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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. No damn good... Vertigo worse than before. Can't keep a thing down. Can't look at the screen for more thana couple seconds. No fun.
  2. Oh, it happens, love. It just takes a lot to set me off. :) I can look at the computer screen for more than 10 minutes before the vertigo sets in... that's an improvement. I miss being here.
  3. The damned Valium isn't working, so they've put me on prednisone. It should work, but the crap makes me as grouchy as a bear with a toothache.
  4. Well, new news fom the Doctor wasn't terribe - labrynthisis. I makes me walk like I'm deep in my cups yet haven't had a dram Getting out of a chair is one hell of a chore, not to mention leaing over to pick up a child's toy. All too easy to end up one's face. The docs have started me one on medication, Valium, whick I'mjoying the hell out of. After that, they start in with Predisone.
  5. About to take shower ( yes, Christine. That's included too. ), snuzzle up wiht a good movie. I cant decide between Batmn Returns or Kingdom of Heaven I'll watch Batman tonhigt, Kingom tomorrow instead of the Vickings lose to Detriot.
  6. As always, I'll lift a pint fer wishin' ye were here to drink it w' us, and my heart swells with pride knowin' that you are fighting for our freedom and our way of life. There be plenty o' pints to be had in this world, but ony one of each of you. Keep you head down, and yer guns blazin! God bless you, your families, and the United States of America! Thank You, and may God bring you home upone the swift completion of your mision.
  7. Thank... God...it's... the... bloody... weekend1
  8. Ye forgot Swedish! "Ja, you guys in da boot dere... Want some lutefisk?"
  9. To quote one of Rummy's favorite songs, "I have become/comfortably numb."
  10. I'm learning the hardwood saxophone, and I WILL master the recorder this Winter!
  11. I used to speak a great deal of Русский, but I haven't used it in years. Same with my Français, and my Español. I think I can still do Beatnik... К моим русским друзьям, это было по-разному временем, и по-разному миром. Я хочу быть вашим другом.
  12. Killing time while my homemade pizza dough finishes it's second proof. :)
  13. Jack smiled as Tempest went about her preliminary exanimation. "We shall work out a clever signal, good Doctor. If I appear at your door with an expensive bottle of cognac in one hand and a single red rose in the other, then my intentions have nothing to do with the ship's business. Agreed?" He could hear Tempet's chuckle behind him as she concentrated on her examination. "I was in the lower aft hold searching for Kendra's attacker. How is the dear girl, by the way? Mending well, I should hope? Nevertheless, I was obviously clouted upon the back of the skull with a heavy, blunt instrument... a saxophone, perhaps? Never mind... and I awoke to a screaming head and wretching gut. My instincts tell me that our quarry enjoys the dark a bit too much. I intend to take that nicety away from him. And if we cannot drive him into the light, we shall bring the light to him."
  14. I had always taken it that in order to observe an event or phenomena, you end up changing the fundamental state of that which you are observing. Or was I reading drunk again?
  15. Jack awoke to a splitting headache and a wave of nausea. He was disoriented in the dim light trickling in the wherever he was. He rolled onto his side, wretching up a mercifully small amount of acrid bile. He spat to clear his mouth, and tried to sit up and atttain his bearings. He could remember taking a small tot of whiskey before speaking with the Monsignor. Jack thought as hard as he could through a stining and muddled head; the Monsignor wanted to go ashore and find the Captain on his own, Jack had provided him with concealable arms, and was going topside with the holy man. In his haste, Jack had forgotten to secure the Armoury door, so he was going to lock the door and join Monsignor Diego after that. He couldn't remember anything after that. Jack felt the back of his head. There was a sizeable lump at the base of his skull, and a small amount of dried blood. That at least ruled out drugged whiskey. Feeling about, he realised that he was somewhere in the aft hold, amid a number of barrels. He checked himself, and found that both his pistols were missing. His duty sword was gone, as well. At least his attacker had not found his dagger. He collected himself as well as possible, and made his way back forward on unsteady legs. He thought of the cane Rummy had made him, hoping that the villian had only cast it aside to be found later. And what of Kendra? She had been attacked as well, and the modus operandi for hiding his victims appeared the same. He wondered if she recovering from her assault... "So, our unwanted guest likes the darkness, eh? Then we drive him into the light, even if the light must come to him" Jack thought to himself. Jack negotiated the ladder from the hold to the companionway leading forward. As he approached the Armoury, he could see that the door was indeed secured, either by his own hand or Mr. Lasseter's. He continued on to the Surgery, and rapped upon the door before swinging it open. He leaned heavily against the doorframe and forced a smile at the Doctor. "Would it were that I had come a-courting, my good Physician; but alas, I find myself in need of your aid once again" Jack winked, and winced at the pain brought on by an attempt to chuckle.
  16. Stressed beyond belief. I have to get a passport (expedited, of course) so I can travel to Argentina (at a moment's notice) to oversee the transfer of a portion of my team's work to the Argentinean team. Of course, there's a huge bubble of work that needs to be done before I go. I also get to oversee the ongoing work relationship with them. To quote Lloyd Bridges in the movie Airplane, "I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue!"
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