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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. Um...Did I mention that I do laundry..... and cook!!
  2. Um....why's everybody always pickin on me? And why was there talk about my sack? Did I mention that it's cold back here at home!! The fur/silk thingy would be nice to have right now. Of course it would need to be wrapped around a another warm body! One more thing...Jasper was never in MY bed!! The Capt. is the one that calls him to bed every night! Kind of makes you wonder what goes on behind closed doors with a man, a dog, and a monkey !?!?
  3. Wheres Paisley?????????
  4. Um...........What happens between ME and the fur & silk is no ones business!! OK...now I gotta go make my bed!
  5. Deadly Aim!!! Perfect angel????? Um......Need I say more?
  6. Uh....Hello Captain!!! I be walkin' around yer quarters while yer yackin' on the phone!!! Need help with that rice??LOL!! After the night we had....Maybe I should change me name to JACK....(Jack of all trades!!) No...I think thats the wrong crew.... Took over "Quarter" Master, and now Champion Dart-Tanion! What CAN'T I do????? Oh yea......keep a woman.
  7. Very well done!!!
  8. Don't mind Nigel.....he had a few drinks and kept getting wood all night!!! Ummm....yea... we were playing darts.....and he kept hitting the wood and not the board!!
  9. *Wakes up......rubs eyes......scratches ______'s......rolls out of bunk* MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm....COFFEE *Sits in the garage on a cold plastic yard chair in his undies and lights the days first cigarette* Oh warm weather, how do I love thee... Let me count the ways... One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand........ Pbbbbbbbleeeeease......don't forget me at port. Three hours stuck in Miami was enough for me! :)
  10. *rubs eyes, cracks back and opens a cold CL* Just put in a 12 hour day.....at time and a half!!! Woo-Hoo! Now.....I start packing..... Tonight...Laundry and pirate garb. Tomorrow.....regular person clothes and stuff. Monday...No packing - Got a date! Tuesday...arrive in Portlando at 4:46pm. *Hope someone remembers to pick me up*
  11. Aye! The Master of Quarters in deed! *With eyes closed, flips a quarter over his shoulder and lands in the bodice of the Goddess* Yoooouuuur Welcome! :)
  12. Ahhh.....LOVE. Yes.... We all want it. We all need it in one way or another. Some more than others. Some abuse it and use it as a game. Some are true to their words and feelings. Some start out being true, and then slip into the game playing mode which hurts the other party involved. Myself.....I keep getting stuck as "the other party". I could be one of the last real true lovers left in the world that puts my whole heart and soul into a relationship. Then again...maybe not. * I hear many people thinking to them selves right now* Yes.....I am a romantic. SO WHAT!
  13. Uh...yea.....Well, Going through a divorce and selling my house. So just kicking back here wondering what the heck to do now. The house gets lonely at times and most of my friends live far away.... Boo Hoo Hoo!!!!!
  14. *Just listening & learning*
  15. *corked rum bottle containing a note from Black Skot floats port side of the Blackheart and begins clinking against the hull* Note reads: "BBBBBBBrrrrrrrrrrr........". STOP "Missing my crew (my family)". STOP "Get that air con up and runing so I don't burn up when I get there". STOP "Upholding my title of "Quarter" Master...flipped a quarter and made it land on top of door frame!". STOP
  16. The Captains Holiday Tome........ SWEEEEEEET! Beautifully done!
  17. College girls!?
  18. Seven dust is cool! On of the bst concerts I've been too!
  19. I be second in line!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. NO! Rat on a stick...............my favorite!!!!! For all that matters.........stick on a rat is just as good I guess.
  21. Love the quote. ..and what exactly do Vikings DEEEW when they DEEEW what they DEEEW, Olaf? "...what is it that you do do?" Something about viking DO-do thats just...well........
  22. Its OK Doc! I run through the streets yelling that all the time!
  23. ANIMAL has a soft side?????? Well...I figured all of his sides were soft...we saw the other FOTO that Pais posted! Yea....Very good photo!
  24. OK.....nevermind! Mac-N-Cheez instead!
  25. Olaf! What brand of SS do you recommend? I may be living on it when I'm back in KW in Jan.
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