Black Dog
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Everything posted by Black Dog
Goggle the avondster - it describes a closed wooden box wtih sand/salt in the bottom - lined with copper or tin. Enough room for a pot or 2 at the top - not much more. This design was probably meant for a smaller vessel - like a coastal sloop. I have a rough sketch based on the description in the article but was hoping for someone who may have better information. Wonderful time of year to scrap barnicles, aah?, Cookie
Shhhh - tis a secret, For anyone who is attending the Fest, pyrate or not - Gosnold Park is a great small campground - but only if you have a trailer, rv, or popup. Gosnold Park is about 3-4 miles from the fest. I stayed there 2 fests ago. Very nice - clean - cheap @ $10 bucks a night. The only draw back - no tents allowed. OK - well - there are 2 draw backs - they don't take reservations - its first come first serve. There were still over 2/3's of the camp empty when I was there. http://www.freecampgrounds.com/detail.aspx?id=547 Cookie
I have seen one wooden framed fire box aboard a replica vessel in Deltaville, Va this last August. I don't remeber the name of the ship but do remember the firebox. I have been looking for designs and documentation on fireboxes and their use. I did find a reference - Galley of the Avondster - which gave a discription of the construction but no sketch. The drawings in the article only showed open firepits. From what I can gather the fireboxes were the in between stage preceding the iron pits or stoves around 1728. The larger vessels had the giant masonary / stone firepits. Smaller ones would have probably used the fireboxes. I am trying to verify the period they were used in and find an actual design - or better yet a scale drawing. Most pyrate fests I have seen the cooking is all done around the good ol' fire pit. When was the last time you saw an open fire aboard a ship? Blackdog aka Willie the Rumrunner - aka Cookie - blackbeardscrew
ooooooooo damn - me thinks I have finally kicked all the ills from the fest. It was a time of too much work, rum, and fun. Next year I will be needing to figure out a way to press a few more cooks helpers. I never heard any reports of illness from the food so I guess we did ok. This was me first year o' cooking for the fest. I was the one with 3 pork shoulders over the camp fire Saturday. Sure wish the storm had kept off the coast - never did get to make me turtle soup. Hopefully next year - - - I expect to be more organized next year. To anyone who was in camp - let me hear from you if you have any suggestions, thoughts, criticisms. Cookie if anyone has pics of this ol' rogue - please send them around -
Ahoy Mates - final preparations are going at breakneck speed for the fest. The lay out of the venders and the pyrate camp will be different this year. The pyrate camp will be larger and centered in what has been the vender area in the past. Set up will begin on Friday. There are 2 vender area's - one for "period venders" and another for everyone else. I hear we have some fine craftsmen coming this year. one last thing rain rain go away -come again another day - say it with me now rain rain go away - come again another day LOOKING FORWARD TO A GREAT FEST Willie the rumrunner - aka - Cookie
There is period camping this year of course. The camp itself has been shifted a bit closer to the stage area (for those who have been there) allowing for more room. I know the website is being reworked and things are being added all the time. Anyone have a good recipe for dogs body??? looking forward to seeing old friends and new ones Willie the rumrunner - aka Cookie
June 1-3 is Hampton, Virginia's Blackbeard Fest. I was wanting to know who may show up this year. I'll be working the camp fires and trying not to poison anyone. Hopefully we will have enough rum to cure anything that comes up. I hear the crew from NQG will be there. The planning is well underway. If anyone has specific questions throw them my way. I'll find the answer if I don't know if offhand. Willie the rumrunner aka - Cookie
Hmmmmm - think I may have to check the calender. Wonder if there may be a spot on the ground for a cook??? Anyway - not sure if this one is possible but I do intend to look into it. Willie the rumrunner
Food stuffs - I believe the name of a very good book is "Feeding Nelson's Navy" or something like that. It is based on the written records of what the Royal navy feed their sailors. While it is later than the GaOP the foods of that period would not have changed much since the preservation technology was the same. A friend of mine recommended the book but I have not purchased a copy yet. A topic search here will also give you much more resources to pull from. Willie the rumrunner
Black Dog replied to BeaufortsPyrateWench's topic in July
final orders are in. Willie is going to Beaufort for a dose of fun and a vacation from reality. Sounds like the whole world is decending upon the Carolina coast. I was wondering - if we capture one of these fine vessels - do we get to keep it? looking forward to seeing everyone and meeting new friends Willie the rumrunner -
