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Everything posted by peglegstrick

  1. What ye be asking for them Mate? $75......sorry didnt see that at first!
  2. Salmagundi .... more stuf in it to eat................. Jamacan Jerked or Barbeque
  3. I guess mine would have to be "Listing to Port"
  4. As in tradewinds....................... trade
  5. Well Done Sir.
  6. ........Naw I aint going there............ Wings
  7. I'd have to pick Backstay.........Me peg gets tangled in the Ratlines!! Running backstay or permanent backstay
  8. Welcome aboard Matthew.....I also did the Civil War reenacting for years. Had to stop, could'nt ride a horse as well as I used too. Lots of info here....... ye came to the right place. Dig & learn....I'm doing the same. PeglegStrick
  9. Looks like there would be room for a couple of cannons Mr. Grymm .
  10. Now that is sweet .......... Looks good, the bronze & patina made the details pop
  11. The craftsmanship put into these pieces is amazing. It is shuch a shame that type of fit & finish is not done today. Thanks for posting these Korisios.......Please post more
  12. What ever happened to jamesorcas? Was enjoying his Youtube vidios of his schooner coming together. I'd like to see more
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