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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Be thou ever so enslaved, I shall set you free upon the land...
  2. Boobs! Such wondrous orbs for any soul to behold!
  3. ^ Would make an incredibly majestic ship's figurehead. :)
  4. Terribly amused. My former team just realised that I'm no longer able (nor inclined) to wipe their snotty little noses for them, and they actually have to think for themselves! Frankly, I'm delighted to be shed of that intellectual flea circus. Now, where'd I leave that rum?
  5. Not a problem for me, love. I am waiting for the next issue, however... :)
  6. It sure as 'ell kept Admiral Nelson! I'll drink t' his old bones any day! :) Kass, to answer your question; 30 gallons would certainly keep a temperate Captain for the 3 to 4 months journey from England to the West Indies. More hearty souls would no doubt requisition a bit in excess of that number. :)
  7. WISCONSIN?! Well, at least ye bring good beer and passable cheese. (I be in Minnesota, mate!) Welcome aboard! :)
  8. Once in a Million Years - Blackmore's Night October reminds me of my home, The cold nights I would wait all alone. Watching leaves turning from green to gold... The waiting feels like eternity, When waiting for love to come to me. Someone to have, someone to hold... Then once in a million years, A shining white knight will appear! Fairytales are coming true, I promise my heart only to you... A castle stands upon a hill, Our eyes meet and time is standing still. Your smile warmed me like the first summer sun... There's color where once was black and white, There's moonbeams where there was only night. I knew then and there you were the one... Then once in a million years, A shining white knight will appear! Fairytales are coming true, I promise my heart only to you...
  9. Josh, your exactly right. Given the freeness in which rum was dispensed - punch, grog, &tc - 30 gallons might last a Captain from Portsmouth to Antigua, barring any unncecessary diplomatic encounters.
  10. ::expunging all politically correct stupidity from his head:: PLUNDER!!
  11. Matt.... MATT! Ye look as if yer in over yer inexperienced head, laddy. Allow Ol' Jack t' step in and carry th' load for ye'! Wouldn't want ye expirin' before yer time, if ye be catchin' my meaning... :)
  12. 30 gallons?! Kass, you been spying in on my rations?! Or has Janelle been passing on information to your mail list?
  13. Ye caught me a bit off guard there, lass. Of course, I be fond o' cherries! Tyin' the stems into knots with me tounge, and savouring the tastes... What were we talkin' about?!
  14. Exhausted and stressed from the long drives to and from southern Iowa, and dodging the crossfire of my wife's disfunctional siblings. For those of you unfimiliar with the plight of being the in-law, it's very much like being a red-shirted crewman from the original Star Trek series in the episode "Devil in the Dark"... There you are, wandering about, thinking yourself sufficiently armed, when you hear an odd sound. Then, WHAMMO!!! You've been blindsided, scorched to a crisp, wondering what hit you and why. Wash, rinse, repeat for 3 bloody days.
  15. I don't know who you are, nor do I particularly care. You're impersonation of me is, at best, half baked. Stop it now. The mods know that you're not me, and are actively tracking you. So cut it out, you bloody twit. Your pathetic fraud will not go unpunished. ~ Mad Jack
  16. No, mate... Work is most certainly the curse of the drinking class... I'm a prime example, to be sure. :)
  17. Under a Violet Moon - Blackmore's Night
  18. Woohooooo!! Now Janelle can start working on my latest kit!
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