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Everything posted by queenrogue

  1. Pins Pins Pins...I have Pins. thats right all 20 are in. for those of you camping out on Friday i'll give them to you then, everyone else come find me on Sat at the Wolfstone Kilt Company. with tax and eveything they came out to $1.65 each.
  2. maybe next year. with a little more advance notice. i'd be at work right now if not for the rain, if not i would consider going.
  3. no faire for me today! boss said to stay home. the road i take to get there (450) was under water, no surprise there it always happens when is rains. but i'll be there tomorrow. as for today i have no idea what to do with myself. i'm not used to having Sat off. study maybe...or clean. but first i have a meeting at one of my other job's. work work work. see ya tomorrow
  4. i spent a few hours playing the romance wars at the faire this weekend...with a gay man. he just wanted to play. *sigh* *grumbles* taken or gay...there always taken or gay!
  5. whats wrong with lime green? and our pins should be in by them *fingers crossed* we can even put the pins on the sash.
  6. thanks for the idea.
  7. Hardy Har Har!
  8. this weekend i laced so many corsets at work the skin on my fingers began to peel and blister YUCK! a lady came in with a "Corset Hook" that someone had given her, only problem is she had no idea where they got it from. so i am looking for a "Corset Hook" 3 to be exact. if you know where i can find one PLEASE let me know.
  9. i bought another bag. we can never have to many. they should be here in time for pirate weekend, if they come in early i'll pass them out next weekend. in honor of pirate weekend at MDRF the potomac leather company has ordered a pirate flag to fly proudly and the wolfstone kilt company will be selling BLACK KILTS! (we only ordered 18, come early on SAT if you are interested) thanks for such a great day everyone, see ya tomorrow.
  10. ok. so i ordered a 10 pack. it should be here by next weekend. here is a list of those who have asked for one, or two. Me 1 Blenderwench 1 Duncan McGuyver 1 Crimson Corsair 2 Capt. Flint 2 RummyGal 1 Madam Macaw 1 Marona 1 ______ 10 thats it. there all spoken for.
  11. ok then. i'm thinking one 10 pack should do. i'll order them tonight.
  12. has anyone already ordered pins for Pyrate Weekend??? if not, i'm willing to. it would be much cheaper to buy the a few 10 packs than spending $2 for each pin. let me know.
  13. ok i have put all the encampment info that i have up on my website, including a picture of the campsite map with numbers for all the individual campsites. i'm going to call KOA and make sure they have all our info. start making reservations soon because sites can fill up fast. Pyrate Encampment
  14. Many college's have writing centers, and often the help is free. also i have always been told that to help with writing keep a journal and write in it daily, even if you write about having nothing to write about. i agree with Olaf, leave the details to a publisher, you just worry about writing.
  15. Hap Hap Happy Birthday!!! sorry we missed it, silly computer!
  16. i'll be sure to let all the booths around me know, thanks, i'll keep an eye out.
  17. well if you talking about the newly built addition to the Air and Space museum in DC, that is located in VA it's the one near me...if there is another one forgive me...but i don't think there is. i could be wrong.
  18. don't forget to come visit me!
  19. the VA air and space museum is no where near richmond or hampton, i know. it's about 5 min down the road from me and i live hours away from both places. the museum is between herndon and chantilly off of 28.
  20. just got home. i have never been filthier in my entire life than i was this weekend. Sat i was melting all day and today was pretty bad too. but it was great fun! it was really nice seeing everyone, i'm glad i could get away. can't wait till pirate weekend when hopefully i will have the day off, keep your fingrs crossed.
  21. well everyone i'll see you in the morning. i'm off to finish packing and then hopefully get some sleep before 6:30 rolls around, i should be there by 9am. i'll be at the Wolfstone Kilt Company, wearin my pin! sing a song or two and have a drink for me, i'll be selling kilts, and hopefully helping some handsome young rogue into his *Wink*
  22. i work the 2:30-8 shift most days...i always get up late
  23. excited are we??? counting seconds too? i have no idea how i'm going to wake up at 6:30 in the morning...i diden't get up till noon today.
  24. whats wrong with lime green??? it will make it easy to spot eachother form a mile away. :)
  25. you mean i have to make a decision? alright POTC is great and who dosen't LOVE Johnny Depp, but Crimson Pirate is great too,even if it's just for the cheese, there is no better line than "Lets Strip For Action!", and Captain Blood is lots of fun. as for Cutthroat Island, not one of the better one's but it was entertaining and the music was great. i can't make a decision, i like em all
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