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Everything posted by redhand
Yeah, I've seen my share of near misses over the years and almost had my ear drum blown out during a ACW skirmish by an over eager pistol packing ensign. Seen cartriges made with glue and staples over the years....some people just don't get or care that all that stuff that goes into your barrel comes out again at XXX fps!! Wild West reenacting, Amer. Fur Trade, ACW, F&I and Rev War you pretty much get to see it all. The progressive Rev War list has a great article on cartridge rolling, I'm sure if you did a search they'd come up...can't recall the website off hand. Myself, I'd like to get a pair of english or german dragoon pistols, and a little queen anne would be nice also I just need more toys! Redhand
Hacker Martin may have been one of the original gun makers that helped bring about the gun making renissiance in the early to mid 70's. There were a couple of these guys featured in one of the Foxfire books. Hershal House is also one of the early gun makers who I believe, apprenticed with one of these guys, His rifles now command premium prices! These early craftsmen helped revive custom firelock making, turning it from a nearly lost art to a cottage industry. Cheers Redhand
If Norrington was indeed a Royal Navy Leftenant at the beggining of the film, his career was indeed on a meteoric rise! Going from Leftenant to Commadore in only 8 years....I think someone was "polishing" someones sword alright!! Redhand
Yeah, like I said.... I'll pass on those three...OK, on at least TWO of them.... I'll keep the RUM! Cheers Redhand
Y'know, there is just so little about the Georgian military that is appealing.......... Aye! "Rum, sodomy & the lash! I'm fairly certain I'll pass on that! Redhand
Ice cream? what kinda piratical talk is that mates! actually, for those of you interested in taking trips to either "majic kingdom" if you run a search for "teh laughing place" or try www.thelaughingplace.com they have a listing of ride closures at both parks to help people plan their vacations and unwanted ugly suprises! Cheers Redhand
I seem to also remember reading that the RN also employed "civilian agents" to act as press gangs, therefore not tying RN ships company to shore patrol all the time. Cheers Redhand
If yer lookin to go on the POTC ride....Disneyland is the better version, plus it's located in New Orleans square as opposed to Liberty square in Orlando. Cheers Redhand
well nobody likes a cheat, so.... BURN THE WITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KLATCH-POW!!....SKRRRR-ITCH! Redhand (with the smoking pistol & bloody cutlass!)
Yeah Steelhead....it's convenient...I work right above it! Redhand
BTW- I don't know how many of ye caught that, but when Dorian was reffering to Jack's "Love Interests"... that little scene was a nod to the POTC ride..."Scarlett" is the famed "Redhead" in the market scene of the ride.... "Bring on the redhead!...bring on the redhead!" Cheers, Mates! Redhand
DEAD GUY RULES!!!!!!! Followed a close secons by Fat Tire, Deschutes' Quail Run I.P.A. and our local Steelhead Brewery's Bombay Bomber!! Oh Yeah! Cheers!! Redhand
In the book "Under The Black Flag" I there is a copy of the ship's articles from I believe Bartholomew Roberts, or Rackham, one of those guys. Describing in detail the ships arfticles for signing on, compensation, punishment & and etc. Cheers Redhand
Well I was wonderin' that same question when I first saw the movie, I thought it might be a pipe, but the bowl was to small & shallow, then I thought it might be a Raccoon body part , but I looked again the other day after viewing it again acouple more times and I'm reasonably sure that it's a snuff pipe, albeit a very long and homemade from the looks of it. Least that's what it looked like to me! Cheers Redhand
I would guess that his pistol is some type of military pistol, English, dutch or German. Looks from the picture that it might be a sea service type (looks like it has a ring on the butt for a lanyard) or even a cavalry piece. It also it has a belt hook attached to the backside and what appears to possibly be some silver inlay work on it. Sooooo there's a good possibility that it's a reworked existin piece, which means there's probably not any more like it...except what they made for the picture. You're best bet would be to buy a piece you like and have a gunsmith rework it to resemble the piece if you're that interested in owning it. Hope that helped. Cheers Redhand
Glad I could help, I've given up on the Pan dvd Enjoy the POTC dvd, ther's many hours of pleasureable viewing there...just spent the last three nights watching mine, with all the great extras they included!! Cheers! Redhand
