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Evil Tiny

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Everything posted by Evil Tiny

  1. I've found that soakin' my hat in available liquid keeps me head cool in the bright sunshine.
  2. I hates ta toss a bucket o' cold on a roarin' fire, but it look like what ye got is a roofer's hammer. It be used fer splittin' shakes, dirvin' nails, and the notch in the blade be fer pullin' nails. But don't let that stop ye from improvisin' use. Us in the sweet trade be used ta makin due with what we got to do what we must.
  3. Havin' spent time away from the "nicities of civilization", a beard is just there because it grew. And once ye has it, shavin' be a quick and easy disguise.
  4. Ah, a contest . . . Excellent. I be lookin' f'ward ta the result.
  5. Looks great! Why not try the 1" spacin' w/ the 3/4" stock? It might look just as well while simplifyin' yer life at the same time. And wouldn't we all likes our lives ta be simple,,,,
  6. I been close ta one o' them there things when it were let fly, and the boom & shock from it near sent me through the air. There be no doubt who and when that be fired. Use it in good health and posted up agin' somethin' solid.
  7. Workin out a $30 million development
  8. Ye may wish ta try Drafting Vellum. Ye kin buy 25 sheets o '18"x24" all day long. It be 100% cottotn, an so is not forgivin' o mishandelin or mistakes. But it do take a fine line.
  9. I would be thinkin' that 'stolen' make the best garb. Me, I just goes with what fit and comfy. Slops, shirt and sandles & leather belt
  10. Plunder is plunder! Our Quartermaster got one o' these fer his natal anniversary so I been able ta see it up close. Drops in right nice it do form an uprigt position. Dinna have any idea o' the kick, but will know more come first week o' May . . .
  11. I were mystified at the price difference between the 2 guns. I think the big difference be that Middlesex ships guns with vent drilled and ready to fire. A bit more restriced fer where they kin be shippin' to, but I hate ta wait ta use me new toys.
  12. What a grand little squint! Health ta all. And ye should make speaks with Silverbeard and Scarlet about the happinin' when the wee one has pyrates fer gran's. Grandma...barely out o' smalls yerself....
  13. I were pressed by Wm. Kidd after years of workin' with actors as well as fer Arms dealers and Tavern keepers. We keeps it historical with fictional characters (the best pyrates were the ones ye never heard of). Like the true Gentlemen of Fortune we are, we be whatever we is paid ta be. Beside, what other profession is there where ye kin be "invited" ta consume alcohol, tobacco and discharge firearms whilst threatin' the locals and "pilfer, pillage and plunder yer weasely black guts out"? Very hard to say "no" to.
  14. Favorite Sailor's Song: Sailor's Rest by Stan Rogers Favority Chanty: Leave her Johnny Favorite Song: Land o' the Leal
  15. Feathers in yer 'at. What kinda fop be ye? Though I has seen herself wrap 'er 'at with a silk scarf and fill the crown with danties... The Lt. and meself are all fer the wearin' of 'em personally. The time ye loses at the Custom's house is more'n made up fer by the partin' o' the crowds as ye makes yer way ta boardin' The last 2 times we come back from bein' on the account, we was too busy showin' off our toys and tackle ta declare our booty!
  16. I gots meself a wool frock, and it be of lighter 11oz vs. a 16oz wool. I agrees with Hawkins in that most times it just be in the way, but I has never sweated an abnormal amount while wearin' it. Not even when takin' me vows.
  17. Stealin from a Pyrate just be plain idiotic. Stealin from our Merry just be plain deadly. Does ye think the blood'll wash out?
  18. Does ye wants the list o' survivors or just ta has us book the dead? And that go fer the battle as well?
  19. I be makin' me best effort ta be there. Nary a promise however.
  20. Another source that I plunder fer lyrics and the basic tune be: http://www.contemplator.com/sea/index.html An we change as we sees fit ta fit the crew o' F. M. O. S.
  21. Bein' a larger than "average' man, I kin tells ye that ye wears what ye kin find what fits. If'n it be bright an' shiny, oh well. Reminds me of claims that the USSR was providing the IRA with weapons because of a photo of a cadre with AK's and RPG's. The IRA claimed that the Russians must be suppling the Afgans with weapons because of a picture of a Muhajadin with an RPG's and AK's. Ye use what ye kin get!
  22. Well Hawk, ti be me pleasure ta shares with ye the advice I gots when I took a most comley lass out fer a most formal date called "The Junior Prom" "Son, I expect her home at the time you promised to have her here and in the same condition she was in when she left. Any Questions?" I think I just be havin' it printed up an' posted ta the main hatch.
  23. captscurvyscrew has got the right of it. Just tell her ta be herself in the free society o' them what is in the sweet trade. That part of her what is a pyrate will come ta the surface in good time.. The Almighty knows that be what happened with me, and me crew has been tryin' ta stuff it back down ever since!
  24. Oh...brings a tear ta me eye it do. Such a sight and nary a Union Jack in view . . . .
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