oooooooooooooo - me eyes still hurt from the sunlight. Was a grand weekend spent and memories gathered. At least that is what I am getting from the pictures I see posted. but anyway - it was great to meet everyone there - hope everyone arrived safely home. I am already working up schemes for next year. Who knows - a tavern in the camp? Not sure if I can get that past the quartermaster. shhhh - don't tell him I am waiting on pics to come back from the shop - if anyone has some of this old dog - please share!!! Willie the rumrunner
Greg I lift a tall glass of rum to ye mate. Tis a grand thing to work so long on. Life, like the sea moves us where it will. Sometimes to the shores we seek and oft times not. heal up and attack something anew - let the colonies know if ye er' seem headed this way - this ol' dog has a bottle of rum waiting. Willie the rumrunner
Fire on shore - good. Fire onboard a wooden ship - bad. How was fire for cooking dealt with aboard the ships? What sources of info is out there for info on what was prepared and how. I expect lots of boiled salt pork and some type of bread. If any have some valid information please share or point me in the direction of resources that may have that information. thanks mates, Willie the rumrunner
me thinks fer Christmas me wants a new pair o' shoes - any chance???? I found a pair o' Jesus sandles for the time being. By the time cold weather comes I be hoping for some o' the fine quality leathers we been waiting fer. Sandels in winter - brrrrrrrrr and a happy memorial day to all veterans Willie the rumrunner
Looking forward to seeing ye Gunner. Would he be around afore the event begins? I be hoping to obtain that buckle we spoke of earlier. I plan on being in the area by Thursday noon or soon there after. I will have a barrel or 2 o' rum and a few limes. Enough rum and you never know what I may find that I need for the arsenal . Willie the rumrunner
Just checking on the lastest on the shoes, samples, order numbers and the lot. Looking forward to placing me order. 9.5EEEE -lol Willie the rumrunner
Capt'n Pern, Me copy of Chesapeake Bay magzine arrived today. Seems the feature article is all about the Fest!!! Great piece on the Fest and all around Hampton. Willie the rumrunner
That was funny - made me morning it did. thanks, Willie the rumrunner
Welcome to the pub lass. Would ye be so kind to buy an ol' dog a tall rum? I'll take a bit o' lime in that if'n ye don't mind. Give us a story lass - we likes stories 'round here. Willie the rumrunner
Whip and sword?! now that be a lady I want to meet. And welcome to the pub me lass. Have ye gone to the pub for yer introductions yet? Tis a custome around these parts. Glad to know there be at least one around Richmond who would stand with me. If we can raise a bit more of a crew it would be worth accosting the local theatres for the opening. While 2 rogues may be enough to throw Rivah city into a true panic overwhelming odds are always to a pyrate's advantage . Hope we can raise a few more crazies - might be a great party! Willie the rumrunner
Black Dog replied to BeaufortsPyrateWench's topic in July
Question for the natives in Beaufort. I understand that accomidations will be difficult to come by at best. Can you give me some idea of the campgrounds in the area. Anything within a reasonable drive would do. I have a small popup that is easy to deal with. thanks mates Willie the rumrunner -
GoF - do we have a true count of interested parties? This post has started to slid in hits and questions of late. I was getting concerned that interest was falling off. What would the manufacturer need to verify that we have the numbers to start production? Having seen the pics from the recovered shoes and the other posted shoes from the English manufacturer I am certain that I would like to have a pair. Considering that the manufacturer is Canadian are his prices based on US or Canadian exchanges? thanks again for all your work Willie the rumrunner
Me cold heart finds encouragement to find a young lass here. Since ye be buying rounds - Ray - a tall cool Gosling - and throw me a lime if ye please. Welcome lass - watch out for the rogues who would currupt one as yeself - and listen to the wenches what have been here a bit. Learn the history - there is a plenty here. and have fun Willie the rumrunner
What ho me lads and lasses? Not a single scalley wag in the lot o'ye? Surely thar be one or two in this town what be wanting to fly the blackflag!! And to think - I call Richmond home tis a shame. Come now - give us a shout - be there any who would claim that bit of the sweetlife??? Stand and be counted!!! Thar be raiding that needs doing! Willie the rumrunner
GoF - ok - so wheres the shoes? Me feets be needing some cover and my mind would like to know when to expect it. I have about a 2. 5 month count down till I really need them but would like to know what to plan for. I hope Richard Long will be able to give us a good time line once the order is in. thanks again for all your work Willie the rumrunner