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silverhearted maggie

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Everything posted by silverhearted maggie

  1. I had that one for a while and it has a nice weight to it. You can fire it at all as far as I could tell. It was a fun pistol and I enjoyed it. I piece came loose and now I don't carry it. I'm ready for a firing one now.
  2. Has anybody ever used the Gun Broker.com auction? I'm still looking for a fireable flintlock. Any suggestions would be very very helpful. Thanks, Maggie
  3. I'm in Birmingham, not far from Atlanta at all. If you prefer not to post you can PM me. How many times have you fired yours? Have you had any problems? Which model did you get? Sorry, just curious... Thanks for the link! Maggie
  4. Hi, I am ready to purchase my first flintlock. I know some of these questions have been asked before and I did do some research here on the pub and found helpful advice but I need to know more. First let me say that I am a responsible adult who sfter buying the pistol would want to know the right way to handle, clean and operate it. I am sincere in my interest and hold a healthy respect for any firearms. To have a better understanding how it works and what would cause trouble in the future would a kit be better way to go? How complicated are they to put together if you have had no hands on experience with them? I've only read what I could. I've also found a black powder group in my area that I hope I can find a helpful soul to help me learn proper use. If a kit is not the right way to go for me, does anyone have a reliable used Queen Anne? Should I buy a new one? Who would you recommend? Who would you recommend for shot, powder...etc.? In an earlier post Cascabel said he had an article in NQG concerning flintlocks. Does anyone know what issue it was in? My interest is serious and I plan on buying one by the end of the month. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Silverhearted Maggie
  5. "Nature is a place where ducks fly overhead......uncooked" -Oscar Wilde
  6. Thanks for the info. Will try to find it . I got excited when I saw an eatin' place on the lake near the Museum of Art that's named "Pieces of Eight " looked a little fancy to be pirate-themed, tho. Barnacle Bud's looks promising fer a good time. Visitng my aunt in the hospital so need to get out now and then. Thanks again for the recommendation Maggie
  7. I'm visiting a relative here in Milawakee for about a week. Gets kinda heavy , if ya know what I mean and I need to get out fer a while. Any suggestions? Any good/cool stores, mainly looking for book and record stores, thrift stores...or good museums? Any having to do with Lake Michigan/ships/sailing? Any suggestions would be appreciated! Maggie
  8. I used to be able to snap leaves off trees with a whip. I'm outta practice, I also used to throw the rolled newspaper up in the air and snap the plastic off in mid-air. All part of my mis-spent youth, wait that was 5 years ago!
  9. Check this out! I got one for Christmas! http://www.art.com/asp/sp-asp/_/PD--100923...D3BD889D6987D3E
  10. Yaaaar! I be orderin' mine today! Thanks fer the info!
  11. I used to play the drums. Was never in a band but would sit in fer drummers when a band would need to practice and drummer was either: 1) off with girlfriend 2) had to work at "real " job 3) too drunk 4) too hungover
  12. Was never in the military but just wanted the folks who were/are how much we appreciate the time, hard work and commitment you've made for us. Whether you were/are in war and seen action or not, he military is hard work and I raise a glass to you all. Thank you. Drinks all around !!!!!
  13. Mmmm...pumpkin bread !
  14. Thanks for the info! I appreciate Mad Mike's cannon links as well. Now if I can convince my husband that pouring gas down a hornet's hole and shooting it with bottle rockets isn't such a great idea I think maybe we'll be safe for awhile ! I feel for him though..I mean who doesn't like to blow things up?
  15. Smartass! You know that's not what I meant!
  16. My husband made an accidental discovery which made me wonder about the history of the cannon. He was pouring gasoline on a tree stump to try to burn it out. There was a hole next to the tree where some of the gasoline poured down. When he lit the stump the gasoline in the hole caught on fire. What he didn't know was that the hole was a tunnel connecting another hole about 6 feet away. That connecting hole "boomed" out a force of fire and air. So, it got me a-thinkin'. Was this kind of primitive cannon ever used? Did it contribute to the cannons we know today? Is my husband a very lucky dumb-ass? We have tried it several times since with the same results each time. We haven't put anything in the hole to see if it would actually shoot something in the air but if anybody has any suggestions...
  17. Sure, I'd upgrade. I mean ya never know when the chance was gonna happen again. The whole life was unpredictable and income unsteady. Grab what ya can and hope it's the right size !!!!!
  18. Halloween rules. For whatever reason Birmingham is a big Halloween town. If it lands in the middle of the week folks celebrate from one weekend to the other!
  19. Listening to a dog's non-stop yappin' cuz I'm at work at the Emergency Animal clinic...It I work overnight I put on the internet radio and listen to ska (old,old school like 1962-1968 ska) . Damn, that dog won't shut up!
  20. Yay! Thanks for the heads up! I got mah mamma's calves and some boots are uncomfortable. Will check it out!
  21. What great costumes! I love the Batman/Catwoman having dinner together. That is a great picture! I like the "London after Midnight" costume, too. I just watched it last month. Good work, I love seeing people who put thought into their costume and enjoy dressing up !
  22. I'll take the rum !! How are you this evening Captain Tito? Me, I'm slightly tipsy and lookin to get more than slightly.....mmmm, pie.....mango would go good with th' rum...let's share a bottle an' have some pie!
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