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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. Aye...Tis me turn ta make some noise. It was mentioned that some are here to watch their ranking go up.....I just noticed that I stopped watching my rank a while back. I also agree that if ye ignore the "knats"...they will go away. If the "unwanted" come into the Pub, they'll walk right back out after they figure out that they are actually "unwanted". Isn't there a way to delete members that joined for the heck of it and never posted? One more thing... Here's ta all ye who be standin' up on yer boxes!
  2. Aye Sharkey! I'de ride it out wit ye if I could! Have one on me mate!
  3. I worked. Looks like ye had some fun!
  4. I got mine today! Actually....It's sitting in layaway for a week or two. I got it for $36.00!!!!
  5. Aye! Me wife and I be sellin' whatever we got ta be thar! Just ask KW Pirate...she be knowing how desperate I be ta get thar! I'll sell me only mode of transport ta be thar! Can ye tell I be desperate? Well I am! I am dang it! I will be thar with ye! An' I plan on meeting every last one a ye that shows up!!! *Send your contributions to the Black Skot PIP fund*
  6. Itchy too!
  7. Ooops! Sorry....Now try!
  8. Here be just a few photos from me weekend at the Ohio Ren Fest during the Swashbucklers weekend. It was so hot I didn't even think about pullin' out the camera. Swashbucklers weekend photos.
  9. Aye......Ye can't be tellin' me that there aint be no pirates settin' sail fer the Ohio Ren Fest for the pirate/swashbucklers weekend!!! Me wife and I be all alone in this adventure??? I see....... Looks like I need ta pack me things and move. (You try bein' a pirate in the middle of Indiana) Me heart is at sea. Unfortunately, I'm still here with me!
  10. SOunds good! Let me know!
  11. My wife and I have reservations at the Wilmington Inn for Friday and Saturday night. We plan on spending all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday at the fair. Maybe if you guys go one of those days we can meet up at the Inn or at the fair! I'm still trying to remember who else said they wanted to go from the pub but no one else has replied. I'm ready fer some SWASHBUCKLING!
  12. I just be noticin' that Pyrate Phil be plunderin' the same plunderee as this *points to himself* plunderous plunderer! Ay.....Here's to ye good taste Pyrate Phil!
  13. Sorry mates, I know there was a thread once before...but- I be plannin' me weekend for the swashbucklers weekend at the Ohio Ren Fair Sept. 11 & 12. Just wonderin' who might be goin' so we can meet up. Maybe pick the same hotel that we can terrorize!
  14. OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I mean.......uh hu.............How could you do that! I be a married man!
  15. DAMN! Late again! HAppy day to ye anyway RumbaRue!
  16. Did ye see this? I saw KW Pirate on a new show called Help Wanted!!! There were some other pirates but I didn't know who they were...so...yea... Anyway.......CONGRATS KW!!!! Ye be famous now!!!
  17. Ay! The one with the smile looks more like Johnny more than the other. Those Lil' pirates are way cool! Might have to get one. Thanks fer the info!!
  18. I think the Conch Republic store has some pirate items!! Don't forget to buy KW Pirate a drink at the Schooner Wharf!!
  19. Just maybe someone will be needin' a pirate-clown!
  20. Hows that Capt. Flint!
  21. Arrrrr.....it be finished and now I wants ta trade 'er in! Wanna trade? Email me!
  22. I just couldn't resist!! Nothin' ta do with yer thread....I just needed to hit 200!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo-Hoo!
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