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Everything posted by DeviousDi

  1. That ain't what I heard he was doin' with that horse!
  2. DeviousDi

    Devious Di

    From the album: Devious Di

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  3. A tip o' the hat to ye Lady B. Brethren indeed be closest t' me. Gertie be a prairie 'n' a mountain range t' the west but Brethren be within raidin' distance so they'll be hearin' from ol' Devious Di
  4. Well laddies, that'd be a long story ..... but it'll be a few hours a'fore the tide turns so ...... I be descended from a long line of mariners on both sides 'n' grew up on the boats and wharfs of the upper Great Lakes where I captained me first ship in my twentieth year. I went west with the frontier in search of adventure and opportunities. I did a stint as a mule skinner, and turned me hand to a little robbery - trains, banks, whatever looked promising (Cowboy Action Shooting). More recently I ended up Captain of the Enterprise sailing Lake of the Woods (bordering Manitoba, Ontario, and Minnesota) And while riding at anchor in my home port, I watched the same passenger ship sail by on a regular schedule, all loaded down with gentry with gold in their pockets and nary a soldier or guard on board. With such easy pickin's who wouldn't turn to piracy! Nope, just me 'n' my hound. (The last husband walked the plank some years ago at the point of a cutlass LOL!) Lookin' fer a crew and I rekon that's better than family.
  5. WOW! FLASH-BACK! The early 1970's, Hippies, LSD, whacky-baccie ..... who said the Hippie days were gone!
  6. Aye, too big 'n' too small! I prefer my own (1/3 scale) 6 Pounder. She'll put a 1" ball through 7" of solid oak ..... just need to make a naval carriage so I can make 'er a bow gun (For scale, the wheels are 20" diameter)
  7. The north west part of the lake
  8. I didn't know there was another one. I was referring to the large Lake of the Woods that borders on Minnesota, Manitoba, and Ontario.
  9. Shush, not so loud! Ye never know what ears may be lurkin' I am formerly out of the Great Lakes and now captain a ship on Lake of the Woods - I'll not say where I lurk but it's in the northwest . I often see a passenger-laden ship of some size, the kind that carries gentry with gold in their purse. I know where she calls port, I know where she sails and I know when. Being of an enterprising bent, she's awful tempting but there's only one of me. There's them aboard what can be bought to not put up too much of a fight but I'm still out-numbered a hundred to one, which is might stiff, even fer me. I offer fair share to any seaman and any other captains and crew what would throw in to pick this plum! [seriously, I DO sail Lake of the Woods and would like to arrange 'a pirate raid' on the M.S. Kenora as a charity fund-raiser.] If'n ye be of a mind, ya know where to find me.
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