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Evil Tiny

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Everything posted by Evil Tiny

  1. Ahoy! I be called Tiny and I'm the B'osun of a fine group o' men and women on the account called Free Men O' the Sea, led by the fine and gallent gentleman, Cpt. William Kidd!. I been with them fer 4 years and we been pillagin' from Halifax ta New York in the time I been with them. We've been Pirates, Privateers and even Royal Marines Irregulars, dependin' on who got the most coin fer us. We sings fer our supper as well as doing Steel and powder demonstrations. I never ceases ta be amazed how a few well place coins manages ta keep me outa the gaol and walkin' the streets. Evil Tiny "Why Yes, as a matter of fact, I am bloodthirstier than thou. Why do you ask?"
  2. I've run both Pyrodex and Black Powder. BP is cheaper out here on the East coast and they both require the same cleaning. We have found some "Anti-fouling" powder that we will be trying in small arms first. I'll try to keep folk informed as we move up in caliber. Evil Tiny Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am bloodthirstier than thou!
  3. My Second Mate an myself have been using Starfire Swords Cutlass' for the last three years against Museum Reps and other Starfire with minor nicks that you expect with stage combat weapons. I didn't see the cutlass listed on their website at my last visit, but you can contact them about availability. A little pricey, but lifetime guarantee!
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