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Posts posted by PyratePhil

  1. Cadillacs--GAS HOGS!

    Personally I will NEVER buy a used car again. Over the years I've sunk tons of money into trying to keep used cars I owned working.

    Once buying a new one, I've become spoiled ---but dang I'm worth it!  :lol:

    Sorry - they're no worse than SUV's - in fact, with the Northstar engine they're even better than most. A lot depends on how you drive - I'm not a young punk with a lead foot, nor do I slam on the brakes, jackrabbit start at lights or go around corners on two wheels.

    Not anymore, anyway. :lol:

    Even my late-80's / early-90's Caddies with big honking 8-cylinder engines got 27-30 mpg on the highway. Sure - it isn't 40mpg like some of the newer econoboxes, but it isn't something to sneeze at either.

    Where do the minicars get those impressive gas mileage numbers? One way is in replacing sturdy metal with crappy plastic. Another is using cheap alloys in the engine components, which leads to a hotter-running engine and premature wear and therefore frequent breakdowns.

    Slam the door on a Caddy, then try it with a riceburner - if you don't hear the difference, I suggest a visit to an audiologist.

    Compare the rides on a cross-country trip. Especially when a tandem trailer blows by you at 85mph. The cute little socially-conscious and environmentally-friendly go-karts get blown over two lanes. The Caddy just laughs.

    Try merging onto a freeway with heavy traffic. In that situation, more power is likely to SAVE your hide.

    Try hiding several bodies in a Toyota trunk - it ain't happenin'. :lol:

    Caddies are BUILT. Econoboxes are glued together from a kit.

    Add in the fact that there are tons of hidden problems with many new cars that aren't widely known about until the third or fourth model years, and that's why I like used.

    Don't get me wrong - new is nice. Personally I won't throw money into one, only to see it bleed out the minute I leave the lot. Plus, I don't really miss the monthly payments and finance charges - cash on the barrel head is a great feeling. Look at Merc Wench's trials and tribulations in this thread - ask her how nice it would be to be able to just reach in her pocket and pay for the car. :lol:

  2. Cadillacs - best way to go! :lol:

    Comfy, powerful, easy to get parts, good depreciation. I get 'em used, usually 8-10 years old - old enough to be cheap, new enough to be in decent shape. 'Course, I'm mechanically handy, so checking them out isn't too hard.

    As Misson said, I'd never buy a new car again. Waste of moolah, you ask me.

  3. I seem to have more Family members the last few months than I thought possible - the permutations boggle the mind.

    Almost makes me long for the days when my good friends, the widows of the late African-nation Presidents, wanted to send me money. :lol:

  4. So, by your own standards, critical thinking is only important for boring, inane and ultimately unimportant topics such as particle physics and economics.

    OK - I agree. :lol:

    Maybe it depends on your Meyers-Briggs scores, or what you majored in in school - not sure. Some people seem to have a predilection for one or the other, and shape their lives and resulting actions around that single facet.

    Others, like me (*harumph*), are masters of both.

    BTW - "Most people can agree they like pizza"? Really? I wasn't aware of the world-wide poll on that subject... :o:lol:;)

    And what's wrong with cheese and pepperoni? That's MY favorite...

  5. I like that. I believe it is intuitive, but does everyone share the same intuition?


    I think it depends on your big-picture beliefs - is there a cosmic consciousness? If so, then I think we'd all have the same basic starting materials, but of course what we choose to DO with those materials is up to the individual.

    There are exercises that can be performed that actually increase your intuition, or at least heighten your awareness of it. I teach them as part of my self-defense curriculum, since in so many cases a good dose of intuition can help you avoid a nasty encounter before it starts.

  6. So just as we pyrates gather together from the Seven Seas in this one place then go forth to other places, so do the spammers.

    Their motivation? What is anyone's motivation? Answer that and you'll have the answer to why spammers do what they do.

    I think it might be the evil chaotic faction just practicing their craft. If they can make some money off the deal, so much the better - that might be one way the thing is happening. They figure they're getting the best of both possible worlds - making a profit while sowing discord and confusion.

  7. We all are, to one degree or another.

    Often it seems that the lack of quality of intelligence is more than amply made up for by a surfeit of volume.

    But anyway, yer a chicken, and I'm a chickenhawk! Now don't make any sudden moves, see, or yer gonna' get hoit!

  8. :rolleyes: I sincerely doubted anyone would even read that!

    LOL - a writer is nothing if they don't read voraciously.

    Related - of COURSE I love writing - several books and dozens of articles published, more to come (hopefully). Granted, a success newsletter might not exactly be my cup of tea, seeing as how I'm such a complete and utter failure in life, but still worth a read I'm sure.

    *metaphysics - "MUD" - My Useless Degree, as a ladyfriend always told me

    There's a degree?!

    LOL OOOhhhh yea - from NYU, no less! It was an "experimental" program for several years - it just so happened that when I finished my Psych degree the Metaphysics doctorate course was starting up, so I jumped on for the ride.

    *Richard Feynman - who's that? -

    A really wacky physicist who was into bongos, biology, picking locks, codes, art and other variegated things. An iconoclast. I seem to like iconoclasts.

    I apologize - I really should make better use of the smileys here - especially the "sarcasm" one. :D

    *psychology - "MOUD" - My Other Useless Degree

    I'm working on a useless degree in this field. Experimental Psych interests me. (Clinical bores me.)

