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Everything posted by piratelassie
Aye. Under The Black Flag an' The History o' pirates be great fer histry. Entertainin as well. An thanks fer the suggestions in the fiction dept. I just got me scurvy paws on a gift certificate ta Barnes &Noble, so's I've been lookin' fer a way ta budget it. Too much ta read. Too little time
Fer lasses I likes the names Isabella an' Mara an' Elena, but ya should pick wotever ya thinks suits 'er
I likes it. What be the rest o the story?
Excellent! Let me know ifn ya enjoys em.
Ooooohhhh, sounds good. Have to look into that one. But yeah, The Nautical Chart was excellent. Very unexpected ending. And lots of musings on the sea and navigation that I found interesting. Although I haven't read it yet, I was given The Pirate Hunter, by Richard Zacks, which is supposedly a biography of Captain Kidd, and sounds cool. Oh, and in the books that I have read and are not on my multi page list of books too read is Expedition Whydah. Very interesting book about the business of underwater excavation and also the legends and truths about Black Sam Bellamy. I thought the author was a bit self congratulatory though. But still worth reading
that's too bad about the Bounty The last time I saw her I was really little. About six I think. I don't remember much
A thread fer poems abou' tha sea? I agree mate, I agree. I'm not much good fer rhymin stuff, but I writes poems. Lots o' them. I think a separate thread would be great, because ya don't have to go rootin' through other stuff lookin fer the poems
Awwwww Stories like those just warm me liddle pirate heart.
lured me ta piracy... lessee, probably the stories my mom read me. I was one of those kids brought up on the story of the Flying Dutchman, The Ryme of the Ancient Mariner, this popup book called The Wild Pirates go Sailing, The Man Whose Mother was a Pirate ( I always wanted ta be his mother, coz the man was this little boring office prisoner. I wonder how Mama pirate came ta terms wi' it ), a bunch of other books. Living on the ocean me entire life, and being on boats since infancy probably helped. That and the fact that there's quite a bit o' piratical history in my area. the freedom the plunder and the fashion are all fine too. So I guess ya could say I was brought up ta it.
Today I read a very entertaining book, part of Jon Sciezka's Time Warp Trio series, which I loved when I was in about 3rd grade. This book, the only one I hadn't read, was called The Not So Jolly Roger . It was about three boys who go back in time and run into Blackbeard. Quite amusing, a picture of Teach wearing a Mets cap , and also some good historical tidbits fer younguns, basic stuff like names o' ships, people, weaponry, even a little history v. hollywood. All in all I thought it was good. Perfect fer those piratical parents tryin' ta introduce their children ta the sweet trade.
At least ye can put the loot actually IN yer boat. I gots ta strap mine ta the deck
Sadly ye're right about commandeering one, Charity. Oh, but I can't help thinkin' how fun that would be.
:drooling and gazing at ship: Ohhhh I likes it. Very much. Just a wee bit more impressive than me kayak
Highly unlikely I can get meself o'er ta Holland fer that, sounds like a lot of fun. but fer those o' us marooned stateside, word is that a bunch of tall ships are tourin' American ports. I thinks there's some comin' ta Newport RI and somewhere in Connecticut. There's been debate fer security reasons. Seems like that be the cause fer cancellation of any town-sponsored fun recently. aaaarrrrrrggghhh.
good point there People who know what they're doing often aren't very much fun to laugh at
I prefer no shoes, but that's sorta impossible due ta hypothermia fer a lot o the year
Ohhhh I see. Workin on that un
Ohh, looks like the ocean. I lives on a liddle island in Narragansett bay, which cuts Rhode Island in half, so bein sheltered like that we don't get huge seas often. Great harbors though, full o' all manner o' boats, from fishin' boats ta round the world yachts. Oh, an' tour boats... they be fun ta harass
Thanks ya Zorq, I may take ye up on that. there wasn't a paper , just the book, but the inscription in the book were this: "The Rear Admiral John Remey Wadleigh Memorial Prize--awarded to a student whose enthusiasm for and interest in Naval history is worthy of special recognition" I wonder what aforementioned rear admiral would of thought ifn he knew the prize named fer him were given ta a pirate
I have the same problem. Somehow the navy blue wellies I've had since seventh grade just don't cut it
Ta answer yer question, yes, I'm plannin' ta go ta Middlebury College, which is in Vermont in the fall. I've never lived on the mainland in me life, so not having the ocean close by is going ta be a bit of a shock. But all me options were landlocked, and Middlebury would let me do study at sea. Anyone know of any pirates up Vermont way?
Bein' one o' the many people who first got sold on the more hollywoodish aspects o' piracy and then got curious about the history, I'd say that there's a balance in bein' reasonably true ta history, while maintainin' the glamour. And who's not ta say that some o' the more sensational aspects o' piracy weren't true. We certainly weren't around. We can't know fer certain. And the primary sources we have to go on are sketchy trial records and newspaper articles, and what some would call yellow journalism by Daniel Defoe. So yeah, There's something to be said fer historical accuracy, but if that history was indeed sensational, then I says, go with it. Plus, this sail jax thing is supposed to be fun, aye? Well have some fun then. Be as true as ye can ta history, but don't lose track of the romanticism. In this day and age, there's too little of it. No mysteries left in the world. And coats and bucket boots are fun. Where is this sail jax event by the way? Not happenin' ta be in the New England area perchance? If so, I'd like ta check it out. Cos the town across the bay from me is hostin' a bunch o' tall ships in mid july.