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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. The Aubrey–Maturin series 7th book The Surgens Mate.....Not 17th Century but I'm enjoying the series........
  2. Happy belated birthday Captian Jim.....A day late & Doublem short
  3. Happy Birthday 'Ol Sawbones....'ope it's a good one
  4. Merry Natal Day Mr. Matt.................Mat it be full of Rum & Winches!
  5. I might be interested in the Pirata hat. PM me & I'll give you my email so I can get some pics.
  6. Happy birthday Lass...... hope it brings you all you wish...
  7. Happy birthday Lass...... hope it brings you all you wish...
  8. Happy belated Natal Day to you!!
  9. Merry Natal Day Mr. Hook!
  10. Happy Birthday capn'rob....Many more for ye....... ye 'ol Sea Dog!
  11. Gentleman of Fortune, "Keep em Coming! You guys are inspiring me to do an update of wwww.gentlemenoffortune.com It probably hasn't changed in 3-5 years. Sigh.... where has the time gone!" I'm sure all would like to see that continued, I know that I, myself would. Anyone else?
  12. Happy Birthday Mr. Braze. Happy drink'n, wench'n tonight!
  13. Happy Birthday from across the pond...Hoist a pint to Grymm!
  14. Merry Natal Day to the one & only Gentleman of Fortune.....Been away too long Greg!
  15. Mission will this help? http://pyracy.com/index.php?/gallery/image/6731-ship-3/ http://pyracy.com/pub_gallery/gallery/album_414/gallery_11477_414_110381.gif http://pyracy.com/pub_gallery/gallery/album_414/gallery_11477_414_350945.jpg
  16. peglegstrick


    Random Rabbits
  17. peglegstrick

    ship 3

    From the album: Rabbits

  18. peglegstrick


    From the album: Rabbits

  19. Looks like kasenit has been discontinued but there is a product called Cherry Red Surface Hardening Compound that Midway gun supply sells. Don't know if it's as good as Kasenit or not. Hope this helps.
  20. And not every Pirate was missing a eye, a arm or a leg...............then again...........
  21. Glad to 'ave te Mate.....can allways use abother scribe!
  22. Happy Birthday Captain Midnight ..............Many more for ye Commodore
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