    They can both be fascinating - if you have the right prof.

    *Myers-Briggs testing - *INFP groans* - have I got a site for you - I'll email

    Send it along! For awhile I was a member of an INTJ forum. It was like swimming with hungry sharks. I learned a lot, though. I also made what appears to be a life-long friend there.

    We're both probably on the same M-B board and don't know it. Email coming after I post this...

    He certainly went off in his own direction, though. I admire that.

    Just kidding about Bucky, really - he was a great mind.

    *training people about self-help - my life work - well, that and pleasing the female population of the US

    This aspect has always puzzled me because in my perception these two things are at odds - but that is just my perception

    Ah, but what if you help yourself to the females? Works for me. :lol:

    *personal responsibility - have none

    (PR as opposed to diffused responsibility or irresponsibility. A favorite quote of mine..."You are where you are and what you are because of the choices you have made." Don't like one or the other? Make new choices

    That sounds suspiciously like:

    "Every person, all the events of your life, are there because you have drawn them there.

    What you choose to do with them is up to you."

    - from "Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah" - Richard Bach

    DMC's - didn't know that about them vs. Vettes. A pity.

    • *pirates - OK, I'm there - but only fantasy :lol:
      *educational theories and testing - ehh...not really - had enough of that with MUD (see below) - plus was married to an Early Childhood Education type
      *Deloreans - never got into them as such, although they intrigue me - I'm more a Vette guy (had 3)
      *drawing - blood? charcoal? finger-painting?
      *Classical music - taught myself "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" and "Air on a G-String" on a Fender-Rhodes-88 and original-model Moog Mini :lol:
      *creativity - don't have any
      *metaphysics - "MUD" - My Useless Degree, as a ladyfriend always told me
      *regular physics - as opposed to "irregular"? Not really into it except as it applies to beating people up LOL
      *anti-Global Warming rhetoric - GW is just a by-product of Eureka research - didn't you know?
      *Richard Feynman - who's that?
      *psychology - "MOUD" - My Other Useless Degree
      *Myers-Briggs testing - *INFP groans* - have I got a site for you - I'll email
      *movies (I do so love movies) - very selective in this respect - or should I say, eclectic
      *writing - oh, yeah - big time - can't ye tell?
      *website design - yep - I'm there
      *engineering - never understood the appeal of running a train
      *locomotives - ibid
      *Key West - OH yeah - I want to live there again before I die - actually, I want to live there UNTIL I die
      *Mad Magazine (the old ones that were good, not the new ones) - agreed
      *James Bond - one of my childhood idols - well, him and Capt. Kangaroo
      *Buckminster Fuller - again, I fail to see the appeal of the inventor of Fuller's Earth, but different strokes...
      *Star Wars - funny, but I never really got into it - Star Trek, tho, yeah
      *coin collecting - used to - now I only practice coin spending
      *ethics - have none
      *plate block stamp collecting (but only occasionally) - sorry - stamps bored me to dizziness - must have been all that licking
      *movie soundtracks - depends on the movie
      *training people about self-help - my life work - well, that and pleasing the female population of the US
      *personal responsibility - have none
      *SCUBA diving - used to - see "Key West"
      *economics - have none
      *Australia - hmmm...used to be interested - not sure now - I do have a few friends there, though
      *AC Bulldog Mack Trucks - if that bulldog EVER gets up on his hind legs at ME, I'll knock him back to his Momma's womb!
      *business - have none
      *Warner Brothers cartoons - OH YEAH! :P
      *Jazz - certain types - hate wailing saxes; love Chick Corea
      *the inner workings of the brain - have none
      *magazine design and publishing - eh...only principles shared with web design
      *Haunted House design - I suppose it would be an intriguing concept, but never had the opportunity
      *just ideas in general - have none

    Now if THIS didn't scare off the rest of the population here, NOTHING will!



    Awww...MySpace is mondo coolio - where else could you have hot chicks wanting to be your friend and have you look at their site? B)

  9. Well, thanks! I, too, enjoy conversing about this. There seem to be two kinds of people; those who like to read such stuff and discuss it and those who can't understand why I write such tiresomely lengthy posts. :huh:

    Now, if I could get you, blackjohn and Duchess all in the same post discussing philosophy and metaphysics that would be ideal (for me - you guys would have to sort the rest of it out amongst yourselves. ;) ) Alas, they haven't been around much.

    "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig." -Blondie - the Man with No Name

    Yeah - I'm kind of the stray dog of the Net myself...I wander around with big eyes; a forum will let me in; they play with me for a while; then, when they discover I have fleas and am rabid, they throw me out.

    Well, I know BlackJohn was just having some fun down MD way - saw his pics on MySpace. Looked like fun! As for Mlle. Duchess, I don't know - perhaps she's off splitting atoms or beating quarks or something... :lol:

    "Blondiiieeee! Don't leave me like this, Blondiiieeee!" :lol:

  10. Very true.

    On this very board today I encountered an instance of erroneous perceptions. It doesn't take much, does it? A misread word, or a misplaced one...a remembrance of past associations...a defensive attitude...

    Seriously, if you weren't here I don't think I'd be coming back. It figures one of the better metaphysical partners I find would be on a pirate board. :unsure:

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