Charlotte, Glad you got it worked out, most players have the feature that allows you top modify the letterbox to better fit your TV Other than that it could only be that the disk is defective.... I know I got a peter pan dvd that was supposed to be letterboxed and for the life of me I can't ever get it to play other than standard screen!! Cheers! Redhand
Charlotte- PS, some widesceen formats are truer than others, POTC id true widescreen, there are varying ratios of widescreen, I have a copy of the 4 Musketeers at home that is supposed to be widescreen but has only a half inch at the top and bottom of the screen that is in the black, so it might as well be standard . Usually if you read the back of the dvd box it will tell you what formatt it is and what type of widescreen it's in, you can always ask your local dvd retailer to explain it to you. Redhand
Charlotte- That "black bars" at the top and bottom are there because that is how the film was shot by the director, it's called "Widescreen", it's so the viewer can have the same viewing experience as they had at the theater. It's a misconception among the general public that it has been "stretched" or squashed. In fact when movies are "formatted" to fit TV screens they are edited and almost half of the shot is edited out, so with widescreen you are actually getting to see the entire movie instead of just some film editors idea of what you should see or will fit your tv screen. Enjoy! Redhand
Well Master Hawkyns, as you might have guessed from some of my other posts and/or looking at my bio, that I come from a living history/re-enacting background. I perfer to keep my kit as period as possible, and by that I mean early to mid 18th century, it's where my interest lies as far as sea farin'. Now that being said, I suppose I'm also a bit like Cazcabel in that I also like to use my piratical interests to do a bit of a "cartoony" or more "theatrical" looking pirate kit, though I haven't been able to afford the exact outlandish kit that I'd like as yet! I do perfer to goe as historically as possible however to any event(s) I attend. It's just what I put into a time period that I'm able to take away from that same experience, that's what's gratifiying to me. Plus, for me it's usually a burning desire/need to put together a historically acurate kit...call it a "sickness" if you will!! Cheers Redhand
Hawkyns- If you enjoy the Sharpe's series of books/videos, you'll also enjoy the "India" trilogy that Cornwell wrote, I've only read one out of this series, but enjoyed it as well as the rest of the books. The India trilogy takes place in the 1790s and has the Sgt you love to hate Obediah Hakeswell, the books are Sharpe's Tiger, Fortress & Triumph. I also noted there were several other books he's written about Sharpe's post Waterloo career, they are Sharpe's Devil, Prey, Trafalger, Havoc and a book of two "Sharpe" short stories titles "Sharpe's Christmas". Hope that helps! Cheers Redhand
Redd- Prehaps 7 Seas can help ya, she posted mine for me, as I was unable ta figure out how to do that on my end ...Ohhhhh, how I looooong for the days of the pen & pencil again! Cheers Redhand
Was THE best 18/19th century naval movie I've ever seen!! Gives you a true feel for life aboard ship during those times, costumes were great, absolutely couldn't see any glowering visual errors. The ship to ship fights were horrendous! 'tween deck shots really gave you a claustrophobic feel, none of this crap they usually show, where there's lots of room-Ha! Do yer self a favor and go see it... a couple a times!! Cheers & Happy sailin' Redhand
Hawkyns- Thanks, I did know that their aim (no pun intended) was indeed to frigg the rigging and sails, leaving the intended prize ship effectively & helpless in the water, to sink yer prize was indeed shooting yer self in the foot... OK, that one was on purpose! I guess, I should have said I'm interested in exactly how they compensated for the pitch & roll of the ship as they were sending shot across open water at their intended victims. I'm sure that was something learned in HM's Navy or some equivalent! Cheers Redhand
Now, how about marksman ship on the high seas, anybody have any insight on that...as far as cannons, I mean. Hawkyns? anybody. Cannons have never really interested me... found a picture in a book of a guy in the South Carolina Artillery (ACW) who looked so much like me, he could'a been my twin...wierd anyway maybe that's where the canon thing comes from-LOL However naval gunnery is an interesting subject! Cheers Redhand