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Everything posted by Christine

  1. Has this been mentioned, "Garfield Halloween Special"? The one where he and Odie dress as pirates. The whole ghost pirate thing is classic! At one point Josh, aka Captain Morgan, and I discussed this while walking around Disneyland. Great cartoon! :)
  2. *watches from the side then wades in. Swims underwater, by-passing everyone to the waterfall and heads for the grotto.*
  3. Can't wait to see your pix flintlock jack! And Siren, any pix from ye? I'm sure you had a blast! Speaking of faire, looking forward to this weekend for the Escondido ren faire here in California. I'm having such faire withdrawals-lol!
  4. How cool! VERY nice-looking Jack there!
  5. I'd love to go to Tarrytown! The creepy huge house they used for the 2 movie versions of Dark Shadows is there. "House of Dark Shadows" and "Night of Dark Shadows". It's such a cool, but creepy looking house. :)
  6. *hugs Merry* Today and yesterday have been sucky for me too. Being lied to by someone I thought I knew is really starting to suck! Merry, care to come swim with me? I could use the company, keep me from drowning meself.
  7. When you say it that way Bess, that most likely means no Keith Richards. Which will be fine by me-lol!
  8. Awww....why thank ye Tito. *dabbles feet in the water*
  9. LOL! Aye, that is an image indeed! But Johnny's mumblings as Jack I still can understand. They'll need subtitles for Keith. I watched the recent Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and he was introducing someone. Off hand, can't think of who. But he just went on, rambling and mumbling. They'd pan the audience and they looked as if they weren't sure to laugh, clap or what. It was quite painful to watch. The guy is just so fried-lol!
  10. So, they really are having Keith Richards in the sequel huh? Bess, is this true? We'll need subtitles to understand what he says. He mumbles a lot cuz he fried his brain from all the drugs he did.
  11. Woo-Hoo!!! Feeling good now-lol! I know what I am getting meself as an early birthday gift. I won a gift card at my work during our staff meeting. The card can be used at retailers like Blockbuster or the Wherehouse. It's for $20. I'm holding on to it til November 2nd and then will use it towards this gift set. It'll only be a smaller amount to pay then. Happy early Birthday to me! Gee, how will I top my actual birthday 4 days after that?
  12. So, what part of New York are you both from? I have family that lives in the city. Mostly Brooklyn and Queens. A close friend to the family lives in Long Island. This is all on my mom's side of the family.
  13. Your post came right after mine and so I thought it was about mine. So, it was hard to tell. Anyway.....
  14. Uh, what are you talking about? I wasn't even talking about you. This is my own point. Cuz my aunt and some friends my mom knows all do that to their husbands. I got that attitude from my mom, which explains why my dad was a jerk, cheated on her, walked all over her and then left. I say good riddance then! If we decide to be compromising and they walk all over us then who needs them!
  15. The idea of controlling or p*ssy whipping a man is not my idea of a good relationship. But then I guess that's why I am always walked all over. I am the door mat. So, better off being single. Avoid getting hurt that way.
  16. Wow, VERY cool-looking! Thanks for the link!
  17. One of these days it be cool to finally meet everyone from here! Slowly I'm getting there. Too slow tho-lol! Met Captain Morgan, Captain Wolfy Wench and RumbaRue in person, it's a start. :) *walks along the beach with Tito and Laura and breathes in the cool salty air.*
  18. Awww....thank ye Tito! Ye do a french twist quite beautifully. Must have much practice eh? Yer lady is quite a lucky one indeed. :)
  19. Whoa Doc! Sorry to hear about that. Aye Tito, I'll drink to them both as well.
  20. VERY cool! Sounds like a blast! Yeah, I know what you mean about the game, that's a lot of money! Knowing me tho I'd still want to find it, look at it, check it out and such. That would be about it-lol!
  21. How sucky! Hate how they only sell stuff like that at the theme parks only. If they do that with the 3 disc gift set there would be an outrage! So, any pix of what the game looks like and stuff like that?
  22. Never been drunk and never want to. I've seen the results, they be not not pretty! Once the funny loopy feeling kicks in I decide it's time to stop. Going any further from that point is just too much. You'd find me passed out somewhere and no doubt get taken advantage of. Yup, no getting drunk for this lass, ever!
  23. December 16th huh? Cool! I'm sure you've been there during the Christmas season right? Especially anywhere from 2001 when they change the Haunted Mansion from October to January. First time I saw that was when I went on New Year's Eve 2001. It wasn't mentioned they were doing that in commercial ads. It was a total surprise to go up to the Mansion and see the whole thing decked out to the Nightmare Before Christmas theme. Both outside and inside, even the song is different too. VERY cool indeed! :)
  24. *heads out to the pool to go lounge on the floating chair.* Gotta enjoy as much time as I have before my dumb staff meeting and my shift starts later on. *sighs*
  25. Wow, cool! Never been to Georgia tho, perhaps someday....
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