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Evil Tiny

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Everything posted by Evil Tiny

  1. Me thanks ta ye Hawk. And Rumba, just keep in pratice! Worse than teen-ager. She be growin' up and a-wantin' ta date fellers just like her daddy were. There be 2 days notice fer the gun cleanin' parties preceedin' each o' her dates!
  2. Congrats! I been offa the pub fer a while gettin ready fer the arrival o' me own little daughter later this month, so I kin appreciate what ye be goin' through. Just 2 thoughts: Piracy be a fine life fer yer little one; If'n he be a chip offa the old block, yer move ta Mary-land puts ye a bit toooo close fer comfort fer the father o' a new girl up here in Rouges Island. Bon Chance on the new arrival and with the new job.
  3. I been known ta use whatever is at hand ta inflict the most damage in the shortest amount o' time. And I don't care what ye says, a 6 - pounder with grape at 10 feet ain't overkill!
  4. I doesn't know if'n I should defends meself or gets ye ta sign articles?
  5. As much as I liked Polly Want an Ocean, there's Drunk Dry Without a Clew
  6. Always remember Cap'n, it's him with the most birthdays what wins the game. Or as our former powder monkey, now able bodied seaman of all of 15 years be sayin, "I plans ta live forever. So far so good."
  7. Too many years of workin' fer a swordsmith ta be passin' this one up. If'n ye cutlass be o' high carbon steel (like the pretty one in the photo ye gots there), after ye gets the surface rust BAD PIRATE, NO PLUNDER that ye be dealin' with all cleaned up I suggests tha ye use a heavy coating of a good penetrating oil or Mystery Oil. Spray it on as opposed to wiping it on, if you can, once a day for three days and then wipe the residual off. After it "drys" to the touch, a good wax like Renaissance wax will keep it in excellent shape. I have done that with all of my high carbon weapons for years and I only have had to use the fleece of the cast iron sheep but rarely to banish the demon Oxide. The best care you can give it is to use it regular like!
  8. It be a grand site and a wonderous project ye be takin' on. I hopes ta find it in a bound fashion, as I find book pages ta make the best o' musket waddin'!
  9. Bein' a born an' bred Rhode (Rouge's) Islander, I been on everythin' from a Spider Catcher ta a schooner on a refit. An if'n the Almighty will just grant me wish ta prove that winnin' the lottery won't spoil me, I'd heve me somthin ta sport 6 gun and a full 3 brace o' swivels. Or maybe just outright steal the Sloop 'Providence'.
  10. Greetin's ta ye! I knows I be late ta the welcome o' ye, but knows that it be as heartfelt as a dozen pieces o' eight kin make it!
  11. Ahoy Eliaza and welcome aboard! Alls I kin says is remember, ye asked ta be here!
  12. Welcome aboard! A finer group of good and true friends ye couldn't find. And don't ye be a worryin' about a pirate name. We'll be happy ta calls ye anything ye likes, excepts maybe Liverpool Judy!
  13. Takes a look at Middlesex Valley Trading. Our Quartermaster got 2 brace from him, and what fine pieces for a more than fair price. And what a bark they make!
  14. Ah, the movie we all knew could be made. We all knows that 'Historically Accurate' is a tough idea when it comes to pirates, but damned if Governor Swan didn't look good enough ta shoot! And after years of being a stage combatant (with the scars and arthritis to prove it, thank the Almighty for gunpowder and the lash) I was tickled to see swordfights done as if real people would do it; using whatever is at hand to win. I have never not wanted an apple so much in my life after watching Cpt. Barbosa offer one up to Elizabeth. The inverted boat had our whole crew in stiches. "Boys, take a walk" was a marvelous scene. Sequel/prequel be damned, I can't wait to see this one again. A compass that don't point north is very useful if you know by how much it don't point north. Kinda like knowing the correction for your sextant. (And yes, I'm enough of a geek I can use a slide rule too, so there.) When the DVD is released, I wonder if the Pub could get a quantity discount? And if you hears about a hijackin' o' a shipment o' the movie when it gets released on disc, I was in church all day. Go to see it for the fun of it and you can't help but love it. Even the non-pirate folk in the audience (both of them) loved it. It's ENTERTAINMENT!
