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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. Here's my fat self in my new kit, unable to keep my big mouth shut (as usual...)
  2. Christine!! Please have your guyfriend convey a message for me; Ever since I was a young lad, I've always thought that Julie Newmar was the quintessential Catwoman, and always will be in my mind. You, obviously, are an extremely close second. :)
  3. "Fate" is handed to you, for good or ill. "Destiny" is what you decide to make of your fate.
  4. Bloody hell! This weekend?! Rummy, know that Janelle and I wish you and John the best of everything this life has to offer, and the happiest of times together! We'll raise a jar or two in your honor, and toast your many years of bliss to come!
  5. Hear, hear, Phil! Nicely put. :)
  6. OK, having speed-read the first 9 chapters of "The Da Vinci Code", I've come to the following conclusion; tedious, boring, below-average writing, and fundamentally off the mark. Anyone who wants to get all whipped up over this book needs a bloody hobby. Lots of sizzle, but no prime beefsteak to back it up. Plenty of smoke, but precious little fire. 2 out of 5 stars on the Mad Jack scale.
  7. Strawberry Fields Forever - The Beatles :)
  8. Funny, I named my flagship The Flattery, because it get me nowhere!
  9. I could say the same for The Bible. :) ps - not meant to be an intention Troll... I question the essential "facts" that Christianity is based upon. No worries, mate. I am Wiccan, after all. But no matter one's religion, religious belief is based upon a single foundation: faith. :)
  10. The Captain's Quarters, of course. With you being the Captain, where else would I wish to prowl? :)
  11. I've been schooled by my own brother (a retired Navy captain) that "Deadlights are windows that allow the passive transmission of light in to or out of the vessel. Shuttering of the deadlights is done to secure the vessel for nocturnal action." So, ol' Jack was off the mark yet again...
  12. No offense intended, love. It's just that I couldn't see certain text or controls. Then again, I am an old fart. :)
  13. Testing one's faith requires one to face one's doubts. If those doubts indeed bear bitter fruit, then one must deal with the outcome, and find a new path. Because, obviously, their previous path was false. According to biblical scripture, Christ himself tested the faith of his disciples to their very limits, because he required true faith, not blind faith.
  14. Religious controversy is essential. It tests one's faith. Untested faith is useless dogma. All the hoopla over "The Da Vinci Code" is hilarious to me, because it is an obvious (even by the author's words) work of fiction. Any work that even pretends to explain the seminal years of Christianity without addressing the first 400 years of Christandom is fundamentaly off the tracks. But, folks got all whipped up over "The Last Temptation of Christ" before they ever saw it, and the same with "The Passion of the Christ", even though they were both rooted firmly in scripture. Untested faith is useless dogma. And my karma just ran over your dogma.
  15. Looks like Siren fancies herself a "Peanut Buster"?
  16. Black on black, and blood-red on black, does a bit of disservice to ye, love. I missed it simply because I could not see it. :)
  17. She got quite the belly laugh out of that one, to be sure!
  18. The one thing Janelle reminded me of regarding the waistcoast she just finished for me (mid-thigh in front, waist-length in back), is that men like to look good in two fundamental positions... Astride a horse, and sitting on their ass while blustering about politics.
  19. Well, Kass, I can only speak from the modern Arabian show ring when it comes to equestrian garb. My habit is to dress in more rustic clothing, which ranges from vests that are cut even with the waist to drop-front "riverboat gambler" vests. But again, these date post 1850. I'm still trying to dig up that web site I found. C'est la vie, no?
  20. 'Tis a fyne site, indeed, if only I could post a thought or two... :)
  21. You know these ornery types, ladies. Get yourselves some rockgrinder spurs. That'll get you what you're after!
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