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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I've had sex in a church. With a deacon's daughter. More than once.
  2. "All For Me Grog" {Chorus} Well it's all for me grog, me jolly jolly grog, It's all for me beer and tobacco. For I spent all me tin with the lassies drinking gin, Far across the Western Ocean I must wander. Where are me boots, me noggin', noggin' boots? They're all gone for beer and tobacco. For the heels they are worn out and the toes are kicked about, And the soles are looking out for better weather. Chorus Where is me shirt, my noggin', noggin' shirt? It's all gone for beer and tobacco. For the collar is all worn, and the sleeves they are all torn, And the tail is looking out for better weather Chorus Where is me bed, me noggin', noggin' bed? It's all gone for beer and tobacco. Well I lent it to a whore and now the sheets are all tore And the springs are looking out for better whether. Chorus Where is me wench, me noggin', noggin' wench? She's all gone for beer and tobacco. Well her (clap) is all worn out and her (clap) is knocked about, And her (clap) is looking out for better weather. Chorus I'm sick in the head and I haven't been to bed Since first I came ashore with me plunder. For I spent all me dough on the lassies movin' slow, Far across the Western Ocean I must wander. Chorus x 2
  3. "OK, Rumba, I've only got 25 seconds left. The question is 'Sergei Korolev, the driving force behind the creation of the Soviet Space Program, was know by what nickname by the American government before they discovered is real name?' A: 'The Mastermind'; B: 'The Architect'; C: 'The Red Genius'; or D: 'The Brain'? OK, only 15 seconds left. Ya gotta help me out!" :) (You have to admit, this would be a good question for the show, even if you flip it around.) When I'm not reading up on pyracy or sailing, I love "messing around" with a freeware simulator called "Orbiter". The early NASA programs (Mercury, Gemini, Apollo) are a gas to fly, and even the Russian Soyuz can be fun despite the fact it maneuvers like a hobbled donkey.
  4. I know that last one! Apollo, the Incredible Inflating Horse! You start to tighten the cinch, and you can see his nostrils flare! We have to saddle him, get the cinch tight enough for the saddle to stay put, then walk him out to the arena or warm-up pen. By then, he's gotten distracted and you can get the cinch nice and snug. I don't know how many times Janelle's threatened to paint "Goodyear" on his side!
  5. "Be good, and you will be lonesome." ~ Samuel Langhorn Clemens
  6. The garb was interesting but hackneyed, the "acting" was spotty with some very funny bits, and the action was rather run-of-the-mill. I found myself at times more interested in the ship interior shots (they used the Bounty, after all) than in the romping. Not the worst I've seen, but hardly the best. I'd give it Two Full Masts Minus a Bowsprit out of Three.
  7. I could see whatever it was (an ancient, evil thing). I can even recall the colour and texture of it's skin, and some of the things it was trying to compel me to do. I can even remember the feelings I experienced as I recognised and fought the subliminal reprogramming. I hate dreams like this one!
  8. I'm a "Deal or No Deal" junkie. I've always liked Howie Mandel, and I love high risk games of chance (when it's other people's money).
  9. I hope it's just one of those "latent fear" dreams - you hear or read about something terrible, and it sneaks into your subconscious mind and pops up in a dream. I'm a big softie, and don't even want to think about losing one of my fur babies. I had the wierdest dream last night, and I couldn't wake out of it. It had to do with someone or some thing trying to recondition/re-educate/brainwash me into doing horrific, inhuman things. They'd managed to corrupt all my music and videos, regardless of format, with subliminal reprogramming. And it was effecting everyone I know. It was so vivid, I woke up questioning whether or not my thoughts were my own. Fortunately, I'm still my off-kilter, off-coloured, politically incorrect, goofball self.
  10. "I keep tryin' to think, but nothin' happens!" ~ Jerome Lester Horwitz (Curly Howard)
  11. Rummy! I just saw your Minnesota joke. I love it! "Hello? Funeral home?" "Yes?" "Yah, it's Ole. My wife Lena up and died." "Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. We'll send someone right away to pick up the body. Where do you live?" "At de end of Eucalyptus Drive, y'know." "Can you spell that for me?" "How's 'bout if I drag her over ta Oak Street and you pick her up der?"
  12. For all you horse enthusiasts - Lessons From Your Horse 1. When you're tense, let me teach you that there are lions in the woods, and we need to leave. NOW!! 2. When you're short tempered, let me teach you how to slog around the pasture for an hour before you catch me. 3. When you're short-sighted, let me teach you to figure out where, exactly, in 40 acres I'm hiding. 4. When you're quick to react, let me teach you that herbivores kick much faster than omnivores. 5. When you're worried, let me entertain you with my mystery lameness. 6. When you feel superior, let me teach you that, mostly, you're the maid service. 7. When you're self-absorbed, let me teach you to pay attention!! (I told you about those lions in the woods...) 8. When you're arrogent, let me teach you what 1,200 pounds of yahoo-let's-go! speed event horse can do when suitably inspired. 9. When you're lonely, let me be your companion. Let's do lunch. Also breakfast, dinner, and snacks. 10. When you're tired, don't forget the 600 pounds of grain that need to be unloaded. 11. When you're feeling financially secure, let me teach you the meaning of "veterinary services, additional."
  13. Sunny, breezy, and 72. The trees are budding, the flowers are popping up; it's beautiful! :)
  14. I cheat (go figure!) and use the excess length of me belt to truss up the tankard on the rare occassion I find it empty.
  15. The Doctor


    Sounds great! I'm sure we can find a few more pints that need draining! It'll be great to spend time with My Lady's Cutlass again. Ian MacFarlane will be there, too! :)
  16. The Doctor


    My bride and I will be there for Saturday, if not both days of the faire. We can hardly wait! Who else from the Pub's going?
  17. "Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read." ~ Groucho Marx
  18. We got the various grades of linen on Sunday. Now to find the right buttons!
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