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Everything posted by blackjohn

  1. Or so the old-timers tell me.
  2. Fake clocking on the outside. No fake clocking on the inside. That's too bad. But thanks for checking!
  3. As far as I recall, they were smooth, with a dimple or depression on the bottom to keep them from rolling about freely.
  4. Ok, worked that time.
  5. I get nuttin'. Just a white screen. Now, if I change that to www.piratefestival.com, it shunts me off to a forum at: http://www.renaissancefestival.com/communi...asp?FORUM_ID=62 Is that where the other link was supposed to take me? Or am I missing something. Btw, I tried it in both IE and Firefox with the same results.
  6. Probably maybe depending on who you ask. That is what I mean. I am just looking for a general day. Like what time they were called "Up hammocks"? What time they ate breakfast and dinner? You know that sort of thing. I have "Two years before the Mast" and will be reading it. I will see what that has to say. I was flipping through a book the other day that you may find of value. The title is Steering to Glory: A Day in the Life of a Ship of the Line. One caveat, the era covered is Napoleonic, so some (many? most?) of the practices may have changed in the 100 years between.
  7. Maria... thanks. Craziest price I ever paid for a reenacting book was $100 for a book of illustrations of uniforms worn by Frederick the Great's army. Greg... great minds think alike. Hurricane... yes, that's a classic. Remind me to kick myself in the arse if I don't buy a copy now that it is back in print!
  8. Looks pretty neat. So for $50, do I get at least 50% useful material? I ask, because it seems to me most books of that nature skip our period, and head from the Restoration straight to the F&I (or Rev) like nothing even happened in the beginning of the century.
  9. Pirate moralists... Fascinating...
  10. Aye, I'm in the same plight as ye, mate. . . . that be PyrateCon weekend and m'pyrate brethren and m'self will be pillagin' in New Orleans all weekend. I'm supporting the home team for a change. I've skipped this event in the past because it always conflicted with something. This year, some members of the Pirate Brethren, including myself, were planning on filling out the ranks of the Austrian army at the Siege of Vienna 1683 camp at Marching through Time that day. However, when presented with this, the crew was swayed. So look for us there.
  11. So now we know who the trouble-makers are... Donning my fedora, leather jacket, and picking up my bullwhip, and misquoting Indiana Jones, "Yankees fans, I hate those guys." Rogue, I think my price has just gone up by another rum.
  12. As an aside, your actions at that event left a lasting impression. You took that hit so nicely he still talks about it to this day.
  13. It gives us something safe to talk about other than the weather.
  14. You've chosen a good one. My friend and Pirate Brethren founding father Jim Rockwell used to sail on her. He told me he lost 60 pounds while aboard. I was like, "Jim, whoa." It was pretty amazing.
  15. Make it two rums, since I'll have to ditch an event already scheduled for that day.
  16. I bet he was taking kickbacks or owned stock in a metal hoop making business. On the subject of tents... seems to me like there's no one true way. Hey, now that I think about it, I don't believe there's one true way for any of this stuff!
  17. Free rum! In that case, count me in!
  18. That first link was to a place selling them... as it turns out not too far from where I work!!!
  19. Key West 1250 miles, or Baltimore 12 miles... Can we just split the difference and meet in Charleston?
  20. We aren't quite so lucky here in Maryland. I think too over the years too many idiots have spoiled a good thing. For instance, back in the 80s you could carry weapons to cons and so on no questions asked. Now... not the case. And I agree... pirates and weapons go hand in hand. Or maybe in just one hand, because you need the other for a bottle of rum.
  21. Heathen! Just joking... but I'll never pass up a chance to call someone heathen. I understand. If it was an exact repro, down to the springs, it probably wouldn't keep good time. When I saw this one you were the first person I thought of... http://watchismo.blogspot.com/search/label.../memento%20mori
  22. Or how about this one... http://watchismo.blogspot.com/2007/10/clea...watch-from.html Clearly evil... ha!
  23. Hey's this is Plunder, does it have to be?!? In concept, yes. This particular one looks a little more fancy than the one I have seen, and I'm not sure he claims it to be an exact reproduction. He links to one that does look close. http://www.taftmuseum.org/CC-Sept2002.htm But in either case, I agree. Too cool for words.
  24. Ok, in all seriousness I can understand the problem with weapons in crowded spaces mixed with the possibility of alcohol consumption... for the public at large. Thus, if we are being invited to attend as "the public at large" that's one thing. However, if we are being invited to attend as reenactors, that's another thing. So Crimson, are you saying you are looking for reenactors to fill out your numbers, or are you letting us know there's a pirate festival in Baltimore, and we're invited to come see it?
  25. Make sure you aren't late to the next event... http://www.alanfurman.com/noframes/skullwatch.html#cc
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