch Dog… Ye may help Miss Ashcombe with this to th’ galley, then make your way to your ship… But… before ye go… where did ‘Miss Poole’ come from?” They both had reached for the platter as he spoke and as he asked the question they both paused and looked at each other, three sets of hands grasping the service. Dorian waited for the answer, and only then would he relinquish the service to be delivered forward.
  12. Wardroom of the Lucy Dorian stood and waited for a response from the ladies as they stood in awkward silence. He finally broke the silence. “Yea? Nay? Wot’ll it be?” Both women nodded their heads, both looking slightly embarrassed. The Captain held out both hands, gesturing to two chair for them to sit. Once they were seated he pulled his chair closer and sat a moment, then shook his head, stood and fetched some tankards from the shelf. He filled them from the pitched on the tray. “Beer?” He set a vessel before each of them and his place, sat and began to serve out the meal. Both women fidgeted, each being used to being the server, not the served.
  13. Aboard the Lucy Charlie Marsh had served out most of the meal when the Captain made an appearance in ‘his galley’. He was amiable enough and brought down a tray that was waiting to be taken to the wardroom. “Ah, here’s yer meal Sir. Didn’t know who was ta brings in to ye, so I just…” Dorian took the tray from the Cook and gave a short nod. “I’ll take th’ tray m’self Mister Marsh, next meal I’ll have someone ta gather it.” Charlie gave a quick salute and nod, mumbled something and returned to his galley fire. The Captain, laden with the tray headed topside and aft, he bothered young Mister Wayne to open the door to the Wardroom for him. He entered and cautiously took the couple of steps into the darker space. His vision adjusted soon enough and there before him were Miss McDonough and Miss Ashcombe, alias “Poole”. They stood as he entered, Miss McDonough snapped off a salute and Miss Ashcombe followed after a fashion. “Miss McDonough… Miss… Poole….” He sat the tray on the table and removed the cover, revealing some fish, bread, and cheese. “Join me in th’ midday meal?”
  14. Aboard the Lucy As the day progressed into the afternoon, the watch changed and work continued. The Lucy’s bell had been delivered, and Dorian oversaw the installation of it where the old bell mounted, and even now was being vigorously polished by the two Powder Monkeys, Godfrey and Wayne. As the first bell of the Afternoon Watch was upon them, Dorian walked over and begged pardon of the two. As the sand ran out another bell tolled on another ship just before he was about the strike the Lucy’s bell the first time. He waited a moment and yanked the lanyard hard. The bell peeled loud and true, a fine crisp tone. Everyone aboard the ship stopped and looked aft to see and hear the sound. Smiled parted lips for the duration of the resonance. Once it had died, their labors continued. Dorian nodded the boys and they continued polishing the bell. The Captain looked up just in time to see Durand walking off the wharf into town. He turned to the Watch Dog and saw nothing more than the crew working, no sign of William. He was tempted to either head to the Frigate himself, or send a message asking of anything he should be informed of about Durand. As he stood on the Quarterdeck, mulling over what he might do, Mister Brisbane approached. “Cap’n sah, gonna need ta get aft fer ta ‘fix th’ new sternboard, Sah…” “Aye, Nigel… th’ deck is yours…” “Thank you, Sah.” Dorian nodded to the man and walked briskly off the Holy Ground to the waist, where he watched several men man-handle the sternboard aft. With lines attached and two others in Bo’sun’s chairs over the stern, they put the new name in place. Dorian caught a whiff of coffee and realized he had not eaten the noon meal. He headed to the galley to see what he might find.
  15. Anybody? Or are these cool bottles only available in Florida? Maybe something Coca-cola did for overseas and they found their way there?
  16. Dorian was not displeased to see the ominous Frenchman leave the Lucy. He was displeased that he headed to the Watch Dog to look over her ledgers. He knew those ledgers well as he had written in them since he came to the ship so many months ago. He stared across the water for a time, then his curiosity got to him as to what it was the Captain Brand has told his QuarterMaster, Mister Pew before departing the Lucy. Turning to shore he watched as Mister Pew, Eric Franklin and two of the Watch Dog’s Marines armed for battle. The Marines turned and headed into the town as many watched them go. Dorian could wait for Mister Pew to tell him what was happening later. If it had been of import to him, William would have told him. More men, formerly ‘Herons’ now ‘Lucys’ streamed from the taverns to the ship, reporting for duty and those of the Starboard Watch were set loose to enjoy their time on leave. However, some were actually sated from the earlier celebration and stayed aboard, continuing with the work of adding the new articles to the ship. Howard, Leigh, and Quigley continued to fasten the nameplates on the cannon, John Black and Adam stayed on to help the Larboard Watch crew to fasten the just delivered sternboard with the name ‘LUCY’ in letters half a French meter in height, bright yellow with black edging on a white background. Tucker had turned the deck over to Brisbane, who was right now standing on shore, directing the men carrying it aboard. With a gentle nod Dorian turned away from shore and headed aft. He was about to head below, back into the Wardroom, instead he checked his movement and headed up onto the holy ground. He paced slowly to the stern rail and crossed his hands behind his back. He leaned over the rail and looked at his reflection in the water. “Tis an odd thing this… Ta be Cap’n of a fine ship. I pray I live up ta such an expectation levied upon me.” After a moment of reflection he turned again towards the Watch Dog and wondered what conversation took place in her Wardroom.
