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silverhearted maggie

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Everything posted by silverhearted maggie

  1. Hey Cap'n William! Was worried about you! Haven't been in the pub in a while and wanted to check and see how you are doing. Here in Birmingham we have thousands of refugees. I am grieving for those in New Orleans and their loss. I've been to N.O. many times and it's one of my favorite cities in the U.S. Anyway, glad to see you post! Take care, Maggie
  2. Wired....on coffee. Workin' 6pm to 8am at my relatively new job at the Emergency Animal Clinic. I wish the chat room was open on weeknights!It's summer ,so seein' lotsa snakebite mostly copperheads and rattlesnake. Bored but wired right now....no clients or anything. Take care mateys!
  3. Yarr, Ahoy thar Gentleman Jeff. I be right close to you in Birmingham, Alabama. I had tried to join up with the Dead Pirate crew I seen listed in "No Quarter " that was based in your part o' Georgia but got no response. I would love to get a Southeastern crew a-goin. How to organize? Any ideas? Lemmee know! Silverhearted Maggie
  4. I've got a load o' feathers you can have from me parakeets. Be glad to send them! Lemmee know whar to send these! Knew we were saving them for something! You can PM me with the address. Hope alls be well with you! Maggie
  5. Ahoy, thar me friends. Been away fer a while and glad to be back! In June we'll be going to St. George Island. Has anybody been? Has anyone fished off the shore or piers? Any comments or suggestions? Thanks again and I'll be a- buying drinks all around in th' pub! Silverhearted Maggie
  6. Atlanta has a great Japan fest. I went a couple of years ago and it was fun. I'm sure there's a website. They have it at Stone Mountain. Although it was mainly traditional Japanese culture like kimono exhibit, dancing and stuff like that there was several martial arts represented. My son was there with a group demonstrating Shikendo (the metal Samurai swords). Hope this is helpful!
  7. Does anyone remember the Ken Doll with the earring that everyone made a fuss about? Every gay man I knew bought one. That particular Ken doll had a beard as well...I always thought Barbie was the beard.....har.
  8. Adult cartoons? You mean like the ones in Playboy? or do you mean just not fer kiddies...violence and the like? Are they like graphic novels or one panels? Do tell us!
  9. That does look nice. Good job,there mate!
  10. :) I'm in! Have a friend and relatives in Chicago been meanin' to visit. That would be a perfect time! Don't know the area too well but could scout around on the internet. You can def. count me in for whatever, whenever...let me know what I can do.Be glad to help. I'll be glad to PM me phone numbers as well.... Just lemmee know!
  11. My husband wants me to dress more wench-like. All me pirate gear is waistcoasts, long coats and such. Guess I'll be needed some help from me gals on board to "wench-up" fer me hubby. He laments that me baldric covers up me cleavage...what else can hold me cutlass?!!! I guess I do need some "girly" pirate gear...Where to start? By the way when the cleavage is peekin' out , men seem to talk to it instead of me face..I've pinch one more that one's nose and brought him back eye level.so judgin' from that, I think I gotta good idea what men like (physically) in wimmen..
  12. I am very familiar with Santa Fe. Me brother used to live in El Rancho.That be north past Tesuke (spelling?) near the Black Mesa and Espanola. Me uncle worked at Los Alamos until it became too concentrated on weapons and not research fer other things like new sources of energy and medical research. Is the Woolworth's still in the town square? We used to go there for the cheap-o Fritos/chili combo. I liked it out there but you're right about the yups...this was the late 1980's and I can't imagine what it's like now...heard Taos was going the same way.... Keep yer powder dry!
  13. When be yer birthday? Mines about a month away as well. I 'll be 43 and I too am havin' a great deal more adventure than at 23. I can tell ya that! Could be that when I was younger I didn't know when that cut -off point was so's I could enjoy being inebriated. With age and experience I know how to nurse a good rum buzz without gettin' sick, passin' out or hurtin' myself I will say this..tho, totin' me weapons feel a little heavier every year! Cheers to ya!
  14. I meant to type the oldest city in the U.S. Duh....Does anybody else know about this Santa Fe/St. Augustine feud?
  15. Thanks for the info! I really appreciate it. I mentioned the oldest city in the worls thing to my brother and he got all bent outta shape because he used to live in Santa Fe, New Mexico and says that they say they're the oldest. Apparently, it's been a long standing argument twixt the two cities. Anyway, appreciate the info and will let y'all know about the trip. Thanks again!
  16. I am planning on visiting St. Augustine by the end of the year. Anyone have any recommendations on what to do and where to stay? My lovely Brit friend Jayne moved down and is a ghost tour guide with a new tour. She's really delightful and I can't wait to take the tour. No pirate ghosts on the stops but I'm sure it's a blast. Anyway, if anyone can help with any firsthand visits or if you live there and can give recommendations it would sure be appreciated. I've gone on-line to find stuff but so far only touristy frou-frou kinda stuff and nothing piratical. Thanks (Moderator Cap'n William,sir? Is this within the Port o'Call boundries? How did I do? If we say, talk about.....poodles.. in Port O'Call what would our punishment be? I won't push it though, I just need help with St.Augustine right now....)
  17. Congrats, Capt.William ! How goes it down in New Or-leens? May I be the first to post a topic under the supervision of our new moderator?
  18. Whike we're on the subject of swords and such. My son took shikendo for awhile. That's japanese metal swords as opposed to kendo, the wooden kind. One of the practices was to get a tatami mat and roll it up. soak it in water overnight so it would become good and heavy. They'd place it on a pole and the test was to whack it in half in one movement. Harder to do than you think. It was supposed to reproduce the cutting off of a human limb. It made a swacking wet sound than sounded as I suppose that would sound like......well.. except for the very loud screaming in agony. Cheers!
  19. I'm a pirate and proud of it! I've a pirate's heart and would wear me waistcoat, sword and pistol everyday if I could. Me husband tells people he married a pirate and damn happy he did. It lead to a more adventurous and exciting life. He's even helping me decorate our pirate bathroom ( 'tis yours Stynky anytime you want!). We even have a powder keg in there. (Giving a 'nother meaning to "powder room"!) Although from what I hear it could be a dangerous thing should Stynky make use of the facilities. Always set for adventure. S.H. Maggie
  20. Thanks to the lot of ya! My next post was to say I was lookin' fer a good early 18th century firin' (reproduction) Queen Anne. You've pointed me in the right direction. I'm always impressed with the knowledge and willingness to help in the Pub. A fine crew ya be! What's the waiting period like? Is it the same as other firearms? I've never purchased a gun before. I've always shot my dad's or husband's. Thanks!
  21. Yeah, I was wonderin' where Paisley had gone off to. Where 'bouts in Florida has she landed? Good luck to her in the new house! Cheers!
  22. I know wherein the Squid Monks be from! I sent the good Captain a PM about it!
  23. Har! Glad you liked it! Probably won't be on the top of the list, though!
  24. Well, if you dressed in drag your name could be Cap'n Gown!
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