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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. ^ Varies... some need to be dressed out a certain way, the 18thC tavern room for instance... the library, on the other hand, land o' books and knicknacks < trailing... can you catch me? I'm the early bird. V have many books?
  2. touche... however... while I don't have evidence, I'd like to think she could still have those perfectly red lips AND wear hiking boots, plaid shirt, etc. :)
  3. If I'm not mistaken, she either cracks or at least comes close to cracking at least once while attempting to do what she is there to do. Odd that you should say that, since I had just re-watched War Stories that evening. For most of this exercise, I put myself in Mal's shoes, since I identify with him. Zoe is my right hand man. My war buddy. I don't see Zoe as anything other than that. Besides, she's taken. Kinda goes against my odd sense of duty to my fellow guy. Hence, I need her to be keepin' her eye on the ship, and not gettin' all dreamy-eyed over me. Sure, I'd be flattered, but "gorramit Kaylee, don't go gettin' a crush on me when Serenity needs you more!" I think she'd feel the same way. But, as I said, putting myself in Mal's shoes... I ain't crew. I'm the captain. Love it how he just walks right into her shuttle.
  4. ^ Having walked into a few when house hunting, I gotta admit they were much coller than I would have otherwise expected. < Time to sing... Are you sleeping? Are you sleeping? Jennifer. Jennifer... V If you had the day off today, what would you do?
  5. From conversations on the PB forum I'm fairly certain her intent is to go to RFIII. As a vendor of patterns for at least 8 different eras, I believe we would all agree it is a wise business decision on her part.
  6. If we only had 26 hours in a day... but then something else "that had to be done" would fill in those extra 2 hours. I have only weighed myself once since this whole shebang started. I wasn't not particularly happy... but then, it was during The Food Network's chocolate week! So what should I expect? When you began this, did you mind scream at you to get up and do something else, anything else? Mind did. It doesn't now. That's victory number one. Building the mental state.
  7. As Patrick says, we had no plans on doing PiP, and fwiw, I feel like a scrub for not coming. I would really like to be able to support you folks with men and firepower. For the record, PiP is an event I have always wanted to do (especially considering its proximity to my birthday... who could pass up a drunken pirate birthday!). But alas, it just is not written in the cards for this year. Someday, yes. This year, no.
  8. Sounds like another thread... you are LOST, who do you hang with? Seems to me I may have started a LOST thread a year or two ago...
  9. Last time I wore my First Maryland Regiment revwar stuff... filming an IMAX movie in St Marys City. Busted back to the rank of private! Cocked hats and bright sun do not mix well...
  10. If I may, a bit of explanation. I believe River, based on those brief glimpses we see of her in the past or under the right medication, would be an interesting person to talk to. Attraction has elements of not only physical connectedness, but emotional/intellectual connectedness as well. Kaylee is sweet and kind, all worthy traits, but I doubt she and I would have much in common. Ok, if you get Inara I guess I'll settle for Saffron. And while I ain't sly, I'm waiting to Duchess to start her Mal or Jayne or The Skipper or Gilligan thread.
  11. Thinking on this some more, I believe I'd actually place River (sans knife or gun ) above Kaylee... ps - glad you ladies agree.
  12. I agree. After Mal, his character was the one I could most easily identify with.
  13. Fwiw... if you plan on watching it, DON'T watch the feature film first. I think you will lose alot if you do. If you like the clever use of words and witty dialogue being bandied about by interesting characters, this show is for you. If you liked Barney Miller... then you have to watch it to see Ron Glass play a character quite different from Harris! :)
  14. Interesting... ok, I'll bite. I have a couple ways of looking at this. From a pragmatic point of view, Mary Ann and Kaylee both have a certain appeal because, on the surface, they seem to be the type of girl that doesn't take an hour+ every day to just put on some makeup. They both appear to be relatively low maintainence types. However, ignoring outward appearance and looking deeper into the character, I don't believe Kaylee compares well to Mary Ann. Sure, they are both the girl next door, but when the chips fall, I know Kaylee is going freeze. When I need someone to watch my back, I think Mary Ann has enough farm girl gumption in her to be able to make a stand. Kaylee, she breaks under pressure. Thus, I'm going with Mary Ann and Inara. Inara, by a long sea mile the most beautiful of the four, is not only beautiful on the outside, but on the inside as well. She has inner strength, focus, poise, grace and most important of all, self confidence! And... when Reavers are bustin' at my airlock, I know Inara will make a stand and fight alongside of me.
  15. Of what sort? What's your plan to get over it? As for me, I don't even believe I've started up the hill yet, much less reached a plateau.
  16. ^ back in the day it used to be painting 25/28mm lead miniatures; now, I'm not really sure... researching weird stuff I suppose < Shouldn't drink three mojitos then try to shovel 4" of ice in the dark V Did you get something special for Valentines?
  17. Huzzah! And hey, even if it didn't, I've got 4 inches of sleet to shovel when I get home!
  18. I'm not worried about CW reenactors. The Pirate Brethren is composed of people who have reenacted practically every time period that has been reenacted, from Roman to WWII. If anything, sounds like the perfect place to do some recruiting! If the discussion on the Pirate Brethren forum is any indication, sounds like we are going to turn out in force. :)
  19. that sounds like the kind of system I would really like, which is odd, because usually I hate systematic approaches... now my dilemma... does cleaning four inches of sleet off of my suv count as exercise...???
  20. ^ Kids, potential for recruits can't be overlooked!!! < Wants his kids to reenact someday V Have kids? If not, want them?
  21. One of my favorite period tunes... Jenny Pluck Pears
  22. ^ I believe I'm rather... unique... < Has been told by the video store clerk that I look like Charlie Sheen. I'm hoping that was the Ferris Bueller Charlie Sheen as opposed to the older porned out idiot that lost Denise Richards Charlie Sheen. V When they film your life who is going to get the lead role?
  23. I've been evoked... who dares awake me from my ancient slumber? Oh... hi Mark. Yes, those first two are classic threads to be sure! Could someone define reading? I think I'm getting to the point where I have more books half-finished than I do half-finished painting projects! Last book purchased... Lionel Wafer, A New Voyage and Description of the Isthmus of America. Last book borrowed from the library here... Dampier's A New Voyage Round the World. Last book I read from front to back... uhhh... wow... I'm drawing a blank. I know I read at least one book last year. I'll have to dig through the library to see if I can figure out what it was. I've been thinking of re-reading With Fire and Sword. At over 1000 pages it is a task not to be undertaken lightly.
  24. Wow Tom, that is sooo very cool! If I was in your neighborhood I'd be right there with you! Yeah, I'm the kind of guy that will stop at the side of the road to help a turtle get across... I gave the exercise a rest yesterday... gotta take a break sometimes... though I did make brownies the other night, so I should've done twice the exercising!
  25. Interesting way of doing it... let us know how well it works! Damn... chocolate week on The Food Network. I'm going to have to exercise twice as much...
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