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Everything posted by piratelassie

  1. Bein' in a poetical mood this fine rainy morn, I was wonderin' if there are any other Spanish-speakin' scallawags like meself about who've read the poem Cancion del Pirata by Jose Espronceda.
  2. Chadwick's didn't seem to have much, probably cos' its spring now, at least accordin' ta me calendar
  3. I've read Kydd, haven't gotten around ta readin' Artemis yet. Tis sittin on the shelf in me great cabin. I liked it, but, alas, the world outside o' me own fancy takes up a great deal o' time. Also, another good trilogy involving pirates is the Brethren of the Coast series by James Nelson. Oh, and good YA fiction for all those teenage pirate lasses out there (meself included) is Pirates! by Celia Rees.
  4. I can vouch fer the truth in tha' story, bein' a lapsed pianist meself. I got the piano music fer POTC and am now fallen back into the practicing. Only thing is, me small hands can't do the ten note spreads in some of the songs
  5. awwww, meltin' me piratical heart.... so very sweet
  6. Can't wait fer the sequel.... Oh, ya, an' I'll be hijackin' both o 'em thankee.
  7. Can't say I approve o' the drawing, tho' its better than I could do. A wee bit o' swag is cool (ie piano music fer the score, that sort o' thing) but it'll be a sad day if they take it as far o'erboard as they did with Harry Potter
  8. thanks ya mates fer the fine advice
  9. Expression o' general frustration that. Here's me yarn: So I ordered these absolutely luvverly piratical boots off ebay, in my size. They came in a few days ago, and I tried them on. THe right one fit me like twere made fer me, but the left, oho the left... bloomin size 5!!! Arrrrrrgggghhhhh So, ifn any one knows whereabouts I can get ahold o' some ladies size 7 pirate boots, preferably brown, I'd be greatly obliged if ya tell me. Ali
  10. I've been scoutin' fer a decently priced coat and cutlass a good while now. The only part o' me kit that I haven't got. I'd be much obliged if ye could post some pictures...
  11. The Maid on the Shore is slightly piratical, and could be seen as a love song. Pamela Morgan and Anita Best do a luvverly version of it on their CD THe Colour of Amber. Other than that, I don't know any pirate love songs other than the ones already mentioned. I really liked the last one, The Pirate's Song though.
  12. Great Big Sea's a favorite o' mine as well, though they've gone a bit downhill I think with Sea of No Cares. Spirit of The West is also good.
  13. Ali_Glassie@stgeorges.edu If you're looking to take a semester off, there's a program called SEA. It's basically maritime studies out of Woods Hole, Mass, half of which takes place aboard a 134 foot brigantine I believe. I'm planning to do it when I go to college. A lot of schools give course credit for it. Their website is www.sea.edu
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