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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. Did I miss somethin'? Who wants to shoot me???
  2. *Dear in headlights look* Ye....I be lookin' forard to Diosa's abuse.. Please....Just keep TBM away from me....PLEASE!!!
  3. Aye! Diosa....You buy me anough drinks and I'll venture with ye! But only under the protection of the Captain!
  4. SWEEEEEET! Uh..I mean AAAARRRRRRR!!!!!!!
  5. I don't remember... I was a little under the control of me drink! But I do remember that I wondered into a few places that I DID NOT STAY LONG!!! If you wonder into a bar of that sort dressed as a pirate... ye will be expecting ta be felt on.......... See ya on the sidewalk!
  6. Yea....OK.
  7. 801 was the bar we always passed and it never had people in it....we were going to go there sunday night and you were going to sit between me n doc for saftey...lol remember? Oh yea....I remember. Thank God we didn't go!
  8. I agree! Don Maitz' painting of Cascabel is my wallpaper on my PC! Couldn't find a better pirate!
  9. OK....OK..... Didn't know...... Didn't find out........ BUT....Figured it out. I not be stupid as I look!
  10. No mate! Fish you are NOT! LOL! "Guppy"....yes! LOL!
  11. Easy Luv! Little ears be open here!
  12. I guess I am a little sorry Nigel........... I told her to keep writing!!!!!!!!! The foot! The arm! The back! The knee! She wouldn't do the face. I told Pais that your lips would look good with a little pink on them. (I am talking about pink marker)
  13. Aye! Go to "what happens in Key West" ans see for yourself!
  14. OMG! My bus trip to Miami was a little better......can't remember where it was she worked....But she was a she. Yep...It was a she!
  15. I feel so loved! But I am Dang good with a quarter!!!!!!
  16. Aye MA! Here I be! Awaiting orders! Though, yes...still feeling a little held down from PIP, and still working on me rum stock here at home port. Buuuuurp! And you were saying???????
  17. Though I was witness to this pink marker rampage...... Like I said...........POOOORRRR NIGEL!! LOL!
  18. Poooor Nigel!
  19. Um....I'll be outside waiting on you guys!! I was scared!
  20. I'll give em a lying, cheating, disrespecting wench.......I'm done with her! Will that even fly?
  21. Wooo Hoooo!!!!! Black Kat Morgan had fun huh?!
  22. Aye Goddess! I'll keep me mouth shut as usual. NO FOTO! NO FLOG!
  23. Aye! Too Late! *Thinking real hard right now*
  24. Um....Hey Merry....... What is it that you know? And how do you know???????
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