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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. I knew it looked wrong when I wrote that. Thanks for setting me right, Coastie!
  2. Caleb hasn't been overly interested in the lady folk ever since the veterinarian "broke" him. And, Rumba! What a terrible thing to say about Jack Jr! The therapy alone will cost a fortune.
  3. phantasmagorical
  4. Here's all three of Janelle's elves. Caleb Selena And Jack Jr.
  5. I love to swim. I'd spend all my time on or in the water if I could. As far as the satellite photos are concerned, that's why you don't pee in the water when ye go swimmin'!
  6. Blackmore's Night new Christmas CD!
  7. Agreed! "Sister Christian" sucks! "Ghost of a Rose" (just to veer this off in a better vein)
  8. tongue-twister
  9. tongue transplant (since I moved from Dixie to the Perfidious North)
  10. Here's Caleb helping Janelle sew my new frock coat...
  11. ^ My tastes vary so widely, I really can pin it down to one. < I'm so jazzed about our upcoming cruise, I can't stand it! I'll do my level best to represent the Pyracy Pub. Which means I'll be drunk nearly 24x7, and incredibly disorderly. Huzzah!! V Shaken, or stirred?
  12. Holy logarithms, Batman! Could this be an ancient mechanism for calculating latitude? If they'd only take all their scans, toss it into a program to interpolate the missing bits, and manufacture a replica, then let one of us get ahold of it, they might just get an answer! Given that latitude could not be calculated until the invention of a reliable clockwork mechanism, it's not unreasonable to posit that this might be a latitude calculator. Great find, Aurore! Thank you!
  13. Nasty cough, that. You should have it checked. All in fun, love. Now, where's that rum?
  14. Now, now, love. Come sit on ol' Jack's lap and tell 'im all about it. I don't bite. Not that hard, anyways. :)
  15. The time, or the money? Both go the way of the wind. :)
  16. Aside from Selena stealing pillows in the middle of the night, Caleb using the stairs as a scratching post when he wants to be chased, and Jack Jr. playing hockey with my wife's spools of thread, yes. They're well behaved for being spoiled brats.
  17. Welcome back! Now, care to jog my memory with some rum?
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