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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. Um......wellllllll....... I know of the nose. I know of the ears.
  2. Um...No I don't remember those!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel so left out! And yea.......I hit the fish mouth at Capt. Tony's after one practice shot! Therefor....I am the Quarter Master!!!!
  3. Hmmmmmm.....OK........*fingers in ears* La La La La!!!!!! I don't hear you! La La La!!!!!!!
  4. Awww....Dang! Red ones????????
  5. Hey! be nice!!!!!!!!!
  6. No No NO!!!!!! I don't want to here anymore!!!!!!! TMI!!!!!!!!!! I'm starting to get visuals!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hmmmmm........Yea.....Merrydeath was in there too...... Fess up people............who's was it? Yes...it was a "wicked" time aye!
  8. NIGEL!!!!!!!! It was Nigel!!!!!!!!! :)
  9. Hey Olaf.....Were the chunks in the elixir normal?? Just wondering what I was chewing on!
  10. No............It's AMAZING, JUST AMAZING!!!
  11. WHO? Who was breathing hard??? Olaf...You were the one who would be awake and talking to us, then 1.2 seconds later you were snoring like a drunkin viking!
  12. OH - MY - GOD
  13. Aye Nigel....Did it wash off yet!
  14. Ummmm.......Yea! The lower aft! And...OK....You still owe me a drink!
  15. Well......That just didn't sound right....... Because..... I did give you HELLA-BACKRUBS.... I WAS watching your back........ BUT...I don't remember any SEMEN being around you...... OH! You said SEAMEN!!!!! Sorry.
  16. MOJITO FOTO!!!!
  17. Nigel was spreading his NIGELISHOUSENESS! Wheeew!!!!! That was a hard one to spell!
  18. What?????? Did I hear.........FOTO!
  19. Ahoy Captain! I just made home port! (Hmmmm...Why did I come back) My journey home was smoother than the trip down to PIP . I just wanted to say THANK YOU to my Captain and fellow crew members for what was THE BEST TIME! *lifts tankard to Capt & crew* Also a special thanks to my "spirit lifters".....I think you know who you are. I'll be awaiting further orders Captain!!!!! The unofficial "Quarter" Master........BLACK SKOT.
  20. Aye! Good pics! Now I be gettin' excited! See ye Wednesday!!!
  21. Yep I'll eat the bunny!!!!
  22. Well...that be fine then. Back when I was but a wee ladd....we made some good eatin' on the little critters.....them sqoils aint ta bad also!
  23. Aye......I feel lost here......but if ye be talkin about thr same bunnies I be thinkin' of.......They all be soft and fluffy! I'll see that no harm c ome to the bunnies!
  24. With the past couple of days that I have had .......I needed that laugh! Thank you! :)
  25. Aye CAptain....A fine "C" would be nice! :) b
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