Black Dog
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Everything posted by Black Dog
Three cheers fer maggie - Ray - next round for the lady is on Willie! Nicely told - really - well done. I was hoping you would have wondered off into the origin of the name though. Willie the rumrunner
Pricklebottom? that takes some real irons missy. Miss Maggie - welcome. thanke fer the drink - Rayyyy - tall black rum - throw me a lime - now were was I - Maggie - tell a bit about yeself lass. I wager there may be more than one curious about ye. Give us a good story lass - you know we likes a good tale now and then. Willie the rumrunner
Welcome lass - another on the right coast - very good! RAY - where's me rum - that dark one - make it a tall one - throw me a lime while you are at it. Seems ye don't have much to say lass - tell us what's been keeping ye a ways to ye-sef. At least make it a lively story - we likes stories we do. Willie the rumrunner
Would there be more than a few pyratical folk in the area of Richmond, Va interested in raiding one of our local theaters for the opening of POTC 2? If ye be mildly curious give us a shout. A proper raid on rivah city ain't been done for quit some time. Might be nice to know if there be any others in this port town that long for wider waters and a bit more adventure. Who knows - could find we have a start of our very own crew. but I wander from the topic at hand - the plan - raid a local movie theater for the opening of POTC2 show up as much in costume as ye can celebrate the event at one of the local pubs once the show is over specifics can be filled out as the date approaches - and interest or lack there of is shown Willie the rumrunner
Capt'n Pern Tis great to hear the work is close to completion. I have been waiting impatiantly for news from the project. I hope it is done by the time of the Blackbeard fest. Might be fun to screen that one somewhere on location. and about the fest - if there is anything I can do -please contact me when you can. I can get time off from the pits for the preceding week if set up help is needed. Nice job on the website for the crew!!!!!!!!! your umble servant Willie the rumrunner
GoF - Good Sire - any word of this order. A sample was expected at some point. Where be we with the number of shoeless pyrates? The Hampton Blackbeard fest is coming in June. Would be nice to have a good pair to wander the streets with. errrr - shoes that is - - anyway Your good and umble servant, Willie the rumrunner
Captain Pern Sir, Good to hear that the fest planning is well underway. I have been marking me calender and collecting more kit items to use while there. I may even be able to come up with me own tent if I knew there was space in the camp. And Pern - have ye heard any more about that little project we were working on in August? Willie the rumrunner
From some of the reading I have done - the reason may be that with any bladed weapon the cut or slashing you would get from a knife or sword was less likely to be fatal than a thrust or stab. I have always heard that the roman soldiers were taught to thrust " the thrust kills - hacking just cuts off ears" While there are true hacking weapons in some of the more stout swords of earlier periods the thrust had become a more prominently taught at the time of the GAoP. Holliwood makes all the long arching cuts look great - but the quick thrust is what did your apponent in in short order. I may be way off in this - just based on some of the reading I have done over the years. If there are others who might have better knowledge please feel free to add to this. In short - the Captain may have known his choir boys might still fight but they were less likely to kill the other without being able to stab to a vital organ. Cuts could be stitched up for the most part. Seems like an idea that was hit or miss depending on the enthusiasm of the combatants but it was better than nothing. Willie the rumrunner
:) aaaaaaaaaaaalrighty then - shoes he 'as? Shoes I be need'n. How about a goodly pair o' 9 1/2 EEEE's. How be the parley for time of 1/2 down and all that. From departure (order placed) to port - how long before they arrive? And fergive this one - what color are they??? I stomped around Hampton' Blackbeard fest this past summer in bare feet - I don't want to repeat that. Willie the rumrunner
Sounds like fun - we just need a Chesapeke version. Thar be many a pyrate in these waters. Willie the rumrunner
Hey!!!!!!!!! would someone let me know when they come out with the Rummy version. Willie the rumrunner
Thru a number of unplanned and bizarre scenarios I have met Capt'n Pern and a number of Blackbeards Crew - including Pyrate Pete, Myra, and Lady Grace. I met there esteamed surgeon - Jessie - damn butcher if truth be told. We was drink'n rum - turns out he got his "school'n" as a butcher. Guess he took a liking to cutting - hehe - fancy that - a pyrate who likes to cut. There were a few others I met but allas, I do not remember the names the gave - may have been there real names - I guess I'll ner know. did learn a few shanties along the way - great fun was had all around Willie the rum runner
Some where in all this is the opening date for potc2 but I am tooo lazy to find it. What is the latest rumor on that? thanke Willie the rumrunner
After a bit of checking I find I have met one of the crew here - callenish gunner - Hugh and I met at the Blackbeard Fest in Hampton in June. Scary looking bloke - he is. Carried more steel than a company of Highlanders. A pyrates pyrate if you aske me. I wonder how many others were at the Blackbeard fest that I may have seen. Willie the rumrunner
Captian Jim-sib I was rereading the original post here and saw that pyrate folk are invited to dress for the occation. Me kit be a little incomplete as of this writing. Would ye know of any merchants that may be expected at this grand party? I do need shoes so very badly - broken glass and splinters are not good for an ol' man's feets - in case the local militia shows and speed is needed. What would be the official policy concerning blades and such other tools of the trade? thanke mate Willie the rumrunner
Now this is the raid I was looking for. I am hoping to make it down for this one - any idea if thar be a camp site around these parts? It be an uncharted land for this ol' salt. thanke Willie the rumrunner
heavy metal but why are we doing what Jack wants us to do Willie the rumrunner
Captian Jim - do ye have much info on the event in Bath? I may be headed down from Va for that one. thanke mate Willie the rumrunner
Interesting question - I don't know that I have met anyone for sure. I believe there some pub members at the Blackbeard fest in hampton last month but I did not meet anyone at that time. Willie the rumrunner
looks like this is a tattoo forum now - soooooooooooo consider this question from an uninked newbie to the pirate world - conservative, quiet, sober-errr sorta, in a world that believed pirates are long gone into the history books and should stay there - is there such a thing as a period tattoo or is it just whatever the artist and client can come up with? As I have been threatened on pain of death should I ever get inked; I would have to find something worth the price to be paid if I ever was able to work the courage up. What would one of the kings sailors have? What was the deal with the pirate brand? - hey ya'll - I'm trying to learn something new here!!! Willie the rumrunner
hmmmmmmmmmmmm - all very interesting. For the most part my point of focus right now is to get into the staged combat - local college drama schools may really be the best place to start. That sounds like good advice. With some travel I have found other training sources as well. thanks to all!!!!!!!! If I ever get into the more serious aspect of swordfighting it would more than likely be under the ARMA system. I have read a bit from - SIGMUND RINGECK'S KNIGHTLY ART OF THE LONGSWORD - and find much to my personal liking. I am from old Brit/German stock - a long sword would fit me well as, I believe, a cutlass would. The european systems may seem a little blurry in the eyes compared to the eastern schools but they are there. This is all personnal choice here. Willie the rumrunner
Nothing since May?? Come mates - give a little!!! Willie the rumrunner
Hugh - that be the kind o' sandle I be look'n fer. If'n I spy's them out the coordinants will be made available fer the crew. thanke much mate Willie the rumrunner
Well then Mates - I be taking this as a NO - no one knows of a damn thing close to Richmond - guess I should just form my own crew, make off with a ship of the crown, find a "volunteer" maestro (pistols I am familiar with), and start to terrorize the local Navy. hmmmmmmmmmmm - form my own crew - never really thought of that - Anyone know any history of river pirates????? - James River at Richmond is tidal - could have been! Willie the rumrunner