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The Doctor

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Everything posted by The Doctor

  1. cat o' nine lives
  2. Fifteen... oops. Ten Commandments!
  3. I agree, training birds is much easier. Provided one has a proper sized roasting pan, of course.
  4. This is Abbie, the newest member of our family. She's a six-month old Siamese/silver tabby cross, and has the prettiest blue eyes.
  5. Here the link for MacGregor Games. Chaz does some wonderful work. Highly recommended.
  6. Yesterday, we lost our youngest cat, Jack Jr. He was a purebred Russian Blue, and the kindest, most loving cat I've ever had the joy of knowing. He would have been five years old next month. We found out today that he was born with a congenital kidney defect. Cats born with the particular defect he had will appear to be healthy, and will not present any symptoms whatsoever until they've lost over 75% of their kidney function and their bone marrow stops producing new red blood cells. Unfortunately in his case, there's nothing we could have done to save him even if we'd known. Please, if you have a purebred pet of any breed, have them screened. Purebreds are much more likely than mixed breeds to have health conditions.
  7. Heartbroken.
  8. I'd with warm wishesd, and even warmer hands, that I wish wish you a very happy birthday !!
  9. champagne & roses
  10. Don Quixote de la Mancha
  11. Snow yesterday, sub-zero temps for the next two nights... #$%&@!!!
  12. self-incrimination
  13. Aw, Merry, you're so sweet to look after me the way you do!
  14. We'll farm the crabs out. Too many people willing to catch them, eh? Clams, we can discuss. I'm an avid fan of clams. I should probably leave it there. And to everyone else: I was just walking around San Juan, innocent as a lamb, snapping a few pictures. Then, before my eyes, appears La Rumba! Imagine my delight!
  15. Scallops Alfredo Florentine.
  16. [This post unintentionally left blank.]
  17. deception (though La Rumba was thinking hockey)
  18. ©2008 Bright Wolfe Enterprises
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