  15. Ahoy me fellow rouges; I were serious holed below the waterline on the cyberseas but I be back an' ready ta sail. Me Captain an crew is busy latest in Liverpool, Nova Scotia (bloody King's Orange Rangers) and soon in New London, CT. It's grand ta be back and soon ta be seein me right noble fellows on the account. From the Sea!
  16. Ahoy Jocko me and me mates hail from the confines fo the southern New England colonies sailin' under the colors of Capt. William Kidd. We always be seekin' brothers on the account fer the hidin' out and the plyin' o' the sweet trade. But firsts we needs ta know...be ye a rum drinker?
  17. Sorry I was away lad! Hope ye survived it, and remember, havin' em is soooo much better than not havin' any more!
  18. June 12 ta thge 15th there be the Sea Music festival at Mystic Seaport. The Free Men O' the Sea are already tied up with Gaspee Days in Warwick RI that same weekend (Damned schedule stackin' bassards!) but I be tryin' ta ger the crew ta the warm-up and pub sing on the 12th
  19. So the crew is ashore in our favorite pub, The Thirteen Whistlin' Pigs, an off in the corner is our cabin boy with one of them tavern wenches. We kin hear the heavy breathin, and the movin' of furniture alongs with the rustle of cloth, when all of a sudden like we hears the wench say "Would ye like ta go upstairs?" "No, not right now." says the cabin boy, and we starts ta congtratulatin ourselves fer our teachin' him ta be fixin' the contract afore takin' on the job. A few minutes later we hears the scrapin' of chairs and tables, the rattle o' dishes and the shiftin' of clothes, when in a husky voice the wench asks, "Does ye want ta go upstairs now?" "No, not now" says the lad. Now we be wonderin' what be wrong with the lad! We been back ta our drinkin' and singin' fer not more than 5 minutes when we hears the crashin' o' chairs, the breakin' o' china and the tearin' of cloth when the wench screams "Does ye wants ta go upstais now???" A small voice answers back, "No, I wants ta be stayin down here with you."
  20. "What be the difference between a Pyrate and a Privateer?" "Witnesses!" "What be the difference between the Union Jack and the Jolly Roger?" "Not a bloody thing."
  21. Welcome aboard and here's ta successful sailin's.
  22. Who'd a thunk I'd be agreein' with a Guardia and an Officer on the same day The shame, the shame. I says a good sweatin' round the mast fer thems that gets outa line! Or we could give 'em ta the gunner's daughter!
  23. I be tellin' all me shipmates about this here pub, so enjoys the quiet whiles ye kin. An' ta Booga an' Redbeard, don't be confusin' all us colonial types with them Pur-a-tains in the Bay Colony. Us Rhdoe Islanders not knowin' how ta drink? What de ye thinks happens ta all that rum that we be smugglin' in. Cakes fer her Ladyship? A polite drink whit Hizz-Honor! We trades half fer Scotch and Whiskey and steals the rest back! I looks f'ard ta the day when we kin be bendin' elbows across from one another.
  24. There be a grand gather o' shantymen and women at Mystic Seaport every June. We be missin' the weekend as our crew will be in Rogues Island fer the burnin' o' The Gaspee, but we be there fer the warm up days. Ye can find the information @ www.mysticseaport.org
  25. This be a tougher question than first it seem at a glance. First I was a thinkin' Duct Tape, but then I figgered mayhaps a history book ta keep me away from the places I dinna want ta be and to the places it's be best ta be. Then it came ta me in a flash... me trusty MODERN! Queen Anne flintlock! With the low # of misfires she's given me and the streangth o' the modern steel, I figger me survivability would go way up.
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