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Everything posted by queenrogue

  1. why thank you MajorChaos!
  2. I'm in!!!! i did not think i would make it but it looks like i'll be able to make it after all.
  3. if your already going to be in MD this weekend you might want to stop by the pub crawl at fells point.
  4. The Pyrates Royale do great versions of both Mingulay and Westering Home. as for Johnny Jump Up and Johnny Tarr are both best done by Gaelic Storm. HUZZAH for great music!
  5. thats great. does anyone have a recording of that song?
  6. mwahahah! all my ninja friends are going to hate this. Silly Ninjas!
  7. Dinner! Chicken anyone?
  8. i found these and thought i would share. Pyrate Queen Socks
  9. i would love to...but with class and two jobs road trips will have to wait. enjoy them for me!
  10. they played nearby yesterday but the place was 21 and over only and being 20 i could not go. 20...the longest year of my life!
  11. at the moment...Louis Armstrong...but my music is on shuffle so it could be something like Gaelic Storm, or Pink Floyd in a minute... "music makes my world go round"
  12. i love FM and dropkick but lately i have gone on a Gaelic Storm kick they are oh so good. my poor friends...my MP3 player in my car is always playing something celtic or Piratical, normally FM, Gaelic Storm, or The Pyrates Royale. Cheers for good music!
  13. sounds like fun...i would go if classes ended sooner. damn school we don't get out till may. too bad you can't major in "Pirate" i could say it was a study abroad program.
  14. Here’s hoping the feedback is good!
  15. i would so be there if i had not already promised to work the Potomac Celtic Festival June 11 and 12...that and i might be going to paris and spain in July and that might take up all the gold i have. *sigh* maybe next year. are they going to do this again?
  16. years ago i found my peach faced love bird in a friends back yard, she was the best pet ever and loved to sit on my shoulder, sadly she died a few years later. it was great having her and i wish i could get another , maybe when i get my own place. enjoy!
  17. i have something very similar, but i think mines a bit more finished, i'm not sure i like such long panels in the front. if you like this look try Potomac Leather Company, i have their dryads vest, it's super comfy and it fits great. i'm a bit biased though because i work there. go to Potomac Leather Company don't be fooled by the drawing, it's a lot nicer in person.
  18. the like the Vogue magazine one ...hmmmm a pirate magazine *gears begin to turn, then break down* "10 ways to avoid scury" that could be helpful
  19. pass the popcorn Mac. this is getting good.
  20. hey you never know balloon cutlasses could be fun, and much safer for the drunks besides i don't care what i'm on as long as i'm on the water.
  21. just came across this, and thought i would share it. looks like fun. http://capitanhook.com/welcome.html
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