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Everything posted by BLACK SKOT

  1. So....all the pokin' fun aside...... Yes....it's a cotton twill.
  2. Might I point you in the direction of a nice coat and waistcoat up for bid? It also has a buy it now price. May not be for the period pirates...but looks darn nice if I say so myself. http://cgi.ebay.com/Pirate-Frock-Coat-Wais...1QQcmdZViewItem
  3. Happy Birthday Paisley
  4. It's been so long since I dropped in this here place.....Thought I'de just say Yo ho!
  5. WOW! This is the first time that I checked out that slide show!! Very nice! Makes me want to go back tomorrow!!!
  6. Wow Cinn! Where did you find that! LOL!
  7. I guess the Black Heart crews table here at the pub be up for grabs soon huh!?!?!
  8. Yes! Very nice!
  9. Those are soooo cool!
  10. HHHHhhhhmmmm..... Been a while since I stopped in here! Thought I would say HI..........or HAAAAARrrrrrrrrr! Whichever you like best.
  11. Welcome aboard Maeven! As fer all the boy-talk....... That is just soooo wrong! I resemble those remarks!!! OK....just stopped in fer a moment.....I be jumpin' ship again!
  12. Real name? Whats that? Oh...you mean like....Hey you! Or......You son-of-a____!
  13. JB RAID! *Hmmm......$103. round trip air tickets............Awww dang..have to work* Oh well!
  14. Woo Hoo! CONGRATS!
  15. This is my coat made from the Simplicity pattern. See my coat here
  16. Aye Ol' One Eye! Welcome to the crew! I heard about you.....all good so far. and whatever you heard about me is probably true...Cooking, cleaning, litter box duty, sewing, bed making....... No...I'm not gay! The whole back rub thing is kind of a prerequisite to being added to the crew. The female portion of the crew has obviously made that clear. (just don't put me out of a job) Anyway....WELCOME & see ya soon!
  17. CAPTAINS LOG: No..............it's Jaspers log !
  18. I'm confused!
  19. Capt...........you know it wasn't me.........I go in the closet!!!!!!!
  20. *Mmmm....rum flavored candy* :)
  21. Woo Hoo!!!
  22. * Image of the Captains lap dance is burned into head* Bring on the monkey!!!!!
  23. I just finihsed my coat using this pattern and didn't have any trouble at all. It actually went very smooth. ( A little instruction from Diosa..thank you) I'll get some photo's up soon.
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