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Everything posted by CaptainB

  1. Watching PoTC 3 while at work... A great way to earn my paycheck!

  2. Welcome aboard mate!
  3. Tis a fine bit o' fun mate, canna hardly wait ta read more!
  4. I be drinkin' a tot o' Pyrate XO, slightly warmed. Tis a fine companion for a late holiday pipe o' traditional cavandish.
  5. Cap'n Bellamy be wishin' all ye fine scallywags a merry holiday seaon! May yer haul o' swag be bountiful, an' yer tables full o' fine foods!

  6. Iffin yer offer still be good, I'll get me garb together an' take a few photos fer ye ta take yer pic from!
  7. Countin' down the hours til I leave work. A toast I'll raise ta ya'll who be headin' ta work soon.

  8. This warm cocoa be missin' sumthin'... A touch o' rum would be nice.

  9. I make port in NE Oklahoma, where we scallywags be few an' far between.
  10. Waiting for my shift to end, I need sleep

  11. So, I be a wonderin', be there any pyrates, buccaneers, or other unsavory characters holed up in Oklahoma? I got plenty o' room on me roster fer a few worthy souls...
  12. Greetin's all, I be Captain Bellamy, or Cap'n B fer short. I be a rum swillin' scallywag from a landlocked state (fortunately, we got more than enough lakes to sail upon). Iffin' anyone be havin' questions, feel free ta scrawl a post.
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