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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Please keep all corespondence regarding PIP in this thread. All non-PIP postings will be moved into the "Raids" topic. Not that I'm being a hard@ss, but we need some clarity, yeah? :)
  2. Aye! 'Tis naught but truth, as truth would hold us spellbound to it's clarity. And Truth be but a beacon that draws us nigh unto it's true purpose; to light the path of Righteousness. OK, so I really wasn't paying attention to that last part I wrote. And no, no, NO, NO, NO, I'm not mocking anyone's beliefs. I'm but a simple comedian, wanting nught but to extract laughter and perhaps a coin or two from those so entertained. :) And yes, yes, Yes, YES, YES, YES!!, Kendra! You need to come back to the Pub. A large portion of our collective soul was lost when you left. Please, come back to us. That is, if you can forgive the ass that I've been. Yeah, it's a very public apology. And if I'm ostricized for it, so mote it be. :) I'm a big pyrate, and I can take it.
  3. Thanks, my brother. I iced the bejesus out of my ankle, and it's better now. My biggest challenge (pardon the pun) is being able to fit in my chaps...
  4. OK, Ace took 5th out of 8th. The 1st place horse scored a (very controvertial) 64.5, and Acey pulled a 60.0. I get to show him next week, in a huge, outdoor pen. May Davey Jones be with us in this competition. :)
  5. That's very true; the backs were much shorter than the fronts, due to the fact that much of the apparel of the age was geared toward the most common form of personal travel: horses. To wit (or should I say, "for sooth"?)... I'll be riding my half-Arabian in competition next weekend wearing a "puffy shirt" and waistcoat. "The front of the waistcoat should lay over to the outside of the the thighs of the wearer; the back should be equal with the waist." OK, so I'm the Phillipe Candeloro of the Arabian reining world. They still have to outride me, and get a better score. :)
  6. OOOoooooOOOOOOOoWWWWWwwww! Dammit! I was playing on the stairs with Caleb, and twisted the p*ss out of my right ankle! And I've got a reining competition next week! I don't need this crap!!!
  7. Hear, hear! Capt. Grey! The voice of reason in an Addled Age!
  8. New pictures of new garb coming up... Stay tuned, campers! Oi! wearing bucket boots is turning to the "light side"? Tell me, matey! How does one hide their boot flask in buckle shoes?
  9. I'm trying to set up a damned internet pyrate radio station without completely compromising my network's security...
  10. You try and teach the Mouse how to light a barbeque, and it's all over the internet the next day... Sheesh!
  11. As someone what's been married 15 years come July, get the bloody ring! :) I know, I know... She probably said she'd be fine without a ring. That's yer first bonechilling clue, mate... she said "fine". That be woman code for "Sure, yeah, whatever. Forget something this important to me while you run off and spend it on something you really think is more important than me!", or some such rubbish. Three words for ye, if ye don't get the ring. "John Wayne Bobbitt" :) Think about it.
  12. We are very sad to say that Marysburg Books is now out of business - as in closed as of this past weekend - and so will not be able to host the planned mini ren fest next week. It's quite sad and for more reasons than the cancellation of the mini faire. It was a lovely, growing place. Just not able to keep up with the costs of the growth.
  13. Hmmm... Strange. The original thread on this faire seems to have been deleted. No matter!! The 2006 Ren Fest will run weekends and Labour Day from August 19th to October 1st. For information and season passes, call (800) 966-8215. On a bummer of a note, My Lady's Cutlass have decided not to perform at this year's MN festival due to schooling and family constraints. They will still be performing at Siouxland and Twig! :) I'll be sure to post their other upcoming appearances. All the best to Capt. Thalia and Jeanne!
  14. Wish us luck, mates. Ace competes tonight, with our trainer Rod aboard. I'll be there, half in pyrate garb (as the wifey won't let me go all the way.) He's working so well, and took 3rd in last weeks's competition. Tonigiht, Ace will destroy his competitors! In warmup, last night, he was digging 11-foot tracks. Go Ace!!!
  15. Wise beyond words, as usual, dear Kendra. "Of course I love children. Medium rare." ~ W. C. Fields
  16. I likes ye, brother, but I'll nay be pimped out t' the likes o' ye! Maybe, and I mean MAYBE, if they toss in some chalupas, we might have some kind of accord.
  17. I can hardly wait for the Renaissance Cruise January 2007. To be standing on the flying bridge in full regalia, should make a striking sight, indeed. :)
  18. Cap'n Bo, I know your heartache all too dearly. And as I said on another board, such unconditional love is hard to lose, but never goes unrewarded. Take heart, my friend. And know that our thoughts and prayers are with ye. :)
  19. It works fine for me, but I'm using FireFox...
  20. You've always felt extraordinary to me, love... :)
  21. Once again, a gentleman I cannot recommend highly enough - Dorsett House. His workmanship is beyond reproach, and he has made fine goods for the "Mortal Kombat" movies and the Broadway play "Spamalot". All my leather has been crafted by this good man, and I cannot recommend him highly enough.
  22. Part of me has forgotten it's not 18 anymore... (For those just tuning in; the following takes place between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM. My wife and Rumba have agreed upon a price for my services, which in no way would distress a late night Taco Bell drive-through. That's right - I've been pimped for a Big Beef Burrito and a large Mountain Dew. I feel strangely gratified by the whole transaction...)
  23. The lovely mermaid quotes Bruce Lee? In many ways, it does make sense, after one thinks about it. "Costumes are the core of culture; therefore, performers without costumes stand out like rat droppings in clear soup." ~ Liberace
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