  17. Hmmm.... Why do they resemble Styrofoam? But, no... I've never had home made marshmellows...
  18. The Wardroom of the Lucy With all the comings and goings in and out of the spaces on the ship, the Pooka let his curiosity get the better of him. He padded his way across the deck and slipped in as one of the men on deck headed to the door, knocked and was let in. he padded about the room and sniffed at this and that, then noticed the smell of the one sitting at the table, hunched over it. There was another new person in the room, but that one had been here over night. The Pooka padded over and sniffed the man for a moment before rubbing his face and half of his body across his leg. Durand, again distracted from the ledger, cocked his head over and looked at the feline, who sat and looked back at Durand with such intelligence in his eyes. They regarded each other for an instant, Durand gave a short chuckle and returned to the ledger. The Pooka however renewed his interest in the mans’ leg.
  19. Alright, I've been looking for those in all the stores near me and have seen nary a one... What gives? I'm in PA, if that makes a difference... As for bombs... Take one, pour 1/3 to 1/2 of the coke out, refill with 'The Captain' and serve. Perfect!
  20. Just after Six Bells of the Forenoon Watch Christopher Tucker stood and watched the new man come back aboard the Lucy and report for duty. He did not carry himself in merriment as many of the others had. The Bos’un looked him up and down, thought a moment, then spoke. “Quigley… head for’ard an’ help out ‘oward n’ Leigh wit work on th guns…” The man knuckled his brow again and headed toward the men Tucker had pointed out. They were affixing the name plates to the trucks of the guns. He watched the man go then turned to Mister Pew. “He don’t seem a jolly sort, do he…” Starboard watch on duty
  21. Tucker half shrugged at Mister Pew. “I’m just follerin orders… I was left officer a’ th’ deck, unless yer ta relieve me, I take it ya took th’ captain’s offer a’ QuarterMaster… Dunno wot all’s goin on just yet, too much happenin all at once, an I still got ta get th’ crew back ta work, addin’ the new bits ta th’ Lucy.” He looked at Mister Pew with a hopeful look, hoping he would relieve him of the deck so he might attend to the work at hand.
  22. Dorian had noticed a shift in his guests’ demeanor as he was served his tea. Weather it was because he noticed that his ‘Steward’ was a young woman or some other happening had caused this shift, it did not matter. As Miss Ashcombe, or ‘Poole’ served him, Dorian gave her a gentle smile, hoping it would relax her a bit as she still seemed to be tense. Captain Lasseter looked to Captain Brand, who held his cup of tea with the slightest hint of disdain. Dorian knew that William did not care for the brew and only took the cup so nothing seemed amiss. Dorian hid his smile in his cup as he took a sip. He looked about the room and took a step closer to one of the gallery’s window and unlatched it, propping it open to freshen the still air. He made a motion to Miss McDonough to do the same to the window nearest her, which she did easily enough.
  23. On deck of the Lucy The Boatswain smiled and bit back a laugh at the return comment by the QuarterMaster. They settled and Mister Pew coughed, still not sure if trouble loomed on the horizon. Both scanned the deck of the Lucy and the wharf waiting to see if any soldiers were assembling. Mister Tucker squinted, trying to see into the shadows between the wharehouses and business on the waterfront for hidden men to spring from. Just after Four Bells of the Forenoon Watch
  24. Mister Tucker whispered into the new Quartermaster’s ear that the woman dressed in sailors kit came aboard while he was in the care of the surgeon. She had made arrangements with Captain Brand on the Frigate, but came to the Lucy when the cargo was being auctioned. Mister Pew gave a curt nod then. “Aye, well…. *cough* carry on…” She stood a moment and looked relieved, but she needed to ask a question, but was almost afraid to ask now. Mister Tucker was about to see what she needed, but again, Pew was quicker. “Somat yer need gerl? Ye look perplexed…” Jenny opened her mouth and not but a squeak came out. She composed herself and took a breath. “The galley, I was sent out for tea, but I don’t know where the galley is.” Before the QuarterMaster could make a sharp reply, Mister Tucker interjected. “This way Miss, follow me, tis for’ard an’ b’low.” He stepped around Mister Pew and showed the woman forward to the companionway and below. He returned to the deck immediately and walked back to the QuarterMaster’s side. He looked around and noticed some of the crew returning from shore. He nodded his head towards the men about to cross the gangway. “Think we’ll get n’ honest days work from ‘